Deserve - GoT - Tyrion x Reader

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"I am still here." (Y/n) suddenly said, shaking her husband from his thoughts. Tyrion chuckling softly, as his bride slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. The little man feeling his heart flutter just as it did the first time that he had seen her, as she smiled sleepily up at him. The lord sure that that feeling would never leave him. Sure, that he never wanted it to leave him.

It was true that he had been watching her while she slept. In truth, he did it a lot, and this wasn't the first time that she had caught him. And probably wouldn't be the last. But how could he not? Even after all this time. Even after everything they had been through. And given everything that the world had thrown at them, Tyrion still couldn't believe that he had been this lucky. That a woman, well, a woman that he hadn't had to pay for her time. A woman this beautiful, intelligent and sweet, could see past all his faults. Could forgive him his past. Could ignore what others would still occasionally say about him and love him. Would give herself to him, body, heart and soul.

A friendship between the two had begun as soon as the pair had met. Ned having brought the girl that all believed at the time was his bastard daughter, the twin of Jon, with his other girls when they came to Kings Landing so that he could take over the role as Robert's Hand. (Y/n) standing dutifully at the back of the group while wolf and stag embraced. Yet as people spoke of Sansa and Arya, Tyrion found himself too lost in the unusual eyes of the beautiful Snow, to notice anything or anyone else. His heart jumping into his throat when she had smiled. The little lord slowly making his way over to where she was and bowed gracefully before taking her hand and kissing it gently. The duo becoming firm friends from that moment. The two misfits. The two that were frowned upon by society. He the imp. The half man. And she, the bastard daughter, finding solace in one another. Spending all the time that they could together, just talking. Just enjoying time with someone that didn't judge. That didn't care about the things that made them different. The things that neither of them could control. And before long, that friendship had become more. Much more. (Y/n) refusing to leave his side despite everything that life had put them through once Joffrey had taken the throne. Refusing to go anywhere when he had been tried for the death of the odious boy king. The only time that they had been forced to be apart being when they had had to flee the capital. The pair eventually being able to embrace one another again when Tyrion had found (Y/n) in Mereen, assisting Daenerys.

And he, in turn, he had been there when she had discovered her true identity. When she had found out that her real name was Alysanne Targaryen. That she and Jon were not in fact the bastard children of Eddard Stark, but those of his sister Lyanna Stark and her husband Rhaegar Targaryen. And that the Khalessi that she had served was in fact her aunt. The youngest son of the old lion there to pick up the pieces when (Y/n) had felt as though her whole world had fallen apart. Supporting her when she had decided that despite who her real father was, she would always see herself as a Stark. As a northerner, and as (Y/n) Snow. Well, that was until the night before the battle. Before she and Tyrion fought along with the others, to prevent The Long Night. The pair married with their brothers by their sides. And the new Lady Lannister had been there for her husband when the grief of losing Jaime had become too much. When he had taken the role of Bran's Hand. And now, now she was still here, the two happier than they had ever been. The two more in love than they had ever been. Yet that didn't mean that Tyrion didn't worry. That he still didn't think that he was undeserving of her.

"Why is it you watch me, my dearest husband? Do you fear that I will disappear?" (Y/n) chuckled, as she reached up and slowly caressed his bearded cheek, before moving up so that she could tangle her fingers in his mop of hair.

"I fear that you might leave me.............."

"And why would I do that, my love..............?" The lady enquired, as she sat up and looked at Tyrion. Her hands softly cupping his face.

"Because you deserve more, (Y/n). More than me. You should be a queen........." The little man told her, unable to say more, as his bride placed her lips on his.

"And why would I want to be a queen? I have seen what power can do, how it can corrupt, and I want nothing of it. I will leave ruling to the likes of Bran and Sansa. I am quite content with being the simple wife of the Hand of the King. And I want nothing and no one more than him. It is I that don't deserve you, Tyrion Lannister. It is I that wakes every morning with you by my side, and thanks every god that there might be, that I was lucky enough to have met you. That.........and I couldn't leave you now anyway." (Y/n) replied, giving her husband a wry smile before she lay back down.

"And why would that be...........?" Tyrion enquired, now feeling a little cheerier. The little man's eyes growing wide, as his wife took his hand and placed it on her bare stomach.

"Because soon Kings Landing will be welcoming another lion. Because soon, the Hand of the King, will have an heir............." (Y/n) chuckled, as her husband stared at her in disbelief for a moment, before jumping from the bed and racing for the door. Doing his best to pull on his clothes as he went.

"Where are you going..........?" (Y/n) called out. Watching as Tyrion threw open the doors to their rooms and made his way out into the gloom of the Tower. The lady only able to hear him shout back that he was off to tell Bronn, to tell Bran. To wake up the whole of the Red Keep to give them the news. (Y/n) chuckling to herself as she pulled the covers back over her body. More sure than ever, that she didn't deserve a man as wonderful as Tyrion.      

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