Best doctor in Gotham - Gotham - Jim x Harvey x Reader

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"Hey dummy, you forgot this." A young woman said as she walked into Harvey and Jim's office.

"Oh geez, what are ya, my mother now?" Harvey groaned as the woman walked past Jim, and over to the grumbling man, handing him a brown bag with his lunch in it.

"Well god knows that someone has to look after you Harvey Bullock, and it looks like that job has fallen on my shoulders, doesn't it?" The woman said, laughing at Harvey as she leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"And what I make you is better for you than a coffee and a Danish. Now, don't forget, dinner is at 7:30, and bring home some milk; I'd get it, but some of us around here actually have a job to do." She scoffed, folding her arms across her chest, and glaring at him jokingly.

"Ok beautiful; 7:30, milk, I get it. I'll see ya tonight. "Harvey said, smiling as the woman left the office.

"What the hell!?........ Who the hell!?" Jim spluttered out after his eyes had finished watching the beautiful woman leave the office.

"You dirty old dog Harvey." Jim smirked, looking over at his partner.

"I mean, boy, she's gorgeous; but she's a bit young for you don't you think?" Jim joked, as he watched Harvey turn a bright shade of pink.

"What? NO! That's (Y/n), she's my sister." Harvey protested, as Jim began to laugh.

"You have a sister? I thought they literally smashed the mould when you were born; one thing's for sure, she's much better looking than you." Jim said, laughing even harder when Harvey began to protest.

"Hey! I'll have you know that many ladies think that I am a very handsome guy." Harvey said defiantly, gulping down the last of his third cup of coffee for the day.

"Yeah, yeah, of course there are lover boy; now name two." Jim said, smirking as Harvey mussed, coming up with nothing.

"Yeah, thought not; and why didn't I know about this sister before, no wait, scratch that, why didn't you introduced me just now?" Jim asked, looking curiously at his colleague.

"Look, I've always tried to keep (Y/n) safe, given the job we do, sometimes its better that no one knows about her; but she's just taken a job here in Gotham, and she's staying with me until she can find a place of her own." Harvey explained, hoping that Jim would leave the subject there.

"Job?" Jim continued, not taking Harvey's hint.

Harvey sighed, rubbing his face in his hands. "Yeah, she's a trauma doctor, she starts at Arkham today." Harvey explained, hoping that this time Jim would not push any further.

"Oh, so she not only got the beauty, but she also got the brains in the family." Jim snorted, finally moving back towards his desk.

"You know something?" Jim asked, pretending to cough.

"I've not been feeling well, I think that I need to go to the hospital." Jim said, his eyes glinting as he saw Harvey's face fall.

"Oh, no, no, no. I don't want my sister getting involved with a cop, especially not my partner." Harvey groaned, throwing a ball of crumpled up paper across the room at Jim's head.

"I'm not to blame if she finds me irresistible when I'm lying on the hospital bed." Jim said, dodging yet another paper ball.


"Doctor Bullock." A nurse called out as (Y/n) finished up the paperwork on her last patient.

The last two months had flown by, and Arkham was proving to be one of the most challenging positions that she had ever had; but (Y/n) was determined not to let Gotham get the better of her, and since she had moved out of Harvey's place into an apartment of her own, she had been more than determined to make Gotham her permanent home.

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