I thought I had lost you - LotR - Boromir x Reader

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Boromir stood, watching out over the city. The air filled with flowers and their heady scent. Aragorn had been crowned king. Now he was wed to the love of his life, and Boromir had never felt more alone. He had never felt this low, or that he no longer belong in the city that he had always called home, anymore. His malaise drowning him as he thought about her. How she hadn't come back to him as she had promised. She swore that despite what her brother and father may think, she would be his in Gondor when Frodo had returned the ring to Mordor. When the world was no longer under the cloud of Sauron and his evil. Yet she had still not joined him. And despite Aragorn's and Legolas' reassurances that she would be at the great city for the wedding, (Y/n) was nowhere to be seen. And Boromir was lost.

Their relationship had not begun well. (Y/n) had offered her bow and sword to Frodo just as her brother had, despite Legolas' attempts to dissuade her. And from the first moment it was obvious to Boromir that the stunning pale haired elleth, did not like him. Did not trust him. Yet the Captain of the White Tower was captivated by the exquisite princess. His heart violently beating against its bony confines whenever she was close. The son of Gondor forgetting how to breath whenever she would smile at the antics of Merry and Pippin.

He had asked Aragorn about her as the two would sit around the fire. His eyes firmly fixed on the elleth as she sat by her brother's side. (Y/n) singing softly as she and Legolas fixed their arrows. The hobbits cheerfully sitting by her other side, listening as her beautiful voice split the silence of the night.

"Legolas tells me that she is more like their mother." Aragorn had begun, pushing the weed tighter into his pipe.

"Yet I know that there is much of her father in her too." The ranger continued, as Boromir remained transfixed. His eyes seeing through the flames to the ethereal creature beyond.

"She was at the Battle of the Five Armies with her father and their people. When Thranduil refused to fight any longer, (Y/n) fought on with Legolas. She helped Bard and the people of Lake Town as they made their way to Dale. She met Frodo's uncle, Bilbo, and remained to pay respects to the fallen line of Durin. When Gandalf sent Legolas to look for me, she remained in Dale to assist Bard and his people to rebuild, but she returned to be with her father in Mirwood, a short while later. Yet soon she grew disillusioned with life in the forest, and came to find her brother and myself. She's as quick as Legolas. As agile and quiet as any elf that I have met. And I swear that she could hear a mouse breath, a league away, if she so wanted. She's a gifted healer. And is as good with a bow and sword as any other of her kind. She can be a little cold, but once she warms to you, she is quite different. She has a good, kind heart. And I am sure that quite a passion beats under that cool exterior." Aragorn explained. Boromir not sure whether the elleth would ever warm to him, as he caught (Y/n)'s eyes through the fire. The flame in her orbs glowing brighter than the light in the hearth.

"But why does she hate me? I have done nothing to her. I don't think." Boromir had bemoaned. The steward prince wracking his thoughts for anything that he could have done, or said to either elf, to make the Mirkwood princess so cold.

"She is Thranduil's daughter. She can be as dismissive and emotionless as he is. But Legolas told me that she has always had an eye for mortal man. I heard that her desire fell on the boat man, and he desired her in return. Even before the dwarves took back Erebor there had been rumours that the two knew one another well. But Thranduil would not allow the match, stating that no Sindar princess would ever marry a mortal man. Especially not a simple boat man that had nothing to offer but a hovel on a lake, and three children. Yet now, now she pays little heed to her father's wishes. Just like Legolas. So perhaps she doesn't actually dislike you. Perhaps her eye has now fallen on you." Aragorn had gone on. Chuckling as he puffed on his pipe. Boromir coughing embarrassedly, as he tried to fight off the blush that he could feel rising to his cheeks. The son of Gondor not sure that the looks that the exquisite elleth was giving him, would ever be anything other than dislike.

It had not been until he had tried to save Merry and Pippin from the orc, that (Y/n)'s feelings towards him appeared to have changed. The elleth's gift with healing herbs preventing Boromir from dying from his wounds. While she had nursed him back to health, she had fallen in love with the High Warden of the White Tower. The two proving inseparable, much to her brother's chagrin, until Gandalf had sent her away on her own quest. A quest that she had sworn to return from when she was done. A quest that she had sworn would not keep them apart. That this time she would not be denied the man she loved.

Yet here he was. Alone. More alone than he had ever felt. And she had not kept her promise. The ring that he had acquired to place on her finger so that she would be his until the day his mortal body was no more, burning a hole in his pocket as rolled it around and around between his fingers. His heart breaking as his soul finally began to come to terms with the fact that he had lost his love, forever.

"Hello, son of Gondor. I hear that you have missed me." A soft voice suddenly said from behind him. Boromir turning on his heels to find himself staring at his elleth princess. His eyes growing wide as she seemed to glow in the afternoon sun that streamed through the window. His heart skipping a beat as she smiled lovingly at him.

"I am sorry that it took me so long to return, my love. But I had to ensure that Frodo sailed safely to the Undying Lands. He was tired and had suffered much. He deserved to be rewarded for all he had been through. So, now my quest is done. And I have returned to you as I swore. Now tell me, Boromir. Do you still love me as much as I still love you?" (Y/n) asked, her eyes glistening as tears formed in the corners of her beautiful pale blue orbs.

Suddenly she was in his arms. Boromir holding her tight, fearing that if he let her go, she would vanish into thin air, and he would find that this was nothing more than a beautiful dream.

"I thought that I had lost you, (Y/n). I thought that I would never see you again. I thought that my life would end without you in it. I love you more than I thought I could love anyone, my princess. Desire, need and want you more than life itself. And if you can love a mortal man, I want you to be mine until I pass into the next life. Be my bride, (Y/n). Be mine until my end." Boromir told her. Pulling the ring from his pocket and presenting it to his lady. Her smile growing wide as slipped the golden circle onto her finger. Boromir knowing that soon, Gondor would be celebrating yet another marriage. And that this time, the streets would be filled with flowers for he and his elleth princess. 

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