A wolf of his own - GoT - Jory Cassel x Reader

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Jory couldn't help but smile as he watched (Y/n) play with her dire wolf, Midnight. The two had been inseparable since the moment her brother had presented the bundle of jet black fur to her, the now huge animal following his mistress around as if he were her shadow.

Jory sighed as he listened to the sound of (Y/n)'s laughter drift along in the ether, the melodious noise making his heart pound violently in his chest. He had watched (Y/n) for as long as he could remember, and to the captain of the guard, she was the most beautiful thing that he had ever laid his eyes on. Her mere presence could make him forget everything, a touch from her hand making him want to take her into his arms and kiss her, hoping to never to have to let her go.

He was always more than happy when he was assigned to watch over the she wolf. Their time together was always something he relished, whether they were out riding, or simply sitting in the library of the great castle; the two talking as they sat across from one another, warming themselves by the fire. Jory taking every opportunity to be as close to (Y/n) as he possibly could.

"You should tell her." A voice from behind Jory proclaimed, the familiar tone bringing the captain back from his daydream.

"Tell who, what, Uncle?" Jory asked, as he turned to face Rodrik.

"Please Jory. I may be old, but I am certainly not blind. Lady (Y/n) is a beautiful woman, intelligent, and loyal, with a good heart. She is like her father in so many ways, and she would make any man that was lucky enough to claim her hand, very happy I am sure." Rodrik told his nephew, slapping the younger man on the back as they both turned to see that Robb had now come to speak with his sister.

"And what do you think her brother would have to say if I were to tell her that I cared? You know how protective Robb is of her, not to mention what the rest of the family would think. Can you imagine that Ned would happily give the hand of one of his oldest children to a simple captain? She is an heir to Winterfell, a lady of the north, and she deserves better than me." Jory said sadly, smiling slightly as he watched her twin take her by the arm, and lead her back into the great castle.

"Life is never that simple. Ned may have other plans for the future of his daughter; but that is not taking into account what the fair lady may want herself. The girl has a strong mind, and she has always known what she wants, and I am sure that if she feels the same for you as you do for her, then no matter what her father wants, (Y/n) will be with you." Rodrik reassured, as they slowly made their own way back inside, the two men taking in the preparations for the festivities that would happen later that night.

Jory wasn't happy about the celebration. Nobles from all over the Seven Kingdoms had been arriving in Winterfell, most in hopes of finding a suitable match, a match that could further the power and position of their families, and Jory was sure that more than one young lord would be looking at (Y/n) as that possible match. A fact that filled Jory with dread. But he determined that that night he would not let a lord take what he loved until he knew for sure that (Y/n) did not feel the same.


Jory stood in the great hall dressed in the best uniform he could find, although compared to all the peacocks that were currently strutting around, he still felt dowdy and dull.

(Y/n) and Robb were still to make their appearance at the celebrations, Jory presuming that Ned wished them to make quite a stir when they did finally emerge, the two heirs to Winterfell the greatest prizes at the festivities.

Suddenly the hall fell quiet, as Robb and (Y/n) appeared hand in hand; (Y/n) looking more perfect than Jory could ever have imagined. She was dressed in a beautiful emerald green gown, which Jory was sure that her mother must have made her especially for the occasion, with her hair braided simply. The whole ensemble bringing out the colour of her glorious eyes and the redness of her lips.

Jory couldn't help but stare as the twins made their way down the stairs and into the hall, his heart threatening to burst as (Y/n) smiled and her eyes fell on him. At that moment he wanted to rush over and take her into his arms, to tell her how much he cared for her and wanted her to be his wife; but as the mass of young lords surrounded her, he felt his heart break into a thousand pieces.


Jory watched sadly as (Y/n) danced with yet another young man. All night she had been kept away from him, as one young lord after another vied for the she wolfs hand. So focused was he, that he didn't notice as Robb came to stand by his side.

"She looks beautiful, doesn't she?" Robb asked, his sudden remark causing Jory to start.

"It is no wonder that they are all competing for her hand. Its just a shame that none of them have a chance of winning her." Robb continued, chuckling to himself as Jory looked at him, more than confused at her brothers' statement.

"Why wouldn't lady (Y/n) be interested in any of them, my lord." Jory asked, feeling slightly happy at the notion that (Y/n) did not care for any of the young lords present.

"Because she has already lost her heart to another. He's a captain of the guards, its just a shame that he hasn't realised that my sister cares for him just as much as he obviously cares for her." Robb laughed, as Jory stared at him in disbelief.

"I think you should go tell her how you feel before my father decides that one of these other men would be a perfect suitor. And it also looks like she needs rescuing." Robb told Jory, as he pushed him onto the dance floor and in the direction of his sister.


"Could I have the next dance, my lady." Jory asked, offering her his hand as he ignored the glares of the other men.

"I would be delighted, Jory. Thank you." (Y/n) said happily, as she readily let the captain take her hand and lead her onto the floor.

"You look beautiful tonight, my lady." Jory whispered, as he held her close, the two swaying to the music.

"Thank you, Jory. You look very handsome in your uniform. And please, you know to call me (Y/n)." (Y/n) insisted, as the pair spun around.

"Compared to the other men here I must appear very dull." Jory told her, as his grip tightened around her waist.

"Oh, peacocks look pretty, but they have no substance. I prefer a man that I can rely on. A brave man who is loyal to his family and the people of Winterfell. A man that I know has always cared for me but seems too afraid to tell me. A man just like you Jory." (Y/n) told the man that held her close. The lady smiling as he brushed his thumb across her cheek.

Before (Y/n) could think, Jory was pulling her by the hand towards the balcony, the two not caring about anyone else in the room as they made their way into the cold night, the sound of freshly fallen snow crunching under their feet as they looked into one another's eyes under the star ladened night sky.

"I love you (Y/n). I have always loved you. I don't want you to be anyone else's, I want you to be mine." Jory said, as he gently kissed her lips.

"Oh Jory. You don't know how long I have been waiting for you to say that. I love you too." (Y/n) replied, her heart bursting with joy as her captain held her close.

"I think that we should go and tell my parents that I have found a man I wish to marry." (Y/n) told Jory, as she pulled him in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last.

As Jory and (Y/n) made their way back into the celebrations hand in hand, Jory knew that he finally had a wolf of his own. 

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