Sugar and spice - The Hobbit - Dwalin x Reader

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"Ow, Dwalin.........."

"Dwalin......let go..........." The big dwarf doing nothing but ignore the two princes, as he dragged the pair by their ears, through the streets of Dale.

The city of men already looked so different to how it had been when the survivors of Lake-town had made their way there, after Smaug had smashed his way through the front of the Mountain and destroyed the ramshackle settlement. New homes appearing from the rubble; new shop fronts around the main square, taking over those that had been abandoned so long ago. And it was to one of these shops that Dwalin had been ordered to take Fili and Kili.

Relations between dwarves and men had improved a great deal after the Battle of the Five Armies; and since Thorin had handed over the wealth that he had promised. And given this, the king wanted nothing more than to keep those good relations with Bard and his people. So, when Fili and Kili had returned to the Mountain earlier that day, with a mischievous glint in their eyes and both of them laughing as though they had lost their minds, Thorin had become suspicious, and rightfully so. The King under the Mountain demanding to know what they had been up to; and given the sheepish looks they now sported, he knew that it must have been one of the pranks, that they had always loved to pull since they were little. And when he had been informed of what his nephews had previously thought was highly amusing; he had had Dwalin frog march the pair back to Dale so that they could apologise. The grabbing them by the ears and dragging them, was just a little something for Dwalin; especially after he had found out who had been the butt of their prank.

Miss (Y/n); the best baker that side of Rivendell. And that wasn't just Dwalin's opinion; that was everyone's. The captain of the guard able to smell the scent of the bread she would bake every morning, whenever the wind blew the right way. The odour of all her sweet and spicy treats, somehow able to fill the halls of the Mountain, and make every dwarf want to make the trip down into the city of men, just for the chance to snap up one of her tasty treats. But it wasn't just that that kept Dwalin going back for more; no, that was just like one of the cherries on top of her little cakes; what really made him venture down into the city as often as his duties would allow, was the fact that she had to be the prettiest daughter of men, that he had ever lain eyes on. And even though he would never have thought to look to one of her kind before; how could he not, when just looking at her, made his heart sing. The feelings that she brought out in him, like none that he thought he could ever feel.

"In ya go." Dwalin ordered, as he opened the door to the bakery, and pushed the two princes inside. The warrior dwarf feeling angrier than he had done before, when Miss (Y/n) appeared from the back, covered in flour.

"Oh......Dwalin........." (Y/n) said happily, as she did her best to remove the flour from her hair and face, as she looked at the handsome dwarf.

"And you two...........!" Her demeanour changing, as she turned to look at the brothers; her arms crossing firmly over her chest.

"What in tha name of Mahal did you two do.........?" Dwalin growled, as he looked at Fili and Kili. Both of them looking between (Y/n) and Dwalin as they tried to splutter out not only an explanation; but also, an apology.

"Never mind. I don't want ta hear it. Ya uncle said that ya ta fix what ya did and pay Miss (Y/n) fa any damages. Now, get on with it." The large dwarf continued. Glaring at the pair as they made their way into the back of the shop.

"My apologies, lass..............."

"What? You have nothing to be sorry for, Master Dwalin. And as long as those two clean up, I won't be annoyed at the princes. I was angry to begin with; but then.........then I found myself laughing. Not that I will tell those two that." (Y/n) told him, before she blew some flour from the tip of her nose.

Dwalin couldn't help but stare; even covered head to toe in flour, she was still beautiful. She still had the ability to make him feel warm, both inside and out. To make him think of a future he hadn't known that he wanted, until he met her.

"I would ask if there was something on my face.......but I know there is........."

"Pardon, lass..........?"

" were just staring, and I was trying to make a joke." (Y/n) explained, chuckling awkwardly. Feeling a little nervous under the gaze for the large dwarf.

"Master Dwalin........."

"Aye, lass..........."

"I was wondering, and of course you are free to say no. I mean, you probably have far better things to do than that; and your duties to King Thorin, will obviously keep you busy. That, and I am sure that it will be nothing compared to Master's Bombur's offerings.........."

"Lass.....?" Dwalin interrupted. (Y/n) shaking her head at herself for a moment, before she stood up straight.

"I..............I was wondering, if you are free this evening, whether you would care to join me for supper. As I say, I might not be up to Master Bombur's standards; but my food is hearty, and..............."

"What time...........?" Dwalin asked, not about to miss out on this opportunity. Sure, that if her normal cooking was as good as her baking, then he was in for a rare treat.

" moon rise.......?"

"Aye. I look forward to it.........." Dwalin replied. Puffing out his chest slightly, as she smiled up at him.

"Wonderful.......well, I, er.......I suppose I should go and change. You can leave those two troublemakers here, and I will send them home once they are done. But before you go......." The baker said, as she made her way to a little cupboard, pulling out two boxes: one a little smaller than the other.

"I put these to the side, earlier; this one is for you, and the other is for King Thorin. Just don't tell him that your box is bigger." (Y/n) explained. Her heart fluttering as Dwalin looked into his box and saw all his favourite things. The dwarf giving her a real smile, before heading for the door.

"Dwalin.........." The warrior turning around at his name, to find the baker stood in front of him. His eyes growing wide, as she kissed him on the cheek.

"I will see you for supper. Don't forget........." Dwalin just nodding, before he opened the door and felt as though he had just floated out into the street; sure, that he wouldn't forget about that evening. Nor the sugar and spice that was concealed in his box. 

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