Hide and seek - Avengers - Tony Stark x Reader

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Bored! There was no other word for it but, bored. The snow around the compound had been falling for days and had prevented the team from venturing beyond the walls of the huge facility. The world outside looked wonderful. The trees, the houses in the distance, all covered in a thick blanket of perfect white. The smoke from the chimneys of the homes far beyond the grounds of the compound, making the whole scene look magical. Normally, (Y/n) would be out there enjoying the elements with Sam, Peter and even Bucky. The youngest of the Banner siblings always enjoying her time with the boys. It allowed her to be a child again as she threw snowballs at the others. The four of them racing around the grounds, using anything, or anyone, mostly Tony, to his complete annoyance, as cover for their game. But the snow was now thicker than normal, and the temperature had plummeted, so Bruce had decided that he should wear his big brother hat. Telling his sister that it would be better that she stayed inside. And, in fact, that it was not fitting for a Banner to play such childish games. Even though (Y/n) had seen him do exactly the same thing, when he thought no one was looking, on more than one occasion. So now, here she sat, looking longingly out at the world, racking her brains for something to do that would make the long, dull afternoon, go a little quicker. The rest of the team, and even her own brother, joining her in the common room as they all pondered the same question. Each of them trying to think of a way to alleviate the boredom. Usually, they would all be off doing their own thing, but Tony and Bruce had dragged themselves away from the lab. Peter had decided that there was nothing on TV. And even Steve and Bucky had decided that they had spent enough time in the gym.

"I could get my bow. We could set up some targets in here and have a competition." Cint suddenly said. The archer groaning as Tony glared at him.

"Oh no you don't, Legolas. If you want to do that, you can go train. I remember that the last time you tried that, you nearly burnt the place down with one of your incendiary arrows." Tony pointed out. The billionaires heart pounding faster in he watched (Y/n) stare out onto the snow covered land beyond the window.

It wasn't that he hadn't had other chances to express how he felt for (Y/n). It was just that every time he had tried to tell her, his mind had filled with terrible visions of her laughing at him. Telling him that he was a fool. That she could never love him. That he was too old. And the notion of rejection, made the usually confident Stark, shy away. But Bruce had mentioned that Professor Xavier had been speaking to her, Tony realising that the mutant doctor could be lured from their team, over to the X-Men. And that he either had to tell her how he felt or risk losing her forever.


(Y/n) watched Tony out of the corner of her eye. Why did he have to be so handsome? She was sure that last time she looked at him, she hadn't been sure how to take him. The billionaire always seeming to tease her. Yet now, now she saw him for what he was. An exquisite, breathtaking, wonderous man. A creature, to her eyes, of unparalleled beauty. And (Y/n) loved her. Part of her hated herself. He was, after all, her brother's friend. But the rest of her, well the rest of her loved him. And love knew nothing of age differences, of friends or disapproving brothers. Tony made her heart beat. He made everything better. Brighter. With a glance, he could make her imagine all the 'what could be's'. With a smile, he could make her wonder about all the 'what if's'. And with a word, he could make her see all the 'what will be's'. All she had to do was get him alone. To talk to him when Bruce and all the others weren't with him. Though how she was going to do that when they were all couped up inside, she didn't know.

It wasn't that she hadn't had other chances to express how he felt for Tony. It was just that every time she had tried to tell him, her mind filled with terrible visions of him laughing at her. Telling her that she was a foolish girl. That he could never love her. That she was too young. And the notion of rejection, made the usually confident young Banner, shy away. But as she had spoken to Charles. The professor saying that she had a place in the X-Men if ever she wanted it. (Y/n) realising that she either had to speak up and find out if he felt the same way for her, or maybe move on.

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