Dear sister - House of the Dragon - Daemon Targaryen x Reader

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A huge black dragon came into view. The beast appearing to split the sky itself, as it plunged through the cloud. It diving at full speed towards the water of Blackwater Bay, before being pulled expertly up. The pale haired man looking out of the window, smiling to himself before turning to look at his brother.

"She's here." Daemon said, as he made his way over to where his brother sat, looking over the model of Valyria that dominated the king's chambers.

"Of course, she is here. Our sister and Aemma were the best of friends. It might have been some years since they have seen one another, but I know she would want to be here for the funerals." Viserys replied sadly, as he took one of the small stone dragons in his hand. Doing his best to fight back the tears that so desperately wanted to fall for his lost wife and son.

"Draca finally appears to be fully grown. (Y/n)'s life in Pentos obviously agrees which him." The younger Targaryen continued. Trying to find something to say. Anything to say. Daemon not really wanting to be there with his grieving brother. Sure, that there were many more things that he could be doing. Viserys simply answering with a nod to the comment.

"Perhaps I should go and welcome her. I am sure that she will come and see you later to give you, her condolences." Daemon added. Breathing a sigh of relief, as the king dismissed him with a wave of his hand. The Commander of the City Watch happily making his way out into the corridor, before heading for the spot that he knew his sister would have landed Draca. Right next to the Dragon Pit.

It had been some years since either brother had seen their sister. By rights, (Y/n) should have been queen. It expected that Viserys would marry her. But he had not, much to Daemon's delight. His older brother instead choosing to wed Aemma Arryn. And (Y/n) had taken this opportunity. She had taken her chance to be free. Flying her mighty dragon over the narrow sea. Having resided in Pentos since. The Targaryen beauty hardly ever seen again in Westeros.

But she was here now. Here to see her friend, her good sister and nephew sent to the gods. To console her oldest brother and his only child. And all Daemon could hope was that she would agree to stay, at least for some time. At least long enough for him to get a chance to finally discover the true delights that lay beneath his sister's dragon rider armour.

Suddenly he stopped. Rolling his eyes, as he saw Otto Hightower and other members of his brother's small council already waiting to greet his sister. As he saw his niece waiting to greet her aunt. Daemon smiling, as the great black dragon lowered his head, to reveal his rider. Her long pale hair billowing behind her as she removed her helmet. The Targaryen prince moving slightly closer, as (Y/n) climbed down from the back of Draca.

"Rhaenyra, my dear, sweet child. It has been far too long." (Y/n) said, as she opened her arms. The princess making her way towards her aunt and resting her head against the older woman's breast. Her eyes closing as (Y/n) combed her fingers through her hair.

"I am so sorry that this meeting could not have been under better circumstances. The loss of your mother has touched us all. Her death will be felt throughout the whole of Westeros. For she was not only a wonderful queen. But a caring mother, a loving wife and the dearest of friends." (Y/n) told the princess. Moving so that she could take Rhaenyra's face in her hands.

"But rest assured, my dear, that I have every intention of staying here to give you all the support that you might need. No man, not even your father can know what it is like for a girl to lose her mother." The lady continued, before kissing her niece on the forehead. (Y/n) rolling her eyes, as a cough came from behind her and Rhaenyra. The lady letting out a heavy sigh before turning to look at Otto.

"Lord Hand. How..........nice to see you again." (Y/n) said, as she looked at Otto. A man that she had never liked nor trusted. In fact, she had never trusted any man that would sit on a small council. The princess well aware that there was only one thing that these men served, and that was their own interests. Otto Hightower in her opinion, worse than anyone.

"Princess (Y/n). It is such a pleasure to see you again." Otto replied, giving the king's sister a respectful nod.

"How nice of you to say that, Otto. Now, if only I thought you only meant it............." The lady chuckled. Giving Rhaenyra a small wink, as she kept the young girl close.

"What if I were to say that it was nice to see you, sister?" Another voice came before Otto could respond. All those assembled turning to see Daemon leaning against a rock. One of his usual smile creeping onto his lips, as she looked at his sister. His smile only growing, as she left their niece's side and made her way over to him. The princess only stopping once she was stood face to face with him.

"My dearest brother. How is it that you have got more handsome since I saw you last. And you have most certainly grown. In all the right ways, I am sure." (Y/n) replied, as she moved into Daemon's arms. The prince taking the opportunity to hold her close. Leaning down to whisper softly in her ear.

"I could always show you just how much I have grown if you would like. And I am more than sure that you would be able to make me grow a lot more." Daemon told her. (Y/n) moving so that she could look up into his eyes. The prince sure that he could see the same look in her beauteous orbs, as could be found in his own.

"I think that I might quite like that, brother. But first, I need a drink." (Y/n) hummed. Taking Daemon's arm as he offered it. The lady allowing him to lead her to the castle. Both of them having a feeling that this visit could become very interesting.  

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