Intruder - Gotham - Jim x Reader

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Soft music filled the air, as (Y/n) sank deeper into the tub. The feel of the hot water and the scent of her favourite oils causing her to sigh happily, as the candles lit the room with a pleasant soft glow. The only thing that would make this moment better, would be Jim being there; but as he was currently with his work husband, Harvey, she had a feeling that it might be some time before she got to see him. In fact, given the current crime wave in the city, she might not get to see him at all. Jim finally able to drag himself back to the apartment they shared, after she had fallen asleep, and having to leave again, before she rose in the morning; only able to tell that he had been there, because of the dirty clothes that he had left on the floor. (Y/n) not about to say that the situation wasn't difficult at times, that she didn't miss him; but she had known what she was getting into when she started the relationship with James Gordon, and she wouldn't change him for the world.

Jim was a good man, a fine man; a man with morals in a city that was sorely lacking them. He was the 'nice guy', the boy scout, and even though (Y/n) knew that Gotham could eat up people like that; even though she and Harvey had warned him about the city not being a place for things like that, Jim had always stuck to his guns, he had always remained true to himself. Ignoring those corrupt cops that dared to call him 'holier-than-thou', for not being on the take like they were, and (Y/n) couldn't help but admire and be proud of him for that. For just being Jim. Another sigh leaving her lips, before she sunk all the way under the water.


Jim made his way to the apartment, pulling off his tie as he dragged his heavy feet along the corridor. It had been a chaotic day, not that that was anything unusual for Gotham; yet after what felt like a solid month of spending only a couple of hours every night in his own bed with his girlfriend, the captain had sent him home early. The detective, despite just wanting to sleep, liking the idea of spending some time with his girl. Of being able to speak to her, to hold her properly, instead of just doing his best to not wake her, as finally he was able to get into their bed.

"(Y/n)!?" Jim called out, as he opened the door and made his way into the apartment. Letting out a sigh of relief, as he closed the ingress behind him.

"Honey.........?" Still no reply to his call. A smile coming to his lips as he realised that he could hear music. Music that he knew was coming from the bathroom. Jim taking off his jacket and placing it on the coat hook with his tie, before making his way to the room.


(Y/n) finally emerged from under the water, letting out a shocked yelp as she saw a figure in the doorway. Shaking her head as she realised who was watching her.

"You know, I normally call the police when coming face to face with a home intruder......." (Y/n) said, as she reached for her sponge. Doing her best to not smile as Jim made his way further into the room, before crouching next to the bath and letting his fingers dip into the hot water.

"Go ahead. Maybe ask if they can send Jim Gordon over to deal with me........"

"Jim Gordon..........?" (Y/n) scoffed, as she moved one of her legs from under the water, and let the body wash covered sponge, brush over her skin.

"Jim Gordon would rather spend all day, every day with Harvey than me. That, or he prefers criminals over his girlfriend............"

"So......." Jim interrupted, as he took the sponge from her hand and gently gripped her leg. (Y/n) doing her best not to moan, as the sponge and his fingers moved over her flesh.

"Jim has been neglecting you, huh............?"

"Maybe a little. I know he has a job to do; but that doesn't mean I don't miss him. That I don't want to see him. That I don't know that it has been at least a month since we last had sex, and if something doesn't happen soon, I might have to look to an intruder to take care of my needs..........." (Y/n) told him. The moan finally making its way passed her lips, as the sponge moved higher up her leg.

"An intruder like me..........?"

"Well, you are handsome....... nearly as handsome as Jim is. And as you are here, and he isn't..........." (Y/n) placing her hands on each side of his face and pulling him close.

"Why don't you take the rest of your clothes off and come and join me in the tub..........."

"But there's no room............" Jim told her, as he looked at his girl. The detective himself moaning, as her lips ghosted over his.

"You have very little imagination for an intruder..........there is plenty of room for one on top. But you should hurry, who knows when Jim will be coming home." She replied, before kissing his properly. And as much as his body had wanted sleep before he had come into the bathroom, now all it wanted was her. All he wanted was to have what the job had denied him for the past month. The detective reluctantly pulling away and slowly standing, before beginning to undo the buttons of his shirt. His pants quickly following as he watched his girlfriend's hands caress her naked flesh. (Y/n) laughing as he finally joined her in the tub. The water spilling over the top as he positioned himself between her legs and the two began to kiss. Intruder Jim more than happy to give his girl everything that detective Jim hadn't had time to. Though from now on, he would do his best to make sure that Harvey and the criminal of the city, got a little less of his time, so that detective Gordon could prove to (Y/n) that he still loved her.  

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