Mother nature - X-Men - Remy Le Beau

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To most people, he was a little on the cocky side. Too slick for his own good. Some others choosing to only see the part of him that had been the master thief, rather than what lay at his heart. But to (Y/n), his little quirks, his confident nature. His oh so smooth accent, were nothing but another hint of Mother Nature's wicked side. The great lady knowing that his dubious past would not deter (Y/n), as it seemed to so many others. She knew that it would attract (Y/n) to him. Make her want to care for the man that had been abandoned at birth. And she knew all this because she had made (Y/n) too.

She knew that (Y/n) would love every slight crease and line on his skin that had formed because of his smile. She knew that every tiny imperfection, would draw (Y/n) to Remy like a moth to a flame. And (Y/n) was sure that wherever the woman looked down from, that she was smiling at the fact that the female mutant's heart would beat so violently in her chest every time she saw him, that (Y/n) could swear that at any moment it would burst from her body.

(Y/n) often found herself cursing at the great mother for giving him that seductive smile. For that twinkle in his perfect black and red eyes. For that mop of brown hair, that just begged to have fingers combed through it. And for how he would take her hand and delicately kiss her knuckles whenever the two of them spoke. The sudden closeness, making (Y/n)'s mind numb. Making her forget anything other than Remy LeBeau. Making (Y/n) remember all the long, lonely nights she had dreamed of what could be. Dreamed of holding him in her arms and never letting go.

(Y/n) had been helping out at Charles' school for some time now, doing little jobs here and there. Helping with the classes, watching over the kids, slowly becoming the others go to girl, a Jill of all trades, as the professor helped her to learn to use her gift. (Y/n)'s ability to speak to and control animals intriguing even the empath himself. Charles sure that once (Y/n) could totally control her abilities, she would prove to be a most useful member of the team.

From the moment (Y/n) had set eyes on Remy, when the professor had introduced them, she had been smitten. His every movement, his every gesture was like a ballet. His smile more wonderful than any that even the most celebrated artisans could paint. And (Y/n) knew there and then, that she was looking at Mother Nature's greatest creation. A walking, talking image of perfection.

Sometimes (Y/n) thought that Remy knew what he was doing to her heart. What the mere mention of his name did to her body and soul. But deep down, (Y/n) knew that Remy was as flirtatious with all the other women in the mansion, as he was with her. That he was just as playful, teasing and charming, with every other woman that walked across his path. And that he had no idea that he held her heart in the palm of his hand. No idea of what a god he was in (Y/n)'s eyes. No idea of how much she loved him. Damn you Mother Nature, damn you.

"Oh, dear god, (Y/n). Will you please just go and talk to him, it's painful watching you moon over him like a love struck teenager. It's not like he'd bite your head off or anything. Actually, knowing old Gambit, he's more likely to take it as a huge compliment. Another boost to that already overly inflated ego of his. But you'll never know, unless you talk to him." Logan grumbled, as he came up next to her. Shaking his head as her eyes dropped back to the book in your hands.

"What are you talking about, I don't moon over anyone. I've got too much to do with having to fix all the problems of the needy nellies around here, to have time to moon over anyone." (Y/n) replied with a huff, doing the very best she could, to make it seem as if you had no idea what the feral mutant was talking about.

"You know, you are only lying to yourself. And you are a terrible actress (Y/n). Everyone knows that you have your eye on Gambit and have had since the day you got here. I mean, it's not like he doesn't feel the same........" Logan began, trying his best not to smile, as (Y/n)'s eyes flew up to meet his. A pink hue heating her skin as she looked between Logan and the tall man that was absentmindedly shuffling his pack of cards as he sat in front of the fire.

"Remy likes me too...? I mean, so you're telling me that Remy likes me?" (Y/n) asked. Smiling as the large man pulled a stogie out from his pocket. Lit it. Took a couple of deep puffs, and nodded his head

"Are ya kidding? You're all he ever talks about. (Y/n) this, (Y/n) that. And God help us all if ya not around for any reason. Last week when you were half an hour late from taking the kids to the mall, we had to stop him from ringing the police and the hospital, he was so scared that something may have happened to you. To be brutally honest, it's driving the rest of us crazy. So, if not for your own sakes, at least for ours." Logan told her, as he took the book from (Y/n)'s hands, and almost forced her up from the chair and over to were Remy sat. (Y/n) slowly making her way forward. Finding it hard to believe that any of what Logan had said, could be true.


Mother Nature was a cruel woman, not only had she made her sweet and kind, but she had made her exquisitely beautiful. With the most stunning pair of eyes Remy had ever seen. And if that wasn't cruel enough, then she had to make him fall in love with her. Damn you Mother Nature, damn you. Why did you have to create a woman such as (Y/n).

Remy loved everything about (Y/n), and had done from the moment he first laid eyes on her, when the professor had introduced them. He loved her smile; he loved her laugh. The way the beautiful pink hue would kiss her cheeks every time the two of them spoke. He loved the way she would lay her hand delicately on his arm if she needed to lean across him. The mere touch of her fingertips, setting every one of his nerves on fire. Damn you Mother Nature, damn you.

Remy often found himself cursing at the great mother for giving (Y/n) that timid smile. For that twinkle in her perfect eyes, and for how she seemed to look at him and only him whenever he spoke to her. Her melodious voice making Remy's mind numb. Making him forget anything other than (Y/n). The thoughts of all other women, all other things, vanishing from his brain as he lost himself in her smile. Making him remember all the long, lonely nights he had dreamed of what could be. Dreamed of holding her in his arms and never letting go. Damn you Mother Nature, damn you.

Remy took a deep breath as he saw (Y/n)'s shadow move. Her sudden movement towards him, causing him to take more of an interest in the cards in his hands, as he tried to pretend that he had not been watching her all evening.

"Remy." (Y/n) said softly. Remy's skin tingling as her mere closeness did wonderfully awful things to his body.

"Cher, is everything ok?" Remy asked. Trying to act as nonchalant as he possibly could, as he turned to face her.

"Yes, fine. I..........well I was just wondering whether...... I mean, I know you probably don't, but if you're free now. Unless you have something better to do, which of course you probably do. But, if you would like to, I was wondering if you would like to go grab something to eat? With me. I know you might not, but............" (Y/n) spluttered out, a huge smile spreading across her lips as Remy interrupted her.

"Cheri, I'd love to." Remy said. Smiling himself, as he took (Y/n)'s hand in his.

"Oh, wonderful! Er....... I mean good. So, do you want to go now? We could go down to the kitchens. I know where Hank and Scott try to hide all the good stuff." (Y/n) told him. Remy feeling his heart melt, as the familiar pink hue, rose in her cheeks.

"I tell you what, why don't I get you outta here. I know this nice little place that makes the best soul food in town." Remy replied, as he got to his feet. The smile never leaving her lips, as he offered (Y/n) his arm.

"I think I'd like that, Remy." (Y/n) told him, as she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow. The two making their way to the door. Both of them remembering, that later, they would have to thank Mother Nature for her perfect creations. 

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