Valkyrie - Vikings - Ivar x Reader

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He had seen them on the battlefields before. He could see them on the battlefield now; the choosers of the slain, dressed in their gleaming armour, with a sword in one hand, and shield in the other. Searching for the fallen that had been deemed worthy to sit by Odin's side. The einherjar that would fight with the allfather and the others, when Ragnarök came, and the child of the god Loki, Fenrir, frees itself from its bonds and falls upon them.

Yet there was one that he was looking for. One that he hoped would come to claim him when he did what he had to do, to keep Hvitserk alive; and that was his Valkyrie. His (Y/n).

It was true to say that each of the Valkyries, was beautiful. More exquisite and perfect than any female that he had ever seen. Yet, to his eyes, (Y/n) was the most beautiful of them all.

He had first seen her when he was a little boy. His eyes wide as he would watch her, watching him. Placing her fingers to her lips, as he was about to tell others, to tell his brothers about the beautiful woman that sat not to far away. Ivar able to recall how he had nodded his head and placed his own finger to his lips. Her smile making him feel happy, feel safe. Though he had told his mother about her, Aslaug merely smiling herself, before telling him that she had seen the woman in her dreams. That she was a Valkyrie, that had been sent to watch over him, to protect him. The young Ivar becoming happy to see her, desperate to see her. Only feeling calm, when she would appear at the side of his bed and speak to him. When she would tell him tales of Asgard, Valhalla, and the gods.

As he had grown, he had continued to see her, though he never made a mention of it, sure that his brothers would tease him, that others would think he was mad to believe that he had a Valkyrie that had been sent by the gods to watch over him. That, and he wanted to keep her as his own, didn't want to share her with anyone. Didn't want to take the chance that if he said something, his (Y/n) would suddenly return to Asgard, never to be seen again; or that she would appear to everyone; the Valkyrie no longer only his.

She had always been there when he had needed her. Able to curb his anger, ease the pain in his legs; the one thing that he could truly cling to, could truly trust. The only time that he had been harsh to her, was when the incident had happened between he and Margrethe. When he had been unable to do what I man should do. He had screamed at her, when she had appeared. The Valkyrie placing her hand on his shoulder, only to find it pushed away. Ivar demanding to know why the gods had done this to him. Why making him a cripple was not bad enough; why they had to take from him the ability to be a real man. To satisfy a woman, and even father children. Tears rolling down his cheeks, as he had looked up at her. Ivar falling into her arms and tearing at her dress with his nails, as he begged to know the reason. Begged to know why the gods had made him incomplete, when even Sigurd could enjoy women. Could enjoy Margrethe. His tears, his anger only abating, as she had lain with him on the bed, her fingers combing through his hair. Her soft voice, as she pulled him to her breast, slowly lulling him into a deep sleep, as she explained that if he was whole, he would be too dangerous. That the gods had made him as he was, to keep others safe; so that he did not become too powerful. Though she promised him, that when the time was right, he would know what it was to truly have a woman. A woman that he would never have to share with another. That would be his and only his until the end of time. Ivar sure that the beautiful woman, meant herself. That despite what may happen in this world, what he might have to suffer, when he met his end, his reward would be a seat in the halls of Valhalla, and a Valkyrie to call his own. That notion, that hope, now pushing the seemingly indestructible Ivar, to meet his destiny.

The battle continued to rage around him. Ivar girding himself before letting out a roar and slapping his sword against his chest.

"I am Ivar the Boneless!" He exclaimed over the sounds of death.

"You know who I am! You know can't kill me! No matter how hard you try! Because I will live forever!" Ivar continued. Not sure whether he was shouting at the enemy, or the gods. His roar, his laughter echoing around the chaotic scene. Ivar suddenly feeling his Valkyrie with him, as his sword thrusts became those of the men and women around him.

"Are we afraid of death? No!" He called out, his sword once more hitting his chest in a show of defiance.

"We do not intend to die in our beds as old men, but sup with our loved ones in Valhalla!" He continued, the warrior roaring once more, before he turned to see a terrified young man stood in front of him with wide eyes, Ivar sure that the man had pissed himself, as he just shook. The dagger that he held in his hand, looking thought at any moment it would drop into the blood-soaked earth beneath their feet.

"Don't be afraid." Ivar told the man with a smile, as he saw over his enemy's shoulder, a Valkyrie; his Valkyrie, dressed in her finest armour, holding out her hand for him. The man, hesitating for a moment, before he plunged his blade into the Viking, over and over again. Ivar standing there for a moment, blood spilling from his mouth before he turned to look at Hvitserk. The word 'brother' leaving their lips, before Ivar's legs broke beneath him and he fell into the mud. Hvitserk rushing to Ivar's side, as (Y/n) stood over them both. His enemies called to stop fighting, as the great Ivar the Boneless lay in his brother's arms, tears coming to his eyes.

"I am afraid." Ivar sobbed, as (Y/n) looked down at him.

"There is no need to be so..........." (Y/n) said, before Hvitserk assured him that no one would ever forget Ivar the boneless.

"You are to sit at the side of the allfather, Ivar. To be one of his greatest warriors. And you and I will finally be able to be together." The Valkyrie continued. Once again holding out her hand for him to take. Ivar feeling himself reach out, as he took his last breath in that world.

"Come, Valhalla awaits, my love." The Valkyrie informed him, as the two stood for a moment over his body and Hvitserk. Ivar smiling, as he leant in to kiss her, before as he took her arm, and allowed her to lead him to the next life. 

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