Suit - Avengers - Tony x Reader

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Thank you to KuroEngel_OG for the inspiration

(Y/n) took her usual detour on her way back to her room. She had been at another meeting between Fury, Steve and Tony; doing her best to not only not laugh every time the billionaire made some sarcastic comment, or witty remark that the other two men most certainly didn't find amusing; Steve wondering how many more nicknames Tony could come up with, for him. But also, to keep her mind on anything that was said when she had to sit across from the smiling billionaire who would wink at her, when he caught her laughing to herself.

She knew that it was ridiculous, he was just being.......well, he was just being himself; he was being a little flirty and playing up because he had got someone's attention, nothing more. But oh, didn't she want it to be more. Ever since she had been discovered by Fury and brought into the team, she had found herself more than a little attracted to the billionaire; his charm, his smile, that mischievous twinkle in his eye, always making her heart beat far quicker than she was sure was good for her. Yet she knew nothing could come of her feelings; he was Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. The man behind Iron Man; a man that could have any woman that he wanted, with just a smile. And she.......(Y/n) wouldn't really say that she was the usual kind that he went for; she was just the weird woman that could mimic other people's fighting styles and abilities. Brought into the team to aid Steve and Bucky, more than anything else. But that said, it didn't mean that she still didn't have some wonderful, and often quite lurid thoughts about Tony; about what lay under finely tailored suits. Though as she believed that she would never find out, this would have to do; (Y/n) coming to stand in front of one of Tony's suits, a broad smile coming to her lips as she looked up at it.

"Hello handsome......fancy meeting you here.........." (Y/n) chuckled, as she let her fingers ghost over the broad chest of the suit.

"You know, I don't know which I want know what it would be like to be inside you, or for Tony to be inside, strike that, I do know which one I would prefer..........." She laughed again, as her hand slowly slipped from the suit's chest, down to its backside. The mimic shaking her head at herself as she gently rubbed the metal buttock, just like she did every time she passed the suit.

"Well, a girl can dream, can't she. Just promise me not that you won't tell your boss about all this; it's our little secret.........." (Y/n) continued, giving the suits butt one more pat, before she continued on her way; hoping that her dreams would be filled with all the things that she would like to do with the man, that had made her favourite suit.


Tony looked at the older suit, it had been stood there for quite some time; it, just like some of the others ending up in different parts of the compound looking like statues, more than functional pieces of technology. But he had realised that with just a few changes, the suit could be more useful than he had thought. That, or maybe he would pull it apart and use the bits for something else; but he wouldn't know until he got the thing on and familiarised himself once more with the suit. The billionaire pressing a button on his watch, and smiling as the metal moved around him, molding itself to the contours of his body. The suit still fitting him like a glove. The insides lighting up so that he could see that everything was still working.

"Hi, handsome......" A voice suddenly came. Tony smiling as he saw (Y/n) coming towards him. The billionaire not sure whether she had seen him get into the suit or not; though he knew that she had never called him handsome, before. So, for once, he chose to stay silent and see where this went.

"Hey, the boss moved ya, huh?" The mimic continued, as she moved around the suit, knowing that it was definitely not the usual spot that it was in. Her fingers caressing the back, before making their way to gently brush across the buttocks.

"You know, if Tony knew I rubbed your butt every time I went passed you, because I can't rub his, he would think I was the biggest weirdo. That, and given I do have the tendency of telling you all the things I would like to do to him in a very intimate setting...........he would either laugh me out of the compound or have me checked by a shrink and then have a restraining order slapped on me." (Y/n) chuckled, as she made her way to the front of the suit and placed her hand on the helmet's cheek.

Tony couldn't help but smile as (Y/n) continued to talk to what she obviously believed was just an empty suit. He had seen the way that she looked at him when they were in yet another tedious meeting, with the walking Fourth of July and the cyclops. How he would catch her smiling when he made some witty comment. And even though he had to admit that he had had more than one or two lascivious thoughts about the beautiful women; he would never have thought that she had similar notions when it came to him. Not that he was about to protest, (Y/n) was gorgeous, funny, intelligent, and just ever so slightly scary, which he found to be a massive turn on. And the thought that she would come and grab the butt of his suit, because she couldn't do it to him, couldn't help but make him want to laugh.

"Well, I hope he doesn't move you properly. Whose butt would I rub then........?" (Y/n) chuckled. That chuckle turning into a shocked shriek, as the mask suddenly moved up, to reveal Tony smiling at her.

"If you join me for dinner tonight, we could talk about you rubbing my butt, instead of the suits. I'll pick you up at seven." Tony said nonchalantly, as he leant over and kissed her on the cheek.

"And maybe, we can talk about all those other things you would like to do to me, over a couple of drinks........." The billionaire continued quietly, into her ear.

"But for now..........." The suit suddenly moving from around him, until once more they were two separate things.

"I wouldn't want to deprive you of your favourite suit." Tony added, giving her a wink before turning and heading back to his lab, calling out for her not to forget their date. (Y/n) finding herself smiling, as she turned and looked at the suit. Her hand patting its butt, before she made her way back to her room. 

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