Back to health - Peaky Blinders - Arthur x Reader

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Arthur lay in his bed, sure that if he had to stay there a moment longer, he would lose what little grip he still had left on sanity. Yet he also knew that if he moved, it might be the last one that he made, for more than one reason.

It had been a stupid fight that had got him this position in the first place; but he had not known that a simple fair fist fight would become anything but fair, when the cowardly fucker that he was thumping, produced a knife and stuck it in him; this working out to be the last mistake the fucker had ever made. But still, he had been stuck with a blade, and if it wasn't for the fact that Johnny had been with him, Arthur was sure that he would have been dead. The oldest Shelby bleeding all over the streets of Small Heath as John almost carried him back to the house. The only reason that he was now in his own bed, rather than on some rotten hospital ward having to listen to the rattling coughs and moans of some other poor bastards dealing with whatever had brought them to the same hospital; was that his bride to be, (Y/n), was a nurse. A bride to be that wouldn't be his bride to be for much longer, if he dared to even think about getting out of bed........again.

He had to admit that he had tried it once, and it had not ended well; his knees having given way from under him, as soon as he had attempted to put weight on his legs; (Y/n) rushing in to find him in a pile on the floor. The sight bringing with it language from the beautiful woman's lips, that just proved she had taken care of soldiers during the war. Arthur never having seen her so angry, as she shouted for help; Tommy quickly appearing and aiding her in picking up his older brother and putting him back in his bed. The nurse warning him that if he did something that foolish again; that if all he wanted to do was kill himself by not listening to her, and not giving himself time to heal, then he could do it without her being around. (Y/n) continuing that the lord help her, but she loved him more than life itself, and she was not about to let him do something so damn idiotic under her nose. Arthur seeing it in her eyes, that she meant it. That it was not just himself that he had to think about now, that it was her too; her feelings, her needs, and that it was just selfish of him to be as he used to be, to not really give a damn about himself. That the best way to prove that he loved her, was to do as he was told and get better; not just for himself, but for her too. Arthur not liking the idea of being without her; of once more having to live his life without someone that truly cared about him. But that didn't mean that he still wasn't going out of his mind.

"It is nice to see that you are still in bed.........." A voice came. Arthur struggling to sit up, as the door closed behind the visitor.

"I half expected to find you in a bloodied mess on the floor........." (Y/n) continued, as she placed a bowl of water on the bedside table and took a seat on the bed. Arthur doing his best to not roll his eyes at her, knowing that he didn't have the energy or desire to argue with her. For despite the fact that she was still annoyed at him, he was so glad that she was there; that he had someone as beautiful and wonderful as she was, to nurse him back to health.

"Luv, I..........."

"Yes, I know, you apologised......." (Y/n) interrupted, as she produced a thermometer from the pocket in her apron.

"Now, open up..........." Arthur looking at the item she was holding in her hand as if it were some poisoned thing, that she was trying to make him eat.

"How old are you? I swear Arthur Shelby, you are the most difficult patient that I have ever had to deal with. So, you have two options, you either let me put this thermometer under your tongue and leave it there while I check on your bandages, or I flip you over and take your temperature a very different that you will not like..............."

"Ya wouldn't............?" Arthur countered, his eyes widening.

"I wouldn't bet on it, if I were you, Shelby. Now, open up.........." (Y/n) countered, before Arthur reluctantly opened his mouth. His girl smiling at him, as she drew back the sheets, and slowly opened his pyjama top. Arthur shivering slightly, as her cool fingers brushed over his skin and moved the bandages that covered the deep cut.

"Good, the stitches are healing well, despite you doing your best to bust them, and ruin all my good work. You know, maybe next time that you want to fight, make sure the other man has not brought a knife to the fist fight." She continued, as she took off the old bandage, and cleaned the wound with the water in the bowl.

"Maybe I will just take you. Ya have a tongue sharp enough ta cut anyone......" Arthur letting out a small yelp, as her fingers found a particularly tender spot. (Y/n) doing her best not to laugh, as he muttered something about her doing that on purpose.

"Well............" She said, as she finished off the new bandages, and took the thermometer from his mouth. Seeming to be perfectly happy with both.

"I will go and make you some tea and get you something to eat. And then, if you would like, I might come and spend some time with my fiancée, not just my patient." (Y/n) continued, leaning over and kissing Arthur on the nose before she got up from the bed and grabbed the bowl and dirtied bandages, then made her way to the door.

"I'd like that, luv.........." Arthur winking as she shook her head. The oldest Shelby happy to see one of her usual bright smiles make its way onto her lips, before she left the room. Arthur leaning back and letting out a contented sigh; it never good to get hurt, but if he was going to do it, as long as he had (Y/n) to nurse him back to health, it wouldn't be too bad.  

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