Rather nice lady - Sherlock - John x Reader

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John sat in the restaurant, nervously fiddling with the end of his tie. Picking at threads that he could only see in his mind. Occasionally smiling slightly at the wait staff, as he caught their eye. He had no idea why he had agreed to this, and he certainly hadn't mentioned anything to Sherlock about it; making sure to hide his best clothes in the bottom of his bag, so that he wouldn't get the third degree, before he had left Barker Street, for the long weekend.

He had come up to Cumbria primarily to meet up with a couple of old comrades that he had known during his time in the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers; and that meeting had gone well, the three of them talking about old times, about the funny stories they remembered, and about what they had all been up to recently. The other two men proving to be quite fascinated by his friendship with Sherlock; though John had to think that if the younger Holmes was with them now, his old friends probably wouldn't continue to be fascinated for too much longer, when Sherlock started to reveal all their hidden secrets. No, the nervousness that was causing the former army doctor to pick up his fork and clean it with his napkin for the tenth time since he had been shown to the table, was to do with the blind date that had been arranged for him.

James Campbell, affectionately called Jock, as he was a rather large man from north of the border that now sported a rather full auburn beard that was streaked here and there with white, had spoken to John over the phone, about a rather nice lady that his own wife knew, that they both believed would be perfect for the GP. John finding himself agreeing to meeting this 'rather nice lady', though he had been given very little information about her, other than her name was (Y/n), and that it had been organised for them to meet at this restaurant at eight. John looking at his watch yet again, noticing that it was three minutes to the hour.

"Excuse me.........." The voice causing John to fumble with the fork that was still in his hand, as he looked up. A broad smile spreading across his lips, as he quickly got to his feet, combing his fingers through his hair and hoping that the rather beautiful woman in front of him was his date, and not just some stranger that had stumbled across him, and was actually looking for her very lucky husband.


"You......you wouldn't be John Watson, would you? Diana and James told me what to look out for, but.........."

"Yes, yes.......I'm John......John Watson." The doctor continued, as he held out his hand for her to shake.

"Oh, thank goodness for that." (Y/n) replied, as she shook his hand.

"I had the most terrible feeling that I was going to turn up here and I would be eating on my own." She continued. Smiling at John, as he pulled out her chair and let her sit.

"Why....why would you think that.......?"

"Well, I know that James sprung this on you. You thought you were just going to have a quiet weekend, and then you get talked into a blind date with some woman. I just had this feeling that you might have changed your mind and might have run off back to London." She chuckled. John not wanting to admit this, but a little part of him had indeed just thought about cutting the weekend short and heading back to the capital; but now, now he was glad that he hadn't.

"Not at all. Jock......James, told me that you were a rather nice lady......" John told her, as he retook his seat.

"Rather nice lady? Oh dear. Now I am really surprised that you turned up. If someone had said that to me, I would have been expecting a 'but'. Though I must say that I am rather glad that you did turn up; and not just because I hate eating on my own..." (Y/n) retorted. John finding himself laughing at the remark. This rather nice lady making him feel at ease for the first time since he had woken up in his hotel room, that morning.


John laughed again. If truth be told, he had been laughing all evening. (Y/n) had proved to be so much more than just a rather nice lady; she was a woman that had been around the world. A woman that he had found out was a forensic pathologist; the pair finding it quite amusing that they both worked in the same sphere, but at very different ends of the spectrum; he there to do his best to keep his patients alive, and she there......well, just in case he couldn't. But what made him think that fate was actually smiling on him, was that within the next few weeks, (Y/n) was making the move to London, to become the chief pathologist at New Scotland Yard.

"So........" John said, as he finished his drink.

"Would you like to meet up again, once you move down to London?" He continued hopefully, knowing that of all the dates that he had been on, this had to rank as the best; and he was sure that there was so much more to learn about the woman across from him.

"I think that I would quite like that, Doctor Watson. It's been a long time since I have been to the capital; so, maybe you could be my guide. Lord knows when I start my job, I probably won't have much time to myself, so I would really like to spend a few days getting to know the old place again. That, and I have a feeling that there is so much more to learn about you, John." She told him. John smiling as he got up from his seat and pulled out her chair, before he offered her his arm and led her out of the restaurant.

"But for now, how about you being a rather nice man, and escorting me home; then we can have a nightcap, before this rather nice lady, says goodnight and sends you back to your hotel." (Y/n) continued, John nodding as they walked through the cool night air. The doctor more than happy to take her anywhere she liked and leaving him to hope that when they met again in London and she asked him to stay for a nightcap, this rather nice lady, might just let him stay the night.  

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