Blood moon Targaryen - GoT - Viserys x Reader

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Viserys looked up at the bright moonlight night, he knew that in a matter of days that the blood moon would be seen in the sky, and he knew once again that all he would be able to think about was (Y/n).

(Y/n) was Viserys and Daenerys older sister, she was only older than her brother by a few years, but as she, Viserys and their pregnant mother had been sent to Dragonstone Island by their father after the death of Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident, (Y/n) had been the only thing the young boy had had to hold on to; the only thing that he could rely on, the one true beautiful thing in his life, the only thing he loved.

Even though he had only been young the last time he saw her, he could remember how she would cradle him in her arms, running her long fingers through his pale hair, telling him stories of a great red dragon and a Queen that could control the beast with just thought. He could remember that (Y/n) had told him that the Queen had a brother, a brother that would someday be her love, and the two would be the lord and lady of a great land far beyond Westeros, far beyond what was known.

Viserys had always believed his sister was the queen in the stories, and that he was the brother that she would love; he believed her tales because (Y/n) was not like the rest of the family, she had always been special.It was true that she had a head of flowing white hair as the rest of her kin; but unusually her eyes were as red as blood, and around her face, and down her neck were delicate red scales, that seemed to shimmer in the light, scales that she told him were the mark of the great red dragon himself, a dragon she would call Naga.

Despite his tentative years, Viserys could remember all the fateful days of his youth; he could remember the day he was made the titular head of the House Targaryen at the death of his father, he could remember the day his mother died giving birth to Daenerys; but most of all he could remember the day he lost the sister he loved more than life itself.

As he and his sisters were smuggled from Dragonstone island, the troops of Robert Baratheon bearing down on the three siblings, he could still feel his hand losing its grip on (Y/n)'s hand, turning around he had seen that two black figures had pulled her away from him and Daenerys, watching in fear as his love had tried to scream out to him but had been prevented by a large hand that placed itself firmly over her mouth, drowning out the sounds of her cries.

As the now two Targaryen siblings sailed across the Narrow Sea to Essos, Viserys had looked up and seen the blood red moon that so reminded him of his beloved sisters eyes, and he had cried, bitterly and hard; and even though he and Daenerys had spent the next 17 years travelling between the Free Cities, begging for food and shelter as he tried in vain to raise support for his efforts to retake the Iron Throne, every time the great red celestial orb appeared in the sky, he would remember (Y/n) and wonder what had become of the girl he would called the Blood Moon Targaryen.

"You still miss her, don't you?" Daenerys said softly, as she came up behind her brother and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Viserys had always told Dany about their sister, how she was perfect and kind and beautiful; and every time he spoke of her, Dany could see the glimpse of the kind and respectful boy he had once been, before loss and begging had made him cruel and bitter.

Viserys knew that (Y/n) would probably disapprove of the man he had become; he had once been the apple of her eye, now he was nothing more than a arrogant, aggressive, sadistic and immoral creature, a creature that was in complete contrast to the man that had been in his sisters stories, the man that she would love.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Viserys said dismissively, peering out onto Pentos, his eyes falling on the amassed Dothraki as they prepared for the wedding of Khal Drogo and Daenerys.

"(Y/n). Every time the blood moon is due to rise you think of her, even after all these years she is always on your mind. I know you love her Viserys, and I'm sure that if she were here that she would love you too." Dany said softly, trying to reassure her obviously disturbed brother.

"You know nothing, Dany; why don't you go and be with your people." Viserys huffed, as he turned around and slumped onto his bed.

Sighing, Daenerys left the tent, leaving her restless brother to his thoughts.


Viserys sat in his tent, the blood moon would rise in an hour, and he would spend the evening doing what he had done for many years, and that was to get drunk and seek the favours of a woman, always pretending that the whore beneath him was (Y/n), her body taking him inside her, her lips kissing his, her legs wrapped around his waist as he made her his.

"Viserys, you need to see this!" Dany exclaimed as she rushed into his tent, grabbing his hand and pulling him outside.

Viserys looked around, annoyed that his sister had taken him away from his wine and his thoughts. Noticing that the Dothraki were looking up into the sky towards where the blood moon would soon be rising, he followed their gaze, his eyes widening in disbelief as what appeared to be a great red dragon flew high above the horizon, its huge wings creating vortex's of the smoke from the great clouds which bellowed from its nostrils.

Suddenly there were shouts from the amassed Dothraki, the men and women falling to their knees as the great scarlet beast came to rest on the dusty ground.

"Well? What are they saying?" Viserys asked Jorah, as he and Dany rushed over to his side.

"They are saying that it is the daughter of the three headed dragon, lady of the land of Dragonflame, Queen of the great serpents." Jorah explained, as he looked on in wonder at the great creature that blasted out colossal columns of fire into the darkening sky.

"I have come to find those of the House Targaryen." A beautiful voice called out in Dothraki, the great warriors seeming to cower slightly as a figure appeared from behind the huge head of the dragon, dressed head to toe in a gown and great hooded cape that were as red as the beast next to her.

"The lady says that she is looking for you." A stunned Jorah said, turning to see that the two siblings were as stunned as everyone else.

Viserys and Dany looked at one another before cautiously stepping forward and making their way to the lone figure. As the two drew closer, Viserys stopped in his tracks as the Queen removed her hood to reveal a flowing mass of white hair, a pair of glowing red eyes and sparkling scarlet scales that delicately littered her pale skin.

"Viserys?" The woman asked in disbelief, as she looked at the man that was once the boy she had loved.

"(Y/N)!" Viserys shouted out as he ran to his sister, taking her in his arms and spinning her around, unable to believe that after all these long years he was finally back with her.

"I have heard that my beloved brother was no longer the man from my stories, that he no longer cared for the Queen of the great red dragon; I was told that I should not come to find you, or the sister that is to become Khaleesi. But I am a true daughter of the three headed dragon; and I like Naga here, I was born stubborn, and had to come see for myself whether it was true that my love no longer cared." (Y/n) said, pulling away from Viserys arms so that she could pat the scaly beast by her side, smiling as her brother dropped to his knees and rested his head on her stomach, his hands gripping tightly onto the great folds of her scarlet garb.

"I love you more now than I ever have before; you have always been in my thoughts, my dreams, my fantasies. I could still be the man of your stories if the great Queen would still have me." Viserys said, his eyes closing gently as he felt his sister's long fingers once again brush through his hair.

"Then my love, why don't you prove to me that you are still worthy to be my King, and maybe I will make a new story for us, this time a story that will last for all time." (Y/n) told him, as she helped Viserys to his feet, his eyes showing a hint of the boy she had once known.

As Viserys picked (Y/n) up into his arms and made his way to his tent, he ignored the eyes of the Dothraki, the stares of Jorah and Dany; he cared nothing for what they thought or felt, all that mattered was that his Blood Moon Targaryen was back with him, and together their story would begin again, and this story would be no work of fiction. 

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