Heart of a dragon - GoT - Greyworm x Reader

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He couldn't help but watch her, as she spoke with her younger sister. A light zephyr catching strands of her long pale hair, blowing the tresses, like silken spider's threads across her exquisite face. Her delicate fingers catching them and brushing them back behind her ears. Everything that she did and was, was perfect, or at least in Grey worm's eyes it was. Her every movement graceful. Her every word, music to his ears. Her slightest touch, enough to make the chosen commander of the Unsullied forget who he was. Enough to make his heart jump in his chest. Her smile the most wonderful thing that he had ever seen. And even though he would always be loyal to his queen, it was (Y/n) Targaryen that held his heart.

Since Daenerys had acquired the Unsullied, (Y/n) had been the face that the men had seen most. The queens most important advisor, even greater than the little man himself, (Y/n) was the link between the warrior eunuchs and their queen. The lady often making her way down to speak with the men. To use her skills in healing to assist any that were hurt and injured. To aid with problems or hear grievances. Her knowledge and sage advise making no man question why their queen trusted her sister so much.

Grey worm had frequently found himself speaking with the beauteous dragon. The commander often forgetting business, as he looked into (Y/n)'s sparkling eyes. The eunuch feeling his cheeks heat, as his words would get lost. As he would forget about the world. Forget who she was, what he was. And just wish that he could prove to her how much he cared for her. Wished that he could show her that even a man like he, could show her what it was to be a woman. Could show her what it was to be loved. For despite his castration. Despite the fact that he could remember nothing before he had been a member of the Unsullied, Grey worm still had stirrings. Still had feelings. Knew that he did not have to be a whole man to want love, and desire to give love in return. And that the person that he wanted to love, was (Y/n).

He couldn't help but smile, as he watched the two sister's converse. It obvious from the way that they interacted that the two were close. That unlike the brother that he had heard about, (Y/n) had always done her best to protect the queen. To be there for her younger sibling. To fight when she had need to fight. To do what she had to do to protect Daenerys. And Grey worm, along with many others of the Unsullied, had come to see (Y/n) as one of their own. As their dragon.

Grey worm pulled down on his leather jerkin. Readying himself as he watched Daenerys kiss her sister on the cheek and take her leave. The commander had decided that this evening he would tell (Y/n) how he felt for her. How he hoped that she might feel the same. That he hoped that she would allow him the show her that he could love her just as much as any other man. And this, this moment, as she looked out into the evening sky. As the heavy scent of flowers filled the ether. Seemed better than any other to approach her.

"Milady." Grey worm said softly, as he came up behind her. A happy smile coming to (Y/n)'s lips, as she turned to face the owner of the voice.

"Torgo Nudho. Is everything alright?" (Y/n) enquired, as she saw the slightly nervous look on his face. A look that she had never seen from the handsome commander before.

"Yes, milady. I was wondering if I could.........if.......I.........if you would be able to look at the wound on my arm again. It is slightly red." Grey worm explained. Chastising himself for not being able to tell her that he wished to speak to her in private. Goosebumps instantly moving up and down his flesh, as (Y/n) took his arm and carefully removed the leather from over the warrior's newest wound.

"It does look a little inflamed. You should have come to me sooner, Torgo Nudho. My sister needs her commander to be fit and well. I need her commander fit and well. But never mind, I can take care of that." (Y/n) told him, taking his hand and leading him to her rooms. Grey worm following dutifully behind. Happy to be going exactly where he had wanted to go.

"Now. Take off your jacket so that I can see the area properly." (Y/n) told him, as she closed the door behind them, and took him further into the room. Grey worm dutifully doing as he was told, and allowing the heavy leather jerkin, to fall to the floor. The commander and lady just standing there for a moment, looking at one another. Grey worm not failing to notice the pink hue that had come to the beautiful dragon's cheeks. Not failing to notice the way that her eyes seemed to linger on his chest. Nor the way that she bit onto her bottom lip. The Unsullied warrior taking a step closer. Reaching out his hand to take that of the dragon. Placing it on his toned torso, holding it there tenderly, as his other hand was carefully placed on her cheek. The breath catching in his throat, as (Y/n) herself moved closer. Her form now pressed up against his. Grey worm sure that he could feel her heart pound as violently as his.

"Milady......" Grey worm began. His hand moving up into her hair. His fingers twirling the white strands around themselves.

"I did not mean to deceive you. But I did not want to speak with you about my wound. I wanted to tell you..........I know that it may be wrong. That you may not feel the same. But love you. I know I am not able to love you like other men. Yet that does not change the fact that you have my heart. That you always will. And that it is as loyal to you, as I am to the queen. I............." The commander continued, his words lost, as a pair of soft lips met his. Grey worm feeling the arms of the dragon wrap around him, as they continued to kiss.

"It takes more things to make a man, that what you have had taken from you, Torgo Nudho. You are the strongest, bravest and fiercest man that I have ever met. You are loyal to my sister, to me. And I could not ask for a better man to love me. And I assure you that there is more than one way to love a woman." (Y/n) explained. The lady placing her forehead against that of the handsome commander.

"So, perhaps we can discuss those other ways, after I have seen to your wound." (Y/n) continued with a soft chuckle. Pushing Grey worm backwards and onto a chair, as she made her way over to retrieve her supplies. Grey worm unable to stop himself smiling, as he realised the dragon that owned his heart, was finally his. 

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