Christian - Vikings - Flóki x Reader

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Flóki looked at the golden cup that sat atop the Christian altar. Picking it up and sniffing at it before taking a drink. The boatbuilder spitting it out in disgust, before wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve. The huddled Saxons crying and clinging to one another, before he turned around and looked at them. His eyes falling on a woman that was glaring back at him. She the only one in this place of Christian worship that didn't seem to be scared of the heavily armed pagans that were around them.

As much as he hated the worshippers of the carpenter, he couldn't help but be intrigued by this female. Unlike the other women, unlike even the men and the priest that were being held by them, she had not shed a tear. She did not cower if one of the men moved towards her. In fact, all she seemed to have done, was look at him, as if he were some kind of strange creature that she had never laid her eyes on before. And oddity to be gawked at. Flóki not sure whether he like it or not; for despite her religion, dispute her being a Saxon, the boatbuilder had to admit that she was the most beautiful woman that he had even lain his kohl stained eyes on. A mischievous smile coming to his lips, as he suddenly made his way over to her, pulling an axe from his belt and quickly bringing it to the side of her head. The woman not even flinching as the sharp blade stopped just before it touched her skin. Flóki letting out a laugh and spinning around, as the other Saxon's screamed and began to pray.

"Do I not scare you........?" The boatbuilder asked, as he leant down in front of the woman. Flóki aware that she would probably not understand a word he was saying, but still feeling the need to ask the question.

"She hasn't been scared of any of us, since we dragged her in here. I think that if we gave her a sword, she would try and kill each and every one of us. That is if she could keep her eyes off you. I think she fancies you, Flóki......." One of the men joked. His comment's receiving a laugh from the others, but also, an amused snort from the strange woman. Flóki's smile getting even broader, as he moved his face closer to hers.

"You understand us.......don't you? How is that...........?" He enquired cheerily. The boat builder simply giggling again, as she refused to answer. Flóki standing to his full height and moving his hands around in his usual gestures; before he placed his thumbs to his eyes and drew the trips across the black kohl. The Northman then placing his thumbs on her cheeks and slowly drawing them downwards towards her chin; leaving dark lines as he went.

"Flóki's claimed her.........." Another one of the raiders called out, as he saw what the boatbuilder had done. The men whistling, as he carefully gripped her arm, and pulled her to her feet.

"You are coming with me......." The woman not struggling, as the tall, slender man, pulled her out of the building. Flóki slowly circling her, as he looked her up and down. She appearing even more beautiful in the light of day, than she had done in the dull gloom of the Christian church.

He still couldn't understand her; could not understand why she was not scared. The reputation of the Northmen proceeded them, of how they would raid and burn; and how that would have what they wanted. Even taken some people back with them, across the sea, to serve them as slaves. To serve them in many ways. The boatbuilder stopping as he came to her back; the dress that she was wearing had been ripped as he and the others had taken over the church. The torn material revealing long, old wounds that that had healed raggedly. Flóki unable to stop himself from reaching out and touching one. The woman spinning around and slapping his hand away.

"Don't........" She warned him. Flóki taking a step backwards. The boatbuilder smiling again as he heard the word in his language.

"So, you cannot only understand me, you can speak my tongue," His usual cheeriness faltering, as her eyes left him for the first time. Her arms wrapping around herself.

"Why should I tell you anything? You are only going to kill me, as those people in the church will be killed. You are a pagan, I am a.........nothing. Why would you want to know these things............? Why would you care.........?" Her eyes flying up, as she felt his hand gently touch her arm. Her heart beating quicker, as he moved a little closer.

"If I swear on my gods that I will not harm you, will you tell me.......?" Flóki enquired. The woman looking deep into his eyes again, before slowly nodding.

"I was a servant in a monastery, from being a young girl, helping the cooks and doing the monks washing. One of the older men took pity on me when my mother died; and he taught me how to read and write, to understand other languages. He said that God wanted me for his bride, that it would please the lord if I offered my life to him. So, I agreed to take the veil. But one day, the bishop came, and his eyes fell on me as I served at his table. The bishop was not a good man, he............and when he was done, he had me whipped, tortured. He claimed that I had bewitched him, that I was wicked, a servant of the devil; and he would have killed me, if my old friend had not helped me get away. I saw hell in that cell, and I decided that it was not as bad as where I was at that moment. So, I fear nothing, no one. I believe in no god; for what god would allow that to happen to someone that was to devote their life to him.........." She explained. Her eyes widening, as the strange Northman placed his hand gently on her cheek.

"What is your name..........?"

" name is (Y/n)........." She replied. A blush coming to her face, as he placed his forehead on hers, and giggled as he had done before.

"I could take you away from here. Across the sea to my home........."

"As a slave.......a whore..........?"

" mine. And no one will ever hurt you again........." Flóki told her. The boatbuilder not knowing why the gods were making him care about her, making him want her; but he was glad they were. More giggling ensuing, as he felt (Y/n) nod slowly. Flóki taking her hand and placing it on his arm, as the other men came to join them. None of them caring as the screams from the burning building behind them, filled the air. Flóki just smiling at the thought of getting (Y/n) back to the camp, so that he could show Ragnar what he could bring home when found himself a Christian. 

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