Troublesome Tooks - LotR - Pippin x Reader

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(Y/n) quickly made her way out of the little home. She had only left them for five minutes..........five minutes. But she should have known that that was more than ample time. She had only gone to get some fresh towels, so that when the little ones had finished splashing in the bathtub, that sat in front of the fire, she could wrap them up before carrying them to their beds; setting them down under the blankets, so that their father could tell them their favourite stories about elves, Rangers, dwarves, and walking, talking trees. Her heart always filling with joy, as she watched the interaction between the trio.

It had been sometime since Pippin, Merry, Sam and Frodo had returned to the Shire. Sometime since Frodo had left to journey with Bilbo and the elves to the Undying Lands; yet occasionally, she would still wake, desperately reaching out for her husband, fearing that he had gone again. Fearing that she might find herself once more, on her own.

Merry and her friends had always teased her that she and Pippin would one day be wed. That the mischievous Took would soon be asking for her hand; it easy to see that she and Pippin were meant for one another. The pair seeming to have been in love since they were young hobbits. But then.........he, Merry, Sam and Frodo had just disappeared. Left the Shire without even a by your leave, without even a note. (Y/n), nor anyone else, knowing where the four could have disappeared to. And the longer that they had been away, the more that she had come to fear; feared that she would never see them again. Feared that she had lost Pippin forever. That the love of her life was dead, and she would never know. Yet one day, there had been a knock on the front door; (Y/n) sure that she must be dreaming, as she had opened the ingress to see a certain curly haired hobbit, looking back at her. His smile having dulled a little, but it was still her Pippin. The female hobbit jumping into his arms; Pippin apologising for having left her. Promising to never leave her again; that he would tell her everything that had happened while they had been apart. And though she felt that he had never been able to tell her the full truth about what he and the others had really been through; what he had done, was ask her to marry him. The pair tying the knot, not long before Sam had asked Rosie to be his wife. The marriage soon followed by the pitter patter of tiny hobbit feet; a little boy and girl, that they had named Ruby and Rollo. Pippin proving to be the best of husbands, the best of fathers. Yet that said, it didn't mean that Pippin had completely stopped being Pippin. (Y/n) sure that no matter how old her husband got, he would always be the same mischief maker that he had always been.

"Peregrin Took! Where are you.............?!" (Y/n) called out, as she made her way down the lane. Hoping that her husband hadn't got their children involved in anything that he and Merry used to get up to. Not liking the idea that her precious little bundles, would be having to run from an angry Farmer Maggot. The old hobbit still not having forgiven Pippin or Merry for stealing the produce from his fields, when they were younger.

"(Y/n)...............?" A voice came. The female hobbit turning around to see Sam, with Elanor in his arms.

"Oh, Sam. You haven't seen Pippin and the twins, have you? I turned my back for five minutes, and those troublesome Tooks, were gone............"

"Aye, I saw them a moment ago. Pippin said he was going to the pond. That the lilies had just started to bloom, and he wanted to get you one..........." Sam explained. A blush coming to his face, as (Y/n) kissed him and Elanor on the cheek, before quickly heading for the large pond.

"Thank you, Sam........tell Rosie I will see her tomorrow.............."


"Momma..........!" Two voices exclaimed, as she got closer to the pond. Ruby and Rollo taking her hands and pulling her towards the body of water.


"Poppa wanted to get you a lily............" Ruby interrupted, as she and her brother continued to pull her to where they had left their father.

"But, when he reached for one............."

"He fell in..............." (Y/n) finishing her son's sentence. Doing her best not to laugh, as she saw her husband sat in the pond; a frog jumping from his shoulder. The female hobbit unable to stifle her laugher any longer. As her soaked husband smiled at her and held out a lily.

"For you.............." Pippin said proudly. His smile getting broader, as his wife let go of their children's hands, before making her way over to where he sat, chest deep in water.

"Peregrin Took..........what am I going to do with you............?" (Y/n) asked, as she held out her hand for her husband to take. A squeal leaving her lips, as she found herself falling forward. Spitting out water, as Pippin pulled her to him.

"You could carry on loving this troublesome Took............" Her husband replied, as he passed his now equally wet wife, the flower.

"Oh, I will always do that............." (Y/n) told him, as he pushed the wet hair away from her face. The giggling of their children attracting their attention. Ruby and Rollo looking at one another for a moment, before they jumped into the water and joined their parents. (Y/n) wrapping her arms around all of them. Her heart getting that same old fluttery feeling, as Pippin kissed her on the head. The female hobbit never surer than she was at this moment, that she loved each of her troublesome Tooks; and wouldn't change them for the world.  

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