Dwalin's little darling - The Hobbit - Dwalin x Reader

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Everyone moved out of the way, as a happily squealing blur, ran along the streets with an exhausted young dark haired and pale haired dwarf not far behind. This not an unusual sight to anyone that called Ered Luin, home.

"This is all your fault........."

"My fault, you turned your back on her........"

"No, I didn't......I just took my eyes off her for two seconds......."

"And that's all she needs. You know what mother said........"

"Yes, I know, she's a slippery fish. But why am I getting blamed? You're the one that always claims you're in charge, because you're older........"

"And so I am. And I asked you to watch over her for two minutes, while I........."

"I know what you were trying to do, and I did watch............"

"Well, obviously not well enough, because we are running after her............again..........."

"If mother and uncle Thorin finds out we let her get away, again..........."

"Mother and Thorin aren't the ones that we have to worry about; its Dwalin. If anything happens to her, he will have our heads............" The two brothers stopping and looking around; their hearts dropping as they realised that they had lost the giggling blur.

"I swear that she does this on purpose........"

"She's just like you were at that age..........."

"I was not like her. Take that back..........."

"I will not. I was there, I remember better than you do; and mother says that too. Now, come on, we have to find her before it starts getting too dark and mother calls us in for supper." The two young dwarves, heading off again; hoping to find her in one of her usual hiding spots.


A big pair of eyes peaked out from around the wall; a broad smile spreading across a little face, as she saw her older brother's run off in the other direction. She knew she shouldn't run away, and she didn't want to get Fili and Kili into trouble; but they had spent all day ignoring her as they tried to talk to girls, when all she had wanted to do was go and see their uncle Thorin, and Dwalin. So, when her brothers seemed to have forgotten that she was there, she had decided that she would go and find the two big dwarves, herself.

(Y/n) had never known her father. He had been taken from his family before she was even born, and so the little dwarrowdam had looked to her uncle to fill that role, just as Fili and Kili did. Yet as much as she loved Thorin, she and Dwalin had always seemed to share this special little bond. The tiny princess, the only one that could make the mighty warrior show that he had a soft side. The only one that could get him to do things that no one else could. Balin always agreeing with her mother and uncle, that (Y/n) had his younger brother wrapped around her little finger. Everyone in Ered Luin aware that if anyone were to hurt her, then they would feel the full wrath of Fundin's youngest son.

After another moment, (Y/n) moved out of her hiding spot. The little dwarrowdam singing to herself, as she made her way to her uncle's forge. The doll that her favourite dwarf had gifted to her, held to her chest. She could remember that uncle Thorin had said something about Dwalin spending the day with him at work, when the ate supper, the night before. So, if she were to get there before Fili and Kili realised where she might be going, she would be able to tell her uncle and Dwalin, about what her brothers had been up to.


Finally, she found her way to the forge, yet all was quiet. (Y/n) gripping at her doll a little tighter, as she called out for her uncle and Dwalin. The little dwarrowdam wondering why boys were never where they were supposed to be. But she was not about to be defeated that easily. She had got away from her brothers, so that she could see the two big dwarves, and see them she would. (Y/n) knowing that there was one more place she could look. The tiny Durin running towards the tavern; pushing on the large door, as she got to the building. A broad smile brightening her face, as she saw who she was looking for sat in the corner of the busy establishment. (Y/n) wriggling her way through all the other big dwarves, before getting on her hands and knees and crawling under the table where her uncle, Dwalin and Balin sat.


Dwalin and Thorin nearly jumped out of their skins, as they felt something wriggle up between them. Their eyes growing wide, as a grinning little face appeared from under the table.

"(Y/n)..........?" Thorin asked in disbelief. Looking out over the tavern to see if Fili and Kili were somewhere.

"My little darlin........." Dwalin interrupted his friend, as (Y/n) climbed up onto his lap and wrapped her arms around him as best she could.

"What are ya doin here lass, where are them brothers a yours.......?"

"Well........I wanted to come and see you and uncle Thorin, and I asked Fili and Kili, but they were too interested in talking to the girls, to listen. So.....I might have, sort of run away from them. But I was only going to go to find you....I wasn't running away properly. Then when I got to the shop, you weren't there, and I remembered momma said something about this place, so I came here and found you........." (Y/n) explained, as she smiled again at the three older dwarves. The dwarrowdam snuggling further into Dwalin, as she let out a yawn. Her eyes suddenly feeling heavy from her little adventure. Thorin and both sons of Fundin turning as the door to the tavern flew open, and in rushed two panting boys. Fili and Kili doing their best to catch their breaths as they stood at the side of the table.



"Only for a minute............"

"Tried to.........." The brothers about to explain about their sister, until they saw a dozing (Y/n), wrapped up in Dwalin's arms. The three older dwarves giving them a look that suggested this was far from over.

"Uncle, we were just............"

"Yes, we know what you were just........" Thorin interrupted, holding up his hand to stop Fili. The oldest son of Thráin carefully taking his slumbering niece from his friend's arms, so that Dwalin could get to his feet. The pair wrapping her loosely in Dwalin's cloak before the large warrior, moved around the table followed by his brother and friend.

"I'll deal with you two later; but fa now, let's get this little one home, before ya mother has all our guts fa garters." Dwalin told the brothers, as he took his little darling from Thorin's arms and made his way out of the tavern. The large dwarf unable to stop himself from smiling, as he looked down at the tiny dwarrowdam. The big dwarf having a feeling that she would run rings around all of them, for the rest of her days; and he would be happy to be there for all of it. 

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