Dance - Avengers - Natasha x Reader

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It was a Saturday night and given that all the bad guys in the world seemed to have other things to do rather than cause trouble, the team had taken the opportunity; well, Tony had taken the opportunity to drag the others to some new club that he had heard of from somewhere. And despite a few naysayers........really it was only Steve; the Avengers were now sat in the VIP section, looking out over the rest of the large space, as many of the other patrons moved around the dance floor. The group enjoying a few well-earned drinks, as the deep bass of the music filled the air. Sam turning his attention to the billionaire, as he nudged his elbow. The former pararescue airman's brows furrowed, as he looked at Tony's face, and then followed his pointing finger. A loud whistle leaving his lips, as he saw what the older man was smiling at.

"Wow. Will you look at that......." Sam said. His comment causing the others to look at him.

"What.......?" Sam just nodding towards the dance floor, at Clint's question. The archer and the others doing what the Falcon had just done moments before, allowing their gaze to wander back to the crowd. A crowd that had begun to migrate to the edges of the floor, clapping and cheering, as a single woman dancer around the centre. Her movements, effortless, fluid; like watching a gently moving mountain stream. Like water trickling over stones that had been washed smooth by years of being caressed by the cool, clear liquid. That, and she was beautiful. The dress that she wore, clinging to her body like a lover's arms. The dark material perfectly accentuating every swell and dip of her form, as she moved in time with the music. Even Steve finding himself getting to his feet, so that he could get a better look, as more people made their way to the floor, to watch her dance.

"The first person to get a dance with her, the rest of us pay for their drinks for the rest of the night." Tony suddenly said. Sam agreeing instantly, before anyone else could say a word.

"What......? Afraid that she'll prefer me over you.......?" Sam asked, as he grinned at a disapproving Bucky. The former HYDRA assassin grumbling, before he agreed to join in the bet. Even poor Bruce finding himself dragged into it, no matter how many times that he insisted that he couldn't dance. It only Nat that hadn't said a word; that had just sat back, sipping on her drink and watching as the women continued to move around the dance floor. Her movements changing perfectly, as a new song filled the air. The Widow hiding a smile behind the lip of her glass, as Tony declared that he was, of course, going to go first. The billionaire finishing his drink before getting to his feet and making his way down the steps and passed the silken rope that separated the VIPs from the hoi polloi. Tony pushing his way through the crowd, so that he could stand at the front. Ignoring the booing of the audience as he made his way over to the dancer, so that he could speak with her. Several amused chuckles being heard around the table, as the beautiful woman shock her head when Tony held out his hand for her to take. The billionaire acting as though her refusal hadn't dented his ego ever so slightly, as he made his way back to the others. One or two of the other boys, enjoying the fact that the usual Stark charm hadn't worked, more than others. Tony simply waving for another bottle of champagne, as he sat back and watched as Sam took his turn.


Bruce sat back at the table, Steve placing his hand on his shoulder, as the doctor tried to fight back to blush on his cheeks. The Hulk's alter ego having been almost pushed onto the dance floor by Tony; only to find, that just like the others, he was to have his request for a dance, sweetly turned down.

"Well, that's it then........"Tony said, as he looked across the table at Bruce, who had taken to frantically cleaning his glasses.

"Bet's off................"

"Who says............?" Nat asked, as she downed her drink and got to her feet.

"I still haven't had my turn....." She added, before moving away from the table. The boys watching on as the Widow made her way towards the floor. The beautiful woman turning to look at her, when Nat tapped her on the shoulder. The shaking head that everyone else got, replaced by a nod, as she took Nat's hand. The men able to do nothing but stare as the female Avenger pulled the beautiful dancer into her arms, and the pair kissed. Nat combing her fingers through the other woman's hair, as they moved around the floor.

"What........?" Clint asked, as the other men looked to him.

"I don't know who she is........." The archer added, defending himself. Sure, that the others would think that he and Nat had been in this together. Nat and the mystery dancer continuing to hold one another; staying as close as possible to one another, until the song changed. The Widow taking her partners hand and leading her back to the table. A small smile kissing her lips, as she placed her arm around the other woman's waist.

"Looks like I won." Nat declared, before kissing the dancer on the cheek.

"This is my girlfriend, (Y/n). I figured Tony would want to come here after I mentioned it, so I thought I would invite her." The Widow explained. (Y/n) smiling and waving at the men. Apologising to them all, for refusing their requests.

"But you don't have to worry about buying my drinks, boys. (Y/n) has made me a far better offer for the rest of the night. So, if you will excuse us......." Nat continued, a quick wink sent to the men at the table, before the Widow led her girl out of the club. Natasha knowing that as soon as she could get (Y/n) back home, their bodies would be moving together again; and this time, it would be far more intimate, far more wonderful, than any dance.    

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