Tomboy - Avengers - Bruce x Reader

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"Makeover!" Wanda exclaimed, as she and Natasha looked at a horrified (Y/n).

"Oh no. Non. Nien. Nyeht. And did I say, NO DEFINITELY NOT! I don't need a makeover. And anyway, I told you, I'm not going to the tin can's party. They are always the same. Full of fake people talking about how much money they have, and their latest rounds of plastic surgery. All very dumb and boring." (Y/n) replied, shaking her head. The team's resident tomboy backing away slowly as Wanda and Natasha smiled at her.

"But he'll be there, (Y/n). Tony said that he would be. And with just the right amount of makeup. Your hair done in a different style, and may I say, a dress. Bruce might finally realise what he's missing out on." Natasha chuckled. The widow and the witch both wondering what they could do with (Y/n)'s blank canvas.

From the day (Y/n) joined the team, it was obvious that she wasn't like the other girls. She was one of the guys, a tomboy through and through. Though that said, she still cut an amazingly striking figure. Her hair was always cut short, and she insisted on dyeing it all manner of unusual colours. The vibrancy of her hair only matched by the breathtaking artwork that covered both her arms and her back. And Natasha and Wanda were sure that they had never seen (Y/n) wear makeup, or anything but jeans and T-shirts since they had met her. The only thing ever covering her face, were the smudges of dirt and grease from the many projects that she had going on in her workshop; or from helping Steve with his old bike, and Tony with his hot rod. The only time the tomboy seeming to care about the schmutz, was when a certain Bruce Banner came into view. The tomboy always wiping her face and brushing her fingers through her hair when she lay eyes on him. Prompting Natasha and Wanda to decide that they had had enough of watching their friend pine away. Deciding that Starks latest little shindig was the opportune time to help the object of (Y/n)'s adoration, see that she was all woman.

"I know he'll be there. But I'm not getting all dressed up just so that Bruce will notice me. If he liked me, I wouldn't have to wear makeup or a stupid dress. If he liked me, he would like me for me. Jeans, T-shirts, dirty face, and all. If he liked me, he would have said something by now." (Y/n) protested. Knowing that it would take more than mascara and lipstick for the seemingly oblivious Banner to even notice that she existed.

"Oh please, (Y/n). This is Bruce we are talking about. He doesn't notice most things unless they are covered in equations. And you know that he is the silent type. He probably can't summon up the courage to talk to you." Wanda giggled as she circled (Y/n). Her wicked little grin making (Y/n) more and more nervous by the second.

"Look. We promise that we won't do much. Just a little here and there. Enough to show Bruce that you are the belle of the ball. Plus, if Stark makes one of his not so subtle innuendoes in your direction, it might force Bruce's hand. And if it doesn't, you know that it's time to stop pining and find a guy that does like you." Natasha reasoned as (Y/n) looked at herself in the mirror and ran her fingers through her unruly hair.

"Not too much, right?" (Y/n) asked hesitantly as the two other women loomed over her.

"We promise."


"Are you sure that this is going to work?" Bruce groaned as Tony helped him fix his bowtie. The doctor looking dapper in his tuxedo that Tony had insisted that he have tailored for the evening.

"Of course, its gonna work, Bruce. Have a little faith. If there is one thing I know, it's how to impress a lady. And even though she doesn't look like it most of the time, under all that axel grease and engine oil, (Y/n) is definitely all woman. So, just put yourself in the hands of old uncle Tony, here." Tony chuckled as he smoothed down Bruce's lapels.

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