Waiting for you - Vikings - Björn Ironside x Reader

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His breathing was laboured, blood dripping from his lips, as he rode to face his brothers and the army of the Rus that were behind them. In truth, he should be dead. In truth, he was dead; the wound that Ivar had dealt him, had left him fatally wounded, and he had been not only slipping in and out of consciousness since their fight; but also, in and out of death. But he didn't care, death did not scare him. He had already seen the entrance to the golden halls of Valhalla; he knew that he would sit with the allfather and sup the sweetest mead and eat the finest food, until he was called upon to fight by Odin's side. But it was not this that made him welcome death, no; it was the woman that he had seen waiting for him.

(Y/n), she had been Björn's first, in all truth, his only. Before Torvi, before Sneafrid; before Thorunn or any of the others, there had been (Y/n). There would always be (Y/n). The two had grown up together, and Björn had believed her to be the most beautiful, the most perfect woman that the gods had ever created. All the other women that had followed her, had been Björn's way of trying to heal his broken heart; their bodies, their faces becoming those of (Y/n), as he kissed them, as he lost himself inside them. Their moans, only sounding like her breathy calls, to Björn's ears. The oldest son of Ragnar feeling nothing but disappointment, when he woke to find that the woman sleeping in his arms, was not the love of his life.

Slowly, his horse came to a stop. He was not seeing the Rus that had moved forward; he was not seeing the army. A small smile coming to his lips, as his mind went back to his first night with (Y/n). How it had been a flurry of hands exploring skin; of lips on lips and teeth nipping at tender flesh. The need, want and desire of the pair, spilling out, as Björn and his exquisite young shieldmaiden, had found their way to a small cabin. Her moans, her groans the most wonderful sounds that he had ever heard, as he had sheathed himself in her warmth. The feel of her, like nothing he had ever known before, and would not know again, despite all the women that had shared his bed, since his true love had been called by the gods.

He could still recall that awful day; the images seared into his mind, by the sheer weight of the loss. She had been fighting not far from where he had been standing; swinging her sword at any that came her way. Her training with his mother, paying off, as she moved with pure fluidity around the battlefield. But then.......then she had been surrounded. Her cries as the swords of the enemy had pierced her flesh, seeming louder to the Ragnarsson's ears, than all the other shouts and screams that filled the air. Björn having to watch in horror and disbelief, as the light left her eyes, and her body fell to the floor. He letting out a shout of his own, as he had fought to get to her. Björn dropping to his knees; taking her into his arms and holding her, as he screamed up to the sky.

He had been the one to create the pyre for her body, He had been the one to lay her upon it, before setting it alight. Tears making their way down his cheeks, as he watched the body of his lover, burn. His heart following the smoke, as it drifted into the sky. Björn never feeling more alone, more broken, more lost in his life. But now, now he knew that he would finally get to be with her again. He would finally get back his heart. The images of her waiting for him; beckoning to him, towards the hall of the fallen, keeping that smile on his lips. Björn knowing that he just had to do this one last thing, before they could be together again; before he could pull (Y/n) into his arms and love her until Ragnarök called on them to fight by Odin's side.

The breath left his body, as the first arrow hit him; the impact forcing him to lean back in his saddle a little. The second arrow, causing him to spit out blood; but still, he did not waiver. The image of (Y/n) in front of his eyes, getting clearer, brighter by the moment. And then the third, Björn's eyes looking to the sky for a split second, as the man on horseback made his way back to the army, not noticing the movement of the Northman's arm. The sword of kings being pulled from its sheath. His arm, slowly, shakily moving the blade upwards into the air. The Viking army slowly appearing behind him; men, women, standing with their king.

Then he gasped, the sword falling slightly. The Rus turning to see that they wouldn't not be fighting on just one front, as an army on horseback came into view. The enemy realising that all had come to answer the call of Björn Ironside. The king of all Norway. Hundreds of voices shouting as one, as they ran towards the Rus; yet Björn heard only one voice, as the Valkyrie finally came to claim him. The voice that he had not heard in far too long. His heart beating at a pace, as he opened his eyes, and he saw (Y/n) before him. Her hand slowly reaching up and touching his cheek.

"I have been waiting for you, my love........." She said, as Björn placed his forehead to hers.

"Come, I have a place laid out for you, right by my side. We will drink, eat; and then.......then we will love. For I have missed you more than words can say." (Y/n) continued. Kissing him softly, before placing her arm in his, and leading him into the vast golden hall.  

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