Bruises - Avengers - Tony Stark x Reader

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"Ah, there you are, Stark. I'd like you to meet someone." Fury said, as the billionaire walked into his office in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. The playboy's eyes growing wide in disbelief, as the person that the director wanted him to meet, rose from the chair and turned to face him.


"Hello, Tony. It's so nice to see you again." The woman replied, a soft tentative smile pulling at the corner of her lips as she looked at the man in front of her.

"You two know one another?" Fury asked, as he came around the desk to stand by (Y/n)'s side. Feeling slightly confused as he noticed the shell shocked look on Stark's face.

"I think that you could say that. We knew one another very well a long time ago." (Y/n) replied. It obvious that Tony seemed briefly too dumbstruck to talk.

"What's going on? What the hell are you doing here, (Y/n)?" Tony suddenly demanded to know. The billionaire shaking himself from his momentary shock. It now clear that he was far from happy about seeing the woman.

"Er......(Y/n) is the new recruit that I have been telling you to expect. The one that Rogers, and I have been working on talking into joining us for months. She should be perfect......."

"No!" Tony exclaimed. Now glaring at (Y/n).

"She joins, you won't see me again. It's her or me." The now irate man added, before turning and leaving the office. The whole room seeming to rattle, as he slammed the door behind him.

"I knew that this was a bad idea. I thought after all this time he would have forgiven me. But obviously not. I'm sorry director. It was a great idea, but I think I should go. I don't want to make things complicated, and Stark was here first." (Y/n) sighed, as she reached for her pack on the back of the chair, only to find her wrist caught by Fury's hand.

"We could really do with you, (Y/n). And I am not here to pander to Stark's tantrums. So, why don't you tell me what the hell is going on with you two and let me decide." Fury said. Not failing to see the glint of a tear that was forming in the corner of her eye. (Y/n) sighing again as she took a seat.


Tony kicked open the door to his suite. Dropping the bottles wrapped in their plain brown paper bags onto the sofa, before making his way over to the bar to retrieve a glass. He was going to get drunk. He was going to get stinking drunk. So drunk that he would forget the bruises that she had left behind. He had done it once before, and he would do it again. Numb the pain that she had left him in.

He never thought that he would see her again. But he wasn't surprised that her skills had drawn Fury and Rogers to her. She was good at what she did. No, strike that. She was amazing at what she did. And that was one of the reasons that he had loved her. And seeing her face again, even after all this time, his reaction to it, proved that he was still in love with her. And despite himself, he knew he always would be.

Tony had never and would never admit it to the others that he was so foolishly weak. He had let them believe that it was because of his history. Because he just liked the lifestyle, that had found himself at the bottom of a bottle. That it was his playboy persona that he led him to an enormous string of meaningless affairs, with nameless and faceless women. Yet he knew that that was not the case. That the real reason he had tried to kill all his emotions with booze and women, was because of (Y/n). Because she had said, no.

Tony slumped onto the sofa, placing the glass on the coffee table, before pulling the first bottle from its brown paper disguise. Ah, twenty year old scotch. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it in style. He was going to show her. Prove that he didn't need her. And how could she come back after all these years and say that it was nice to see him again? After all they had been to one another, it was just nice to see him.

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