I hate you; I love you - Avengers - Clint Barton x Reader

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Tony and Bruce looked at one another as the sound of raised voices once again resounded through the halls of the tower, the two men rolling their eyes and shaking their heads as the sound of a slamming door echoed through the building.

This was nothing new, in fact it had become quite commonplace for the shouts, screams and bangs to break the silence that normally surrounded the tower, especially when most of the team was out on a mission.

"What is it with those two? I just don't understand it. When your sister first got here Clint seemed to take her under his wing, now it seems like he is going out of his way to upset her every chance he gets." Tony groaned to Bruce, as he heard Clint's angry voice shout for (Y/n) to come back and finish their argument.

Doctor (Y/n) Banner was Bruce's younger sister and was as gifted intellectually as he was. She was an expert in human mutation, an interest that was more than just intellectual curiosity, for unlike her brother whose abilities had gained by his exposure to gamma radiation, (Y/n) had been born with the ability to control technology with just her mind.

To begin with SHIELD had seen (Y/n) as a possible threat, despite Bruce being her brother. Her ability to manipulate and control, even from great distances, anything from a mobile phone to the most complicated computer systems, artificial intelligence, and robotics, had caused Fury and others a great deal of concern, her capability of being able to mentally hack into the most secure sites, there's being one of them, proving that if the younger woman ever fell into the wrong hands, that she could have been a very powerful weapon; but as her brother had vouched for her, Fury had decided that it was better to keep such a commodity as close as possible, granting the gifted doctor a place amongst the ranks of the Avengers.

"I am not here to save your ass every time you go and get yourself in trouble Clint Barton. I am not your personal bodyguard, and even if I was, you are big enough and ugly enough to look after yourself." (Y/n) shouted as she stormed into the labs where Tony and Bruce were working, the younger woman not seeming to notice the two men.

"That's funny. Because you are the last person I would ever call on if I was in trouble. I am more than capable of looking after myself, and I definitely don't need your help, I would trust my bow over you any day. I don't even know why Fury let you become one of us, it's not like you're any good." Clint growled, as he stomped into the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Why you conceited, arrogant, pig headed asshole. The next time you're getting shot at by robots, or need to hack into a computer remotely, I'm going to let you take care of yourself. And if you want to prove whether your bow or I am more useful to the team, just let me know, because I will have one of Tony's suits in here shooting your ass before you can even get one of your arrows on its drawstring." (Y/n) bellowed, as she and Clint stood toe to toe, glaring at one another.

"That's it, that's all I ever hear. Tony this, Tony that. I am sick of hearing about the old tin can. Anyone would think that you two were an item. Well, I hope you two are happy together." Clint continued, rubbing his cheek as (Y/n) brought up her hand and slapped him across the face.

"Is that right? Well I am sick of hearing about how wonderful Natasha is. How she can fight, how she can kick anyone's ass. I'm sick of you gushing over how goddamn perfect she is. Now get out of my lab before you get a repulsor ray somewhere you wouldn't like." (Y/n) yelled, as she stomped off into her own lab, and Clint stomped back out into the corridor.

"Well, that was highly informative." Tony chuckled, as he turned back to his work, cringing slightly as he heard the sound of breaking test tubes from the other lab.

"What do you mean. Its sounds to me like they just hate one another." Bruce said, pushing his glasses up his nose as he turned to look at his friend.

"I seriously need to get you out from behind that microscope of yours more often." Tony chuckled again, as he slapped his friend on the back.

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