Knight in shining armour - Gotham - Ed x Reader

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"Morning Riddles, what do you have for me today?" A female voice asked, as Ed Nygma looked over the latest customer on his slab.

Turning around Ed was greeted by the smiling face of Gotham's Assistant District Attorney (y/f/n) (y/l/n); a face that Ed could never get enough of, not as though he would dare admit it. She was everything he wanted, she was intelligent, brilliant at her job, elegant and sophisticated; she loved literature and classical music, and as far as Ed could see, she was completely out of his league.

Since her appointment as assistant DA, (Y/n) had been hands on, wanting to know every aspect of the process that led to her convicting the criminals in court. She was good friends with captain Essen, and even Harvey and Jim liked her, especially given the number of criminals she had helped lock up; and for Ed her visits to the morgue were a highlight, he would enjoy answering her questions about his work and the techniques he was using, her interest in him making him feel like he was doing something important, and that he was appreciated. Most important of all, she never teased him about his riddles, she would never roll her eyes when he asked her one, seeming to enjoy his little brainteasers more than anything. She had taken to calling him "Riddles", a nickname that he relished, and could listen to her say all day.

"Oh, good morning miss (Y/l/n), I didn't expect to see you today." Ed said, pushing his glasses up his nose, a slight pink hue appearing on his cheeks as she came to stand right beside him.

"You know me Riddles, I can't resist an interesting body. I got a call from Jim telling me about our friend here, and I wanted to see what my favourite forensic scientist could tell me. And for goodness sake Ed, will you call me (Y/n), miss (Y/l/n) is so formal, I mean we are friends, aren't we?" (Y/n) said, as she looked up at him with a smile.

That smile, Ed would do anything to see that smile.

"Er.......well........yes, of course, friends........just friends......" Ed fumbled out as she stared intently into his eyes.

"Excellent!" (Y/n) said, patting Ed on the back.

"Now come on Riddles, show me what you got." She said, as she pulled out a chair so she could watch him work.

A few hours later Ed had finished; usually dissecting a body to confirm the means of death, and to extract any other information that may lead to the apprehension of a killer, had become a dull routine, but with (Y/n) there, asking him questions and taking notes, she made it feel strangely fun as he would call he over occasionally so that she could see how the stab wounds had punctured both the left lung and heart, indicating that the killer was right handed and the wound was inflicted in an upwards motion. He couldn't help but smile as he saw the enthusiasm in her face, a sense of pride filling him as he knew that (Y/n) was grateful for what he did.

"Well Riddles, you certainly know how to show a girl a good time." She said with a chuckle, as Ed pushed the body back into the freezer.

"You are most definitely the best way to spend my day, even if there is a dead guy between us." (Y/n) said, smiling softly, as she saw Ed begin to look slightly flustered.

"I better leave you alone, I'm sure you've had enough of me asking you stupid questions for one day, and Jim said he wanted to talk to me before I left. Thanks for letting me sit in Riddles, I'll see you next time ok." Standing on her tiptoes, she gently kissed him on the cheek before she disappeared to find Jim.

"You really are pathetic; you know that don't you." A voice said from behind him.

Ed spun around, his eyes widening when he saw Edward.

"Go away, just go away! I won't let you come out." Ed said, shaking his head in an attempt to dispel the vision of his alter ego.

"Oh Ed, I'm already out, and we both know that without me you won't stand a chance with the good assistant DA. A woman like that needs a man, not a pitiful wimp, she is so far out of your league it is laughable, but with my help, I can make all of our fantasises about (Y/n) come true." Edward said, a smug grin on his face as he circled the uncomfortable looking Ed.

"Leave her alone! I don't want you anywhere near (Y/n), you'll hurt her, and I won't allow it." Ed said, trying to sound more confident than he actually felt.

"WON'T ALLOW IT! WON'T ALLOW IT? Who do you think you are talking too?" Edward growled as he grabbed hold of Ed's lapels, shaking him violently.

"Do you know what Jim wanted to see her for?" Edward hissed, his face right in front of Eds.

"He wants to ask her out, that contemptible, flatfooted moron, wants to ask our girl out! If I leave it up to you, Jim Gordon will have his hands all over what is ours; so, I suggest that if you want (Y/n) you let me take over." Edward said, as he pushed Ed backwards.

Ed didn't want to do it, he didn't want to let Edward anywhere near (Y/n), but he knew he was right; if she said yes to Jim's invitation, he may lose the chance of being with her, forever, and he couldn't let that happen.

Within an instant Ed's demeanour, and posture changed as Edward took over, a confident smile growing on his lips. Taking off his white coat, Edward made his way to the squad room to find (Y/n) before Jim had chance to ask his question.

As Edward got closer, he could hear a commotion, the sound of Jim and Harvey shouting, and (Y/n) screaming. Edward ran, pushing his way through the doors, his eyes widening as they feel on the scene.

There on the floor was (Y/n), being hit by a man.

"You bitch, ya the one that put me away. I'm gonna kill ya!" The man yelled, as he gave (Y/n) another kick.

Before Harvey and Jim could do anything, Edward had dragged the man away from (Y/n) hitting him repeatedly, the man's blood spraying over his fist and clothes. Before Edward could kill him, he felt hands from behind pull him away.

"Are you crazy Nygma?" Harvey said, as he pushed Edward further away from the man.

Edward looked over, and saw Jim take (Y/n) in his arms, trying to comfort the shaking woman, his blood boiling as Jim brushed away the blood from her lips.

"Excuse me detective but I believe that (Y/n) needs proper medical attention from someone that knows what they are doing." Edward said, picking her up in his arms and making his way back to the lab.

Edward could feel her shake, as strong as he knew (Y/n) was, no one could be prepared for what just happened.

Gently he put her down, carefully examining her injuries. "Don't worry my dear, I'm here now, no one will hurt you again." Edward said, as he softly started to clean the wound to her lip.

Suddenly Edward found himself in her arms, as she pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Thank you, Ed, you're my knight in shining armour, you stopped him." (Y/n) said, as she let him go, but only far enough so she could cup his face in her hands and place a gentle kiss to his lips.

Edward couldn't help but chuckle. "Well my lady, if I am indeed your knight in shining armour, I think it only right that I take you away from this den of dragons and escort you back to your castle. And of course, it is only gallant that I should stay with you to make sure my princess comes to no further harm." He said, helping her to her feet and out of his lab.

"I'd like that Ed." She said, taking his arm as he led her away.

Edward smirked as he walked her passed Jim. (Y/n) only deserved the best knight in shining armour, and the best was him. 

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