Songbird - Vikings - Björn Ironside x Reader

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"We have something for you." Harald smiled, as he looked over at Ragnar.

"And what would that be...........?" The large, blue-eyed man replied. He and Aslaug furrowing their brows, as Finehair nodded to someone over at the door of the Hall. Their confusion growing, as in walked four burly men with what appeared to be a large wooden crate, covered by a tattered piece of mast. The four men carefully placing the item on the ground, before moving away. Harald and Halfdan getting to their feet and making their way over to the large box.

"What is it..............?" Ragnar half demanded to know, as the two brothers smiled. Harald stepping forward and grabbing at the course cloth.

"A songbird..............." Finehair declared, as he pulled away the material to reveal not a crate, but a cage. Ragnar, Aslaug, all his sons and everyone else present, staring as what was revealed was no little bird; but a crouched over woman, staring at the table and the royal family with wide eyes, as she clung to the bar. Ragnar turning his gaze to his oldest son, as he almost jumped to his feet. Björn's eyes wider than anyone else's.

"Beautiful..........isn't she?" Harald chuckled, as he looked to the young Ironside. Ragnar holding his son back, as Harald placed his hand into the cage and stroked her hair; the young woman flinching at the gesture.

"Though as beautiful as her plumage is, her voice must have been given to her by Bragi himself. Would you like to hear it?" Finehair continued, as looked to the main table. Harald nodding to his brother, before Halfdan produced a key and pushed it into the large lock that held the door of the cage in place. The younger son of Halfdan the Elder, holding out his hand for the woman to take; the blonde growling at her as she hesitated for a moment, before taking it and allowing him to help her to her feet.

"Sing................!" Harald ordered. The young woman turning to look at him, before she looked at the handsome, blonde young man that was still on his feet and staring at her. The songbird averting her eyes from his gaze, before she opened her mouth. All those present sure that they had never heard the like before, as she sang about the gods. As she praised the allfather. Björn feeling his heart thump violently against his chest, as her voice got louder, stronger, as if she were now singing so that the whole of Asgard could hear her song.

"A gift from the gods, wouldn't you say...............?" Harald asked, just loud enough so that only Ragnar and Björn could hear him, as he moved to stand between them.

"We found her on a raid; she is said to be the daughter of seer. We took her as a slave, and now we give her to you. Or perhaps we should give her to your son? He seems to have taken quite a liking to her." Harald chuckled, before taking a drink of his mead. The man from Tramdrup slowly making his way over to the woman, as she came to the end of her song. The dark-haired warrior taking her hand and leading her up to the table; placing her before Björn.

"Would you like to belong to him?" Harald asked, as he took hold of her chin and forced her to look at Björn. His fingers twisting at a lock of her hair. His grip on her chin getting a little tighter as she nodded her head.

"Use that beautiful voice of yours, my little songbird................."

"Y-y-yes. Yes I would like to belong to him.............." Her words making Harald chuckle, before he pushed her into Björn's arms. The obviously frightened songbird looking up at the handsome blonde boy, as the man that would be the king of all Norway, continued to laugh.

"Then she is yours, boy. Enjoy. And if she is as good with that mouth of hers, as she is when using it to sing, then you really should enjoy..........." Harald added. His brother now joining in his mirth, as they both retook their seat. Björn looking to the woman in his arms, and then the others in the hall, before taking her by the hand and leading her out of the Great Hall and taking her to the cabin.

"Sit..............." Björn said softly, as he closed the door and turned his attention to her. The young woman shaking her head timidly.

"I'm a slave.............."

"Then I order you to sit................" Björn continued, gesturing towards the chair. The songbird nodding before taking a seat.

"What's your name.................?"


"And you are the daughter of a seer.............?"

"Yes. When my mother was only young, the seer told her that the gods had shown him that she would carry his child; and then I was born. My mother passed to join the gods at my birth, and I lived with my father. He taught me to praise the gods with my voice. To sing to them. To sing to others of their great deeds and the mortals that have gone to sit at the side of the allfather. When........when they came.............they burned our town to the ground. They killed most of the men, including my father; they took the women and...............they were going to do it to me too, but I began to sing. Those that were left shouting that I was the daughter of their seer, that I was a völva. That if they harmed me, ill fate would befall them, and they believed them. I am............." (Y/n) replied, wiping away the tears that had begun to make their way down her cheeks.

Björn couldn't explain it; but from the moment that he had seen her, he knew that she was meant to be his. That he had to protect her even with his life; and that was what he was going to do, until he himself walked the halls of Valhalla.

"Do you really want to belong to me..............." Björn asked, as he crouched before her, and took (Y/n)' s hand; the songbird looking into his eyes.

"I think it is destined.............don't you..............?" (Y/n) replied, as she smiled at him. Björn dropping to his knees and taking her hands.

"Then, little're mine, and you are no slave." The oldest son of Ragnar replied, Björn leaning in to kiss her. Her song filling him, as she finally flew free. 

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