Keep up old man - The Expendables - Galgo x Reader

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"If you want an explosives expert then (Y/n) is the one you need, in my opinion you're not going to get any better." Bonaparte said, taking a sip of his beer as he and Barney sat at a secluded table at a quiet little cantina just across the border.

"The only problem is, you're going to have to catch her." Bonaparte said quietly, as Barney took the large cigar from his mouth and stared at him.

"What do you mean, "catch"?" Barney asked as Bonaparte moved uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well, you know what these guys are like that play around with things that go bang, they are all a little crazy, and (Y/n) has her certain "eccentricities". Don't get me wrong, she's great at her job, and she would be a great inclusion in the team, but she a little............" Bonaparte stopped, contemplating his next word.

"Nuts!" Barney said, now not sure that going after this woman would be worth his time.

"I was thinking more unique." Bonaparte protested.

"Look Barney, (Y/n) is the best, and I assure you that if you can get her you wont regret it, but you are gonna have to be quick because the local policía are after her too. She's been living and working on slightly the wrong side of the law down here for a while, but they haven't been able to catch her; she's one of these parkour experts, loves jumping buildings, over cars, through windows, you know the kind of thing. I can tell you when and where she will be, I made sure that she was given a job; but it's up to you and the others to get her." Bonaparte told Barney, watching as the big man chewed on the end of his cigar. Barney knew that his old friend never normally steered him wrong, but there was always a first time.

"Ok Bonaparte, but I want you with us when we go after her, and I want every last bit of information about her that you can give me." Barney said, as the two men finished their beers.


Barney had position Galgo on the roof of a building overlooking the small bank that Bonaparte had informed them was (Y/n)'s next target. Bonaparte had made sure that she had been given a job to liberate some papers from a particular safety deposit box in the bank, in hopes that knowing where she was would make the job of catching her a little easier.

After Barney had read her file, seeing that she had been awarded medals for bravery for defusing countless IED's that might otherwise have killed many servicemen and women, her many commendations, and that she had even been awarded by the President himself, Barney knew that Bonaparte was right, and who better than Galgo to chase their quarry down.

The smaller, faster Spaniard was the perfect choice to chase their target into the trap that the other Expendables had waiting, and as the only one that knew anything about parkour, Galgo was Barney's natural choice for the job.

"Galgo. Do you have eyes on the target?" Barney's voice asked over the comms in Galgo's ear.

"No! No movement yet." Galgo replied, his eyes scanning for any movement below.

Suddenly an explosion lit up the inside of the bank, making Galgo fall backwards from his look out point. As he recovered, he noticed something dark dart from inside, moving quickly down the street, jumping up onto the roof of a truck and then onto the roof of a nearby building.

"She's coming." Galgo said quickly, as he began racing along the roof of the building he was on.

Galgo was determined to not let the rest of the team down, he knew the plan well; force the woman across the buildings in the direction of where the others were waiting, and make sure to get her to the ground so that they could corner her; but to Galgo's surprise this woman was quicker than he could ever have imagined, and as she leapt and swung from building to building, from rooftop to rooftop, Galgo couldn't help but be impressed.

Galgo skidded to a stop when he lost sight of her; he looked around frantically, surveying everything; he wasn't going to contact the others and let them know that he had messed up the one job he had been given just yet.

A cough from behind him made Galgo spin on his heels, as he did so he came face to face with their smug looking target; she was beautiful, dark and smouldering, and even though he knew he had a job to do, his usual flirtatious side was fighting to get out.

"And who might you be?" She asked, looking Galgo up and down, licking her lips flirtatiously as she circled him.

"You're definitely not a cop, most of the ones round here are either fat and old, or young and stupid, and they most definitely can't do parkour; well, its sort of parkour, but I suppose you aren't bad." She said, chuckling softly as Galgo began to protest.

"Hey! I am exceptional." The Spaniard said, straightening slightly as she continued to look him up and down.

"You can't be that exceptional, you couldn't keep up with me; if I hadn't taken pity on you old man, I would be miles away by now. Now who are you, and why are you after me, and please note that if I don't like your answer, you and I might find ourselves on not so friendly terms." (Y/n) told him, as she sat on the edge of the roof, waiting for his answer.

"Señorita (Y/n), my name is Galgo, it is a pleasure to meet you." Galgo said with a dramatic bow, as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Some of my friends and I need your help, you were recommended by señor Bonaparte." Galgo told (Y/n) as she got to her feet.

"Boney sent you? Well why didn't you say! You got him on the comms you got?" (Y/n) asked, motioning for Galgo to hand his comms over.

"Hey Boney!" (Y/n) yelled down the comms, causing Barney on the other side to rip the earpiece from his ear.

"Here, I think this might be for you." Barney said grumpily, handing Bonaparte his comms.

"Hey (Y/n), is that you sweetheart?" Bonaparte asked, feeling uncomfortable as Barney and the others stared at him.

"Boney, who are you sending after me now? And this better be good!" (Y/n) said, as she listened to Bonaparte explain what was going on.

As Bonaparte spoke, Galgo couldn't help but stare as the younger woman listened intently to what she was being told; not only was she beautiful but she was brave and had gone beyond the call of duty to help others, and Galgo admired that.

"Ok Bonaparte, where are you?" (Y/n) asked, as she suddenly saw Galgo staring.

"We will be there in a couple of minutes." She said, handing Galgo back his comms.

"Ok." (Y/n) said, moving up right next to Galgo, close enough so that her chest was pressed up to his.

"If you can keep up old man, I'll let you take me out when we get back over the border." She told a wide eyed Galgo, as she kissed him on the lips and suddenly disappeared over the top of the roof.

"Less of the old man." Galgo shouted with a smile, as he chased to catch up with quickly disappearing (Y/n).  

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