Eye of the beholder - GoT - Tyrion x Reader

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With a heavy sigh, Tyrion poured himself another goblet of wine. His eyes going back to his refection in the large mirror in his room. Whores! No wonder he could only get whores. No wonder it was only women that he had to pay, that would give him the time of day. No wonder no self-respecting woman would even look his way. After all, what lady of good name and good repute would ever pay him any mind. Would want to be associated with him. He was the imp. The half man. The dwarf of Casterly Rock. Hated by his own father. Despised by his own sister. A child that had killed his own mother at birth. But all that didn't mean that he didn't hope. That he didn't hope that there was one lady. One lady of fine name and reputation that would be able to see past what he was.

(Y/n). She was the daughter of an old friend of his fathers. A young woman that had been sent to the capital in hopes that she could attract the eye of an eligible lord. And from the moment that they had been introduced, Tyrion was sure that he finally knew what love felt like. What love looked like.

She was everything he wasn't. She was a child loved dearly by her parents. A young woman that was elegant and beautiful. That seemed to bring a brightness to the otherwise dark city and Keep. Her smile. Her hair that fell in soft waves over a pair of delicate shoulders. The mischievous sparkle in her eyes, already catching the attention of a number of men in the castle. Men whom Tyrion was sure would be looked upon more favourably by the lady. Yet still he hoped.

With another heavy sigh, Tyrion got down from his chair and looked at himself fully. He had often said that the only reason that he was alive, was because he had been born a Lannister. If he had been born a no one, he would probably have been left for the elements to deal with. Left for the animals to dispose of. Yet here he was, dressed in the finest clothes that Lannister gold could buy. A man that was well fed and watered. A man that prided himself on his intelligence. But still he would always be what he was. A dwarf.

Normally he wouldn't think like this. Normally he wore what he was like armour, so that it could never be used to hurt him. Yet sometimes, in his darkest hours, he had to admit that it still hurt. That all the names, the derogatory comments from his family and others, would get to him. But he would never let them know that. He would never let them see. Would never let them know that what they said or did could make its way through his armour.

Slowly, he moved over to the table and poured himself another glass of wine. The little lord hoping that after another few drinks, he would be able to take his off all of this. Off the beautiful woman that had made him think to begin with. But if it couldn't take his mind from her, perhaps it would help him with his fantasises of her.


(Y/n) made her way through the Keep. She had to speak to him. She had waited far too long to say something. Far too long to tell him how she felt and how she hoped that he might feel the same.

She had hated the idea of coming to the city. Hated the idea that she was being sent there to try and find herself a husband. But what could she say? She was more than an age to marry. Her parents had never been the types to force her into a marriage that she didn't want, to a man that she didn't even know. So, at least they were giving her an opportunity to find a man that she might like, might love. Yet she would never have imagined that out of all the men in the Red Keep, her eye would fall in him. (Y/n) not sure what her parents would say if this all went as she hoped. But she didn't care. They had sent her to the capital in order for her to find a man that she liked. And for good or bad, she had found one.

From the moment that she had met Tyrion Lannister, she had been fascinated by him. Despite the fact that she knew what he was; Seven Hells, she doubted that there was a single person in the whole of Westeros that didn't know about Tywin Lannister's youngest son. Yet his stature had not been the first thing that she had noticed about him. In fact, it had been the last. It had been his eyes that had first caught her attention. His smile. It was the way that he spoke and all the things that he knew. And as her stay in the capital had become longer, her feelings for the youngest lion had grown. Grown to a point that she finally had to say something. To a point where she had to find out whether he might feel the same.

Suddenly she stopped. Her heart beating a little faster, as she looked at his door. Sure, that she had never felt this nervous in her life, as she raised her hand and knocked. The lady taking a deep breath before slowly pushing on the ingress, as she heard Tyrion bid her enter.


Tyrion's eyes grew wide, as he bid his visitor enter and saw (Y/n) slowly poke her head around the door. The little lord not sure why the lady would be calling on him, but not caring. Tyrion not about to turn down the opportunity to spend some time with the lady that had captured his heart.

"Lady..............Lady (Y/n). How...........how can I help you?" Tyrion asked, as she moved a little further into his room and closed the door behind her.

"Lord Tyrion. I............I was hoping to ask your advice on a matter?" (Y/n) explained. A broad smile gracing her lips, as the little man nodded and gestured for her to take a seat.

"Of course, my lady. I would only be too happy to help you in any way that you might need................" Tyrion replied. Sure, that he could hear his heart thunder in his chest, as she took a seat. Her beautiful smile sending his mind racing.

"I am sure you know that my parents sent me to the capital in order to find myself a suitor....................?"

"Yes...........yes............I am aware............."

"Well...........well I believe that I might have found someone. A man that I hope might possibly feel something for me. And........as I am not too experienced in these matters. I was hoping that you might be able to advise me?" (Y/n) told him. Tyrion sure that with her words, he could feel his heart break. He knew that it was only a matter of time before she found herself someone. But he had hoped that it would take a little longer. That the two of them would be able to get to spend more time together, before some unworthy man stole her away from him.

"Of course. If you think that I could be of assistance, I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can..............."

"Thank you, my lord. Um............I was wondering if, if as a lady, it would be fitting for me to approach the gentleman in question. Would be appropriate for me to tell him that I find him the most fascinating, wonderful, sweet, kind and handsome man that I have ever met. That I hoped he might possibly feel the same for me. That I love him, and I would give anything to find myself in his arms.................." (Y/n) told him. Tyrion now sure that his heart had shattered into a million tiny pieces. Pieces that nothing could bring back together. The youngest lion doing his best to not let the pain show, as he smiled at her.

"I think that any man would be more than happy for you to tell him how you feel, my lady. It isn't every day that a woman as beautiful as you comes along. And any man that would turn you away, is not a man worth having." Tyrion managed to reply. The breath catching in his throat, as he watched her slowly get to her feet.

"Thank you, my lord..............." (Y/n) began. Another smile pulling at her lips, as she carefully dropped to her knees so that she could look at Tyrion properly in the eye.

"Tyrion Lannister........... I find you the most fascinating, wonderful, sweet, kind and handsome man that I have ever met. And I hope that you might possibly feel the same for me. I.......find myself falling more and more in love with you every day, and would give anything to be in your arms for the rest of my days." The lady continued, as she took his hand. Tyrion's eyes growing wide as he looked at her.

"M-m-me................? But why would you? Look at me.........I am the imp......."

"I am looking at you Tyrion. And what I see is the most wonderful man in the world. The most handsome of men. I have thought that since the day I met you. And despite everything, despite how the world and others treat you; despite how you might think of yourself, I love you. You make me smile. Make me laugh. Make me believe in myself and have showed me how to be strong. So............could you..........might you possibly feel something for me................?" (Y/n) interrupted. The breath being taken from her, as she suddenly found herself in his arm. His lips on hers, as he held her close. Tyrion finding himself finally believing that beauty actually is on the eye of the beholder. And that he would never let his beauty leave his side again. 

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