Could we speak? - LotR - Boromir x Aragorn x Reader

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Boromir hadn't been happy. In fact, he hadn't been happy since he had discovered that the woman that currently sat with the hobbits as they rested in Lothlórien, would be joining them on their mission. And it hadn't mattered who he had voiced his displeasure to, who he had tried to convince that such a quest was no place for a woman, neither elf, man nor wizard had agreed. The Lord, the Ranger and the Istar simply stating that there was more to her than met the eye and she would be accompanying them, and that was it. And even though she had not held them back, he had still believed that she would eventually. The Captain of the White Tower just waiting for the moment when he would be proved right.

When he had first seen her in Rivendell, speaking with the daughter of Lord Elrond, he had presumed her to be, if not another daughter of the peredhel, at the least another high-born elleth. The oldest son of the Steward of Gondor taken by how quite exquisite she was; and how, to his eyes at least, she had even outshone the Evenstar, herself. Boromir smiling and bowing respectfully, as she had looked over to him; the man feeling his heart begin to pound as he had watched the two females take one another's arms and walk away, wishing that he could follow and ask her for her name. Though the last thing that he had expected was to see her at the council; the gown that she had worn the day before, gone, to be replaced by something that would suggest that she believed that she was some kind of warrior; that she deserved to be amongst all those present. The High Warden of the White Tower, quite taken aback when the half-elven lord had not dismissed her.

Yet no matter the doubt that he had had when it had come to her in the beginning, after what had happened with the Watcher in the Water; what had happened while they were in the Mines of Moria, he could doubt her no longer. Though how he could possibly make up for everything that he had said and how he had underestimated her, he wasn't sure. Boromir watching as the elf that they had met when they had first got to Lothlórien, came to speak with her. The man watching as she nodded, apologising to the hobbits, before following after the ellon.

"She is going to speak with the Lady Galadriel." A voice came. Boromir looking up to see Aragorn standing over him. The smoke from the Ranger's pipe, slowly drifting up into the air.

"And if you want to speak with her, perhaps you should take the opportunity when she returns. It would appear that our hobbits might just be settling down for the night and will not interrupt........." Isildur's heir continued, as he looked over to where the four halflings were laying. Aragorn, as well as the others, aware of how close the hobbits had gotten to the woman since they had set off. And now that they had lost Gandalf, well, it felt as though they had gotten even closer to her, as they had made their way to the elven realm.

"But what do I say.........?" Boromir simply said. Sure, that if he had just read some of the books that his brother had, he would know better what to say. That he would be able to come up with something suitable. Yet he had never been one for all the books and scrolls that Faramir had always found so fascinating. He had never been one for the lore and stories of Middle-Earth, much preferring to practice with his sword and shield, than being made to spend the day in the library. Yet now, a part of him wished that he had taken some of his studies, a little more seriously.

Aragorn wasn't going to pretend that the son of Denethor had not made it obvious as they had travelled, that he wasn't happy about the female warrior being with them. Yet despite Boromir's grumbling and complaints, the Ranger had always seen something else behind the eyes of the man, as he watched her with the hobbits. A look that, he was sure that he too had, when he looked at Arwen. Aragorn, in part at least, believing that it was the captain's desire to not see anything happen to the beautiful woman, that had made him so opposed to her joining them.

"Speak from the heart, Boromir; that is all you can do. Tell her why you have behaved as you have behaved, and then apologise. (Y/n) is a good woman, a strong and brave woman; and even though I have known her long enough to know that she can be stubborn, I have seen how she looks at you. I saw how she made sure that she was by your side as we fought in Moria. So perhaps it will not be as difficult as you think. And if you do care as much for her as I believe you do, it might be the right time to tell her; for loss..........death are our constant companions on this journey. And none of us know when we may be next" Aragorn replied, placing his hand on the other man's shoulder, before taking his leave. Boromir knowing that he was right. That given they had lost Gandalf, then they could lose any of them. Sure, that the darkness, the servants of Saruman and Sauron would not be happy until each of them was no more. The High Warden getting to his feet, as he saw (Y/n) making her way down the long flight of flowing stair, to where her bedroll lay near the four hobbits. Boromir quickly walking over to her and gently catching her wrist in his hand. Hoping that if he did as the Ranger suggested, the future could hold very different things for him.

"(Y/n).........." He began quietly, as she turned to look at him.

"Could we speak...............?"  

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