Queen - Vikings - Harald x Reader

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Halfdan watched as his brother practiced against one of Lagertha's shieldmaidens. The man that would be king of all Norway, barely having left the woman's side, since he had laid eyes on her that first night back in Kattegat. And as much as Halfdan liked to see his brother as happy as he seemed to be, he had seen this situation play out, more times than he would care to remember, before. The younger son of Halfdan the Elder, not wanting to see all this end, as it normally did.

One could say that Harald had never been unlucky when it came to women; but when it came to love, and finding himself a woman that would become his queen, well........that was a different matter. Halfdan not about to mention Ellisif; yet he couldn't help but think about the Danish princess, every time his brother appeared to lose his heart. Yet the more that he watched how the shieldmaiden acted around Harald; the more that he found out about her, the more he was coming to believe that this time, Vestfold and Harald might finally have their queen.

"You let me win.........." Halfdan looking up to see his brother flat on his back, the beautiful shieldmaiden with the tip of her sword at Harald's neck, as she straddled his chest.

"I did no such thing, (Y/n)........" Harald chuckled, as he enjoyed the view.

"You are a terrible liar, Harald Finehair. You let me win, so that you could get me in this position..........."

"And what is wrong with that? If there is a better sight than this to be had, I am yet to find it." Harald continued, as the woman from Hedeby, removed her sword from his throat, and let it drop to her side.

"I could say the same from where I am." (Y/n) replied. A broad smile spreading across her face, as she took in his handsome visage, his beautiful eyes. Her fingertips ghosting over the faded tattoos on each side of his face.

It was true to say that she had met many a handsome man, many a brave and strong man. But when she had first met Harald, she had felt there was something different, something more to him; and it wasn't just that he was outspoken and exceptionally charismatic. It wasn't just that he was strong, powerful and ambitious. It was all those things combined, along with the fact that, to her eyes at least, had a good heart, a loving heart. (Y/n) not sure, in the beginning, how the older man was not already married; how he didn't already have a queen and several children that wished to be just like him. But she was glad that he didn't; for if he had, she was sure that her heart would break.

Since meeting at the feast, she and Harald had spent many an evening together, just talking. The king telling her all about Vestfold, about Tamdrup, how he would like her to see it. And after a few more cups of mead and ale, he had lamented about his Danish Princess. About how this Ellisif had refused him as he was not worthy of her; to which he had promised he would not cut his hair until he had become worthy, until he had made himself king of all Norway; until he had made her, his wife. (Y/n) sure that if he had asked her to wed him, he would have been enough. The shieldmaiden not caring if he were a king, just that he was hers. The woman from Hedeby, for right or wrong, finding herself angry when Harald had explained what she had done, because he had killed her husband; happy that Halfdan had taken the princess's life.

"Come back to Tamdrup with me, when I leave." Harald suddenly said, as he brushed some of the hair that had fallen from her braid during the fight, away from her face.


"Please, (Y/n). I so much want for you to see my home. For.....for you to come to think of it as your home. My heart is in Tamdrup, it is with my people; and theirs is with me. But there is one thing missing; one thing that would make it perfect, and that......that is a queen. A woman to stand by my side and help me rule. A strong woman that would help to see my ambitions, fulfilled........."

"To help you fulfill a promise that you made to another woman. To always be in her shadow..........." (Y/n) restored, as she climbed off him and got to her feet. Brushing down her clothes before picking up her sword.

"Shadow.........?" Harald getting up and joining her. Turning her around and placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Woman, you stand in no one's shadow, not even mine. Vestfold, my people........I, need a woman, need a queen that is a warrior; not some spoilt princess. I need a woman that is not scared to fight, to protect what is hers, and who she loves. That will defend her home, and her king; just as he will defend her.........." Harald told her. His head falling as she pulled away.

"Harald......I.........I confess that I have feelings.......that I......But how do I know you are telling me the truth? That you care for me and not.........." (Y/n) stopping, as Harald pulled a dagger from his belt and held it out for her to take, his other hand grasping at his long braid.

"I said I would not cut my hair until I was worthy of Ellisif; until I was King of Norway, and she was my wife. Yet I have nothing to prove to her any longer; I have no care for her. The only one I want to prove myself to, to show I love, is you. So, cut it, and be my queen. Cut it and come back to Tamdrup with me. Marry me and sit by my side........" The king told her, pushing the blade into her hand.

"Please..........." He continued, taking a step forward and bringing her hand up to his hair. The king giving her a nod, before she sliced through his long, dark locks with the sharpened weapon. The braid, along with the dagger, falling to the floor, before Harald pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Halfdan, from his place under the trees, smiling and shaking his head before leaving the pair to it; sure, that his brother would come to find him soon, to tell him the good news. And when they returned home, the whole of Tamdrup would be introduced to their new queen.  

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