Pay the toll - The Hobbit - Bilbo x Reader

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Bilbo whistled, as he made his way out of the house. It was a beautiful day in the Shire, a gentle breeze blowing through his mop of hair, as he made his way to the market. The mind of the hobbit filled with thoughts of what he would be enjoying for his supper that evening; perhaps some fresh fish, a hare, or even one of the game birds that he so enjoyed. The hobbit so lost in his thoughts of what vegetables would go best with each of his options, that he didn't know that someone had been following not far behind him, watching his every step. Well, he didn't know, until he found himself flat on his back, his wicker basket thrown goodness only knew where, and the feeling of a strange weight coming to rest on top of him.

"(Y/n)...........!" Bilbo rolling his eyes as he picked up his head and caught sight of the female hobbit that had not only knocked him down; but was now sat on him, preventing him from getting up.

"Hello, Bilbo........fancy meeting you here........." (Y/n) replied with one of her usual giggles, as she smiled broadly down at him. Bilbo grunting slightly, as she wriggled to get more comfortable.

"Meet.........meeting me.........? You just knocked me down.........And why did you knock me down, anyway...........?"

"Ah, well, that is simple. You are on your back with me sat on you, because you forgot to come and pay the toll, Bilbo Baggins." (Y/n) replied, before she touched his nose with her finger. The female hobbit laughing again, as he wiggled it.

Bilbo had to say that (Y/n) was the strangest little hobbit that he, or anyone else, had ever met. She had never been one for convention, to care what others thought or said about her. She was a carefree, funny, and some would even go so far as to say that she was a wild, spirit. Many agreeing that when the mood was upon her, she could be even more troublesome than the Tooks. It not unusual to hear the sound of her bright laugher at all hours of the day. (Y/n) the wonderful oddity of Hobbiton. And despite their differences; despite him having grown to be quiet and reserved, and (Y/n) having grown to be even more outspoken and extrovert, Bilbo had to had to admit that he.....yes he, loved her.

When they were younger, and he was slightly more outgoing than he was now; they would often go on adventures together. The pair exploring the Shire, pretending that they were hunting for treasure, coming upon hidden elven kingdoms or monumental cities of men. The two often coming home covered in mud, and their hair, usually (Y/n)'s, full of leaves, grass, and the occasional twig. The two becoming closer as the years had passed, until what had once been a simple, sweet friendship had turned something much more. Bilbo finally telling her one night after a rather fine supper, that he loved her. Bag End filling with a loud, happy squeal, before he and his chair were nearly knocked backwards, as she threw herself into his arms and kissed him. And even though most would call them the strangest of couples, somehow, it worked.

"(Y/n)........I can't pay the toll, out here. Someone might see us....." Bilbo told her. A blush coming to his cheeks, as he tried to wriggle out from under her. (Y/n) though surprisingly heavy despite how little she was.

"Nope! You don't pay the toll, you don't get to get up...........those are the rules......." (Y/n) explained, as she crossed her arms and looked at him. Bilbo sighing and letting his head drop back into the grass. His eyes looking up to the cloudless sky, before he thought of something.

"What if I pay the toll later? You can come over tonight, and we can have supper together............"

"Tonight.........really.........? Anyone would think that you were ashamed of me, Bilbo Baggins. You know, there is nothing wrong with kissing me in public. Everyone already asks us when we are to be married, so it isn't like it would be a surprise to anyone. Other hobbits kiss........."

"Yes, but most hobbits don't get knocked down and sat on, because they forget to go to their betrothed's home to give her a kiss, before they went to the market. And I am not ashamed of you, you know I love you; but............"

"Then if you love me, all you have to do if give me a kiss, and I will let you on your way. I will forget that you didn't think about me and didn't come to my house so that I could join you at the market." (Y/n) interrupted. Bilbo letting out a sigh, before deciding that he was never going to win, so it was better to just surrender.

"Fine........." (Y/n) letting out another giggle, before she allowed him sit up. Bilbo wrapping his arms around her waist, and pulling her closer, then placing his lips to hers. (Y/n) snuggling into him, as they finally parted.

"I love you Bilbo Baggins........."

"And I love you too, my dear heart........." Bilbo replied. The hobbit unable to stop himself from smiling, as he took in the scent of wild honeysuckle that always seemed to surround her.

"Now, are you going to let me up, or are we going to sit here like this all day...........?"

"Sitting here like this, is very tempting; but............" (Y/n) finally getting up and offering Bilbo her hand. The hobbit brushing himself down, as his betrothed went to retrieve his basket. Bilbo offering her his arm and leading her down the small incline toward the market. Her eyes growing wide as he began to tell her about the strange interaction that he had had earlier that morning with the wizard by the name of Gandalf. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from smiling, as he mentioned that the grey clad, tall man had spoken of an adventure that was to be had. The female hobbit sure that she wanted to learn more about that. But for now, she would happily take Bilbo up on his offer of supper that night; and perhaps, she might get him to pay her toll again, before he walked her back to her home.  

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