Touch - X- Men - Rogue x Reader

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Rogue watched as (Y/n) once again sat in a corner with Logan. The two holding hands and talking quietly like they always did. Ever since (Y/n) had arrived at the school, the usually gruff feral had changed. In fact, many of the mutants had changed, and all for the better. You see, (Y/n) was something special, a rarity even in an environment full of gifted individuals.

The professor had explained that the newest edition to their ranks, was a healing empath. That her abilities were somewhat unusual, and difficult to master. Yet (Y/n) had managed to learn how to harness her skills to the full extent and was willing to help anyone that needed her. For all empaths can easily heal emotional wounds, but (Y/n) could also "heal" wounds that were physical, by taking the pain into herself, so that the victim themselves no longer felt the agony. Charles had said that the whole experience could be quite an undertaking for the empath. That the physical wounds could actually appear on (Y/n)'s own body as she healed a person. That all the pain could sometimes become too much for her to bear. But Rogue had never once seen (Y/n) shy away from anything. Most of the mutants asking, at some point, for the healers help for either some kind of emotional or physical pain. Their very souls seeming to be healed by just a mere touch of (Y/n)'s hand. And Rogue had to admit that she was jealous. That she, out of everyone, wanted to touch and be touched by (Y/n), the most. To be able to show the exquisite empath just how she felt for her.

From the first moment (Y/n) had set foot in Charles' school. From the first moment they had been introduced, Rogue had found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with her. Rogue wishing that she could remove her gloves. That she could place her skin against (Y/n)'s. That she could love (Y/n) how she wished that she could love her. But Rogue knew that her powers only meant that she would hurt (Y/n) if she were to ever place her bare hand on her. And hurting (Y/n) was the last thing that Rogue ever wanted to do.

Over the months that (Y/n) had been with them, the two young women had spent much time together, often talking into the late hours of the night. (Y/n) even able to help Rogue a little without touching her skin, which was one of the things that appeared important to (Y/n). The empath seeming to crave the contact that she had with her fellow mutants. The skin on skin contact seeming to help her, as much as it did the others. Yet, as much as she wanted to, Rogue had never been able to give her that.

Rogue was never sure if (Y/n) knew how she felt for her. How she desired to lay with (Y/n) in her arms in her bed. Their bodies soaked in sweat from making love. Rogue finally able to run her fingers through (Y/n)'s hair and kiss her soft lips. Getting lost in the beautiful sparkle of the healer's eyes. There was part of her that thought that (Y/n) must know. She was an empath after all. A mutant able to read and sense the emotions of others, without them having to say or do anything. Rogue finally deciding that because (Y/n) had never said anything to her, that the empath may not like her. That she might not be interested in girls. That she could just be interested in the boys that that always milled around her. Always hovering like bees around a honeytrap. Yet there was something in the way that (Y/n) smiled at her. Something in the way she blushed every time that Rogue was near her, that suggested that Rogue was wrong and that maybe (Y/n) just didn't know how to broach the subject. That she may never have had an experience with a girl before. Yet as Rogue watched (Y/n) place her forehead against Logans. The feral mutant appearing calmer, stronger, and more relaxed as (Y/n) touched his skin. Rogue determined that she was finally going to tell (Y/n) how she felt, even if she had read all the signs wrong, and (Y/n) in fact didn't feel the same.

"Er.......(Y/n) could I talk to you?" Rogue asked. Smiling at Logan as he got up from his chair, pulled a stogie from his top pocket and lit it, before nodding at (Y/n) and leaving the two young women to talk.

"Of course, Rogue. Do you need my.........."

"I had hoped that we could, well, that we could talk in private. Could we, er..... maybe go to my room?" Rogue interrupted, as she offered (Y/n) her hand. The empath taking it gladly as Rogue led her to her through the school.

"Rogue..........I.........I know.......what you are going to say. I know how you feel. I have been able to sense your emotions for me get stronger. And I......well I want to tell you something that no one else knows." (Y/n) began as she took a seat on Rogue's bed. Pulling Rogue to sit down next to her. The power absorber not quite sure what to think. Just hoping that whatever the healer had to tell her, would be good.

"I have never.......never felt for someone how I feel for you. Especially not another girl, anyway. I just.........I just didn't know how to tell you. I know that it was wrong of me to make you wait. To not tell you that I felt the same for you, as you do for me. But I needed to know that this was all real before I told you what else I can do. That my emotions were as strong as yours, before I told you that I can love you too." (Y/n) began. Rogue's heart beating faster as (Y/n) moved closer. The empath slowly removing the glove from her hand.

"You see, I am not just a healer. My abilities are much greater than I told anyone. Because like you, I can absorb powers, but I do it by using emotions. I can mimic powers by channelling another and finding the emotions that causes that power. So, I think that maybe, our abilities together, may cancel one another out. That we should be able to touch without you harming me." (Y/n) continued. The empath suddenly placing her bare skin against Rogue's. Rogue trying to pull away before she could hurt her. Only to find her hand gripped tighter as (Y/n) looked no different. That there was no sign of her being hurt.

"See. I told you. And now, that means I can do this. I can do what I've wanted to do for so long." (Y/n) said. Smiling softly as she pulled Rogue into a kiss. Rogue's heart beating faster as felt the empaths body pressed up against hers. Rogue's lips moving from (Y/n)'s, to the empaths neck, as she slowly pushed her back down on the mattress. Rogue knowing that now she had her. She was never going to let (Y/n) go. And that she would touch her as often as she could.      

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