Ale - Vikings - Hvitserk x Reader

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The celebrations had been in full swing for hours, (Y/n) talking to some of the other shieldmaidens, as food was eaten and ale flowed freely; most of their chatter about the handsome men that had followed King Harald and his brother, Halfdan the Black, from Vestfold. Though her eyes would occasionally move to the head table, where the sons of Ragnar sat. Would occasionally catch sight of Hvitserk, as he pushed more chicken into his mouth before laughing at something that was being said. The ale tricking down from the corners of his lips, as he gulped from the over filled cup.

"(Y/n)..........?" A voice came, snapping her thoughts away from the second son of Aslaug.

(Y/n) had known the younger sons of Ragnar, all her life. Her father a good friend of the king, back when the younger son of Sigurd Hring was still just a farmer. And (Y/n) had been born just a few days after the queen had given birth to Hvitserk; Ragnar, despite his wife's disapprovals, liking having his old friend's daughter around Ubbe and Hvitserk as they had grown. Many putting it down to the fact that the king had lost his own daughter years before; and that (Y/n), at least in part, reminded him of Gyda. The shieldmaiden always seeing Ubbe as the big brother that she had never had. But Hvitserk........

"Huh......? What.........?" (Y/n) finally replied, as she turned her attention to Bóthild.

"I said, what do you think of that one.......?" The chestnut-haired woman asked, as she gestured over to a rather large, handsome man with auburn hair that was peering over his cup at them.

"Why are you asking (Y/n) that, Bóthild? Everyone knows that she only has eyes from one man, and it isn't any that King Harald has brough with him." Dagmar chuckled, earning herself a glare that only increased the amusement.

"What are you talking about, Dagmar..........?"

"Please, (Y/n). We all know that you're in love with Hvitserk. Unfortunately for you, the only one that doesn't seem to know that, is Hvitserk. Why don't you stop wasting your time and find yourself a man that sees you as something more than his sister......" (Y/n) about to say something in reply; to deny what her fellow shieldmaiden had said, despite knowing that it was all true. But before a word could leave her lips, she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder. (Y/n) turning to see a frazzled Ubbe looking at her.


"Please help me........." The prince simply replied, before moving his hand to take hers, and pulling her away from the other women.

"Ubbe, what............?"

"Ivar and Sigurd are at one another's throats, and Hvitserk has had too much ale, which is making him laugh at everything they say. Will you talk Hvitserk into going to his room, so I can stop Ivar from killing Sigurd.......?" Ubbe explained, as he and (Y/n) looked over to the main table. The shieldmaiden shaking her head, as she saw the mess that Ubbe was talking about; Hvitserk spilling ale over the table, as he threw his head back in laughter, and Ivar and Sigurd glaring at one another.

"I'll see what I can do." (Y/n) agreed. Ubbe thanking her, before they both made their way to the table. Hvitserk smiling broadly at her, as she took a seat next to him.


"Hvitserk........." (Y/n) replied, shaking her head at the young man she loved, as he leant over and gave her a goofy smile.

"Have a drink with me. Sigurd and Ivar are just getting entertaining......"

"I will, but first, why don't we go and get you some air........" The shieldmaiden continued. Ubbe helping her get Hvitserk to his feet. (Y/n) placing her arm under his and doing her best to support the prince, as she ignored his protestations and led him out of the great hall. The shieldmaiden chuckling to herself, as the second son of Aslaug fell from her grip, onto one of the posts, and hugged it.

"You're beautiful, you know that, don't you........?" Hvitserk suddenly slurred, before hiccupping.

"I am sure that the post takes that as a compliment; but..........."

"I wasn't talking to the post.....I.....I meant you........" Hvitserk interrupted, as he managed to loosen his grip on the wood and turn without falling over.

"You are the most beautiful woman in the whole of Midgard. Yet you will never know I love you........." The prince continued, throwing his arms up in a grand gesture, before his feet slipped from under him and he dropped to his backside.

" love me? But........but why have you never told me.......?" (Y/n) asked in utter disbelief, as she moved to sit by his side.

"Because I don't know how to tell a goddess that I wish she was mine......" Hvitserk told her, as he raised his hand and placed it in the middle of her face, before letting it slip down; then taking a deep breath and allowing his head to fall back on the post behind him. (Y/n) feeling her heart pound in her chest at the confession, never believing that Hvitserk would say such a thing to her. Never believing that the prince might share her feelings.

"But......but I love you too Hvitserk.........." The prince suddenly sitting up straight. That same goofy smile back on his lips.

" do.........?"

"Of course I do. How could I not. I've loved you from the moment I knew what loving someone meant. The only thing won't remember any of this in the morning.........."

"You could remind me........" Hvitserk managed to say, as he struggled to his feet. (Y/n) quickly getting up to help him.


"There is plenty of room in my bed for two, and if you are there when I wake up, I won't forget, will I.........?" He reasoned. (Y/n) only able to smile and agree with him. Hvitserk's own smile getting broader, as he held out his arm for her to take. (Y/n) once more doing her best to support him, as they made their way to his room. The shieldmaiden more than happy to be there when he woke up, and more than happy to remind him of all this, when the ale wore off.  

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