Duel - HotD - Daemon x Reader

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A woman! Daemon hadn't been able to believe his ears when he had heard that his brother had made a woman the new Commander of the City Watch, in his absence. He had been the one that had molded the watch into what it was now. The one that had brought the force not only the respect that it deserved; but also, the fear that it instill in the small folk, that kept them in line. The rogue prince not caring who or what she might be. Not caring about how she might have proved herself, what she might have done to find herself in the position; all he cared about was that he wanted her gone, and by any means possible. And that was why he and the Commander were stood across from one another in the tourney arena. Each facing the other, with sword in hand.

Viserys had of course tried to do his best to stop it from getting to this point; ordering the Commander to come to the small council room so that she and his brother might be introduced. The king well aware of how Daemon could be; aware of his brother's thoughts on the City Watch Commander, which he had voice quite clearly, even though he had never met the woman.

"Enter!" Viserys called out, as a knock came to the door. Daemon leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms across his chest, as the ingress was opened and in walked a figure with a golden cloak hanging from its shoulders. The person completely ignoring the prince, as they made their way to the king, bowing deeply as they came to stand before Viserys.

"My king..........." A soft, yet rather husky and sultry voice said, as the Commander slowly stood up. Deamon doing his best to continue to look as annoyed as possible, even when the woman removed her helmet and let her hair fall down around her shoulders, before turning to face him. The prince quite shocked by how beautiful his replacement was; her gaze burning as she met his eyes.

"Commander (Y/n), I would like you to meet my brother, Prince Daemon." Viserys introduced, the Commander nodding her head respectfully to the prince.

"I have heard much of the prince, Sire. Much of his time as the Commander of the Watch; and much of his opinions of me. It nice to be able to finally put a face to those opinions. Opinions, if my king does not mind me saying, would suggest that the prince is scared that a woman will be able to do a better job than he ever could as Commander of the Watch." (Y/n) said, as she turned her attention from Daemon, to Viserys. Not moving, not flinching as Daemon suddenly banged his fists on the table in front of him and got to his feet. The younger son of Baelor spitting out insults in High Valyrian, before his brother held up his hand to stop the tirade. Viserys doing his best to conceal the smile that wanted so desperately to make its way onto his lips; sure, that no other man, never mind woman had spoken to Daemon in such a way. Well, not, and having continued to live for this long.

"Enough. I have heard enough." Viserys said, as he looked between his brother and (Y/n). Not failing to see the amused smirk on the Commander's lips, because of his brother's actions. It obvious that the rather handsome woman was testing Daemon, was pushing him just enough to see what he would do. And given what he had heard his brother call her, he had to think that he couldn't blame her for doing what she did.

"Lady (Y/n) has more than proved herself as the Commander of the Watch. The city has never been safer and the men respect and are loyal to her. And she will remain the Commander until I say." The king continued. Viserys doing little more than shaking his head, as his brother stormed out of the room. The king apologising to the lady, who merely smiled and assured him that he had done nothing to apologise for; before thanking him for his continued support, replacing her helm and then making her way out of the small council's chambers. Yet unfortunately, this interaction only seemed to have fuelled the fire in Daemons belly; and that was why he and (Y/n) were duelling now. The pair surrounded by not only men of the City Watch, but also Kingsguards and anyone else that had heard of the goings on. That had heard that (Y/n) had agreed that if the prince could beat her in a fight, she would abdicate her position.

No one was sure how long the two had been fighting; no one sure how much longer they could keep going. But it obvious that neither was going to back down, that neither was going to surrender. Each meeting the strike of the other, with a strike of their own. No one more surprised by what was happening than Daemon himself.

He wasn't about to admit it, but he was growing more and more impressed with her by the moment. She had come to face him, wearing no armour; come with little more than her sword; yet here she was matching him. Not scared or intimidated by his reputation. And with every clash that brought them face to face, he was able to see how truly beautiful she was. His mind going to other places, other possibilities; other positions that he would like to see her in. A smile coming to his face, as they once more pushed the other away.

A part of him wanted this to last for as long as he could possibly make it; to have an excuse to push his body up against hers. To have his lips so close to hers, at times, that they were almost kissing. But he still had his pride, he still wanted to beat her. The prince raising Dark Sister once more, before striking again; (Y/n) moving quickly and dropping below the swing. Daemon suddenly finding himself on his back in the dirt, with the Commander sat, straddling his waist, the tip of her sword at his throat, and Dark Sister no longer in his grasp.

"Has anyone ever told you, that you are beautiful when you are angry, my prince........" (Y/n) growled seductively into his ear. A groan coming from his lips, as she ground her hips against his. Lust filling his eyes, as she continued to whisper.

"Yield, and I will make it worth your while. I will show you that I can command men in more ways than one." She told him, before pushing herself up slightly. A smile coming to her lips, as she saw his dark eyes; as she saw that he wanted exactly what she wanted. The prince calling out that he yielded, before she stood up and helped him from the dirt.

"Until this evening, Prince Daemon. I am sure that you will be able to find out where my rooms are." The Commander told him quietly, before she bowed and made her way from the arena. The crowd quickly dispersing, leaving the prince alone. Daemon smiling to himself, not able to wait until that evening; nor to see how the Commander of the City Watch, might command him. 

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