Brother dearest - Joker - Joker x Reader

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Joker sat in the visitor's area alone. He had only been told that someone was here to see him, other than that he knew nothing.

He brushed his fingers through his hair, straightening his dyed green locks. The clown having no idea who is visitor could be. Since everything had happen. Since his mother's death. Since he had become Joker, he had no one other than the people that chose to follow him. There was nothing and no one that cared for him, and for the most part, it didn't seem to bother him much. But, whoever the person was coming to see him, they must have had some power and influence. Arkham wouldn't just let anyone come and see him, and to have the entire visitor's area to himself must have meant that they had cancelled everyone else's visitors for the day.

A murmur from the guards that surrounded him, made Joker look up from the table. One of them speaking quietly over the radio, replying to a message that he had just received.

"Ok boys, she's here. Remember what they said; she's a VIP, so no fuck ups." The guard with the radio told the others.

Now Joker really was intrigued; She? VIP? What woman could want to see him? He couldn't help but smile, the idea of a lady coming to see him was most certainly appealing. A smile coming to the killer clown's lips, as two of the guards rushed over to open the doors to the large room. Joker sitting up straighter in his chair and brushing off his Arkham issued outfit. The clown watching as in through the open door strode a younger woman. She was nearly as tall as him, her long brown hair braided neatly and falling down her back. She was dressed well in an elegant looking dark grey suit and had about her the air of money. Joker furrowing his brows, her appearance looking strangely familiar as she came up closer to the table.

It wasn't until he saw the all too familiar emerald, green eyes, and the small, wicked smile, that he finally realised who his visitor was. Joker looking on, as the guards left the room, leaving the two of them together.

"Hello Arthur, or is it Joker? Either way, it's nice to see you again brother." The woman said, as she sat down across the table from him.

Joker couldn't believe his eyes, after all these years she was sat in front of him. The only person that he could now remember, had seen more abuse at the hands of Penny's boyfriend than he had. The clown looking her up and down as she slowly pulled off the black gloves that she wore. His eyes falling on the old cigarette burns and large diamond wedding ring that she wore.

"What the fuck do you want (Y/n)?" He asked, looking back down at the table, as he took a cigarette from the packet, lit it, and took a deep drag.

"Now, now Arthur. After all the trouble I've been through to see you, and that's the first thing you say to me after all these years?"

After all these years was right, to escape the abuse and Penny, (Y/n) had joined the army as soon as she could. Leaving Arthur on his own to be the man of the house and look after their mother. He couldn't blame her, knowing what he did now, he would probably have done the same if not for his condition. But stupidly, and blindly he had chosen to stay.

His sister had meant everything to him. She was his partner in crime, the only one that understood. The one that would defend him. The only one that he loved, and that loved him. When she left, he felt betrayed, and abandoned. He had closed himself off, and now that she was here, he didn't want to let her back in so easy.

"Looks like someone did well for themselves!" Joker said, indicating to the designer suit and ring on her finger.

"And I'm Joker, not fuckin Arthur." He noted with a huff, as he took another deep drag on his cigarette.

"So, who did you manage to con into marrying you?" Joker enquired with a chuckle, a smug smirk on his lips.

"You may call yourself whatever you like, but to me you will always be Arthur; and my husband's name is Colonel Henry Stone, or should I say, State Senator Henry Stone." She replied with her own chuckle, choosing to ignore her brother's jibes.

"Henry Stone? You mean the old guy that's this big war hero? I didn't know that you were into geriatrics sis." Joker scoffed, flicking the cigarette ash onto the floor.

"No Arthur, like you, my dear brother, I have a thing for power. When you have been as powerless as we were, control becomes an important thing. You chose to start a revolution and watch Gotham burn; I chose a much easier way that wasn't going to get me locked up for the rest of my natural life." (Y/n) retorted, leaning back in her chair.

"And despite what you may think, I actually love my husband; in fact, he was the one that made it possible for me to be here today, even with his reservations. Henry knows the Wayne's you see, and I can't say that he is your biggest fan. But he will do anything to make me happy, and when I informed him that I wanted to see you, he moved heaven and earth to make it possible." (Y/n) sighed heavily, her hands moving across the table finding one of his.

"I'm sorry for leaving you Arthur, I'm sorry for letting you go through what you did alone, I'm sorry for leaving you with that bitch Penny, and I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. But I'm here for you now Arthur, and I'm not going leave you again. You see it's not just my husband with the money and the power, and for once, you have friends in very high places. And I intend to use every connection, and every dirty little trick I know to get you out of this hell hole." She explained, before slowly getting up from her seat, circling the table, and standing before a confused Joker, her hand gently cupping his cheek.

"W-w-why......why would you do that for me (Y/n)?" He asked, nuzzling his face into her warm hand.

"No matter what you did, you will always be my brother. And I will always love you, Arthur. Together, you would be surprised at what we can achieve; you are not the only one that wanted to watch Gotham burn. Not the only one that wants to see the world turned on its head." She said, before lowering her head, so that her lips were right next to his ear.

"We are more alike than you think......Joker." Joker sighing as her lips gently kissed his cheek before she pulled away. And he watched in glee as he saw the wicked glint in her eye. The glint that had always meant trouble. His sister picking up her gloves and carefully covering her hands.

"Don't make yourself too comfortable Arthur, you won't be here for much longer." (Y/n) told his, as shed gently caressed his cheekbone. A huge smile spread across his lips as she made her way back to the doors.

"I'll see you again soon brother." She called out over her shoulder as she left.

Joker lit another cigarette as he leant back in his chair and chuckled. Maybe she was right. Maybe they were more alike than he had ever known, and the possibilities of having her back in his life made every dark thought in his mind tingle with excitement. What he had achieved by himself was one thing, what he could achieve with her by his side was another. And he couldn't wait to see what his partner in crime could do. 

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