Date night - Gotham - Oswald x Reader

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(Y/n) had sat in the restaurant, a broad smile on her lips as she looked around the establishment; couple sitting across from each other, looking lovingly at one another as they ate their meals. Their conversations, just a dull hum that hung in the air. She had expected that she would soon be enjoying a similar evening to those people; that she would be smiling and chuckling. That her hands would be being held, as the eyes of her husband would look longingly into hers. Yet said husband was yet to arrive; and the longer that she had waited for him, the smaller her initial happy smile had got. Until now she could not stand the pitiful looks from the other patrons.

This was not the first date night that he had missed. Not the first time that he had forgotten or had been too busy to remember what they had organised. But this time, he had sworn that he would not let her down; that he would meet her at the restaurant and then they would go to the opera. His reassurances making her want to go out and buy something special for that evening. Something sexy, that would hopefully do more than surprise him when he saw her. That would remind him of one of the reasons why he married her. Yet once again, all her efforts seem to have been wasted. That all her running around to make sure that she looked just right, had been for nothing.

"Misses Cobblepot?" A voice came, as she grabbed for her purse, before getting to her feet and moving out of the booth.

"Is everything alright..........?"

"Everything is fine, André. It would just appear that my husband has been detained by business. My apologies for taking up one of your tables.........."

"Not at all, Misses Cobblepot; you and Mister Cobblepot are two of our most valued customers." The maître d smiling at her, before helping her on with her coat. (Y/n) doing her best to not roll her eyes at his sycophantic tone. A tone that she was so used to hearing, especially when Oswald was with her. A tone that she had to admit, really annoyed her. (Y/n) merely smiling back, before making her way out of the restaurant with her head held high; having no intention of letting anyone know that she had been stood up by her own husband; nor that when she got home, he might find that he wasn't her husband for much longer.


Everyone looked up, as the doors were thrown open. None of those present, daring to say a word, as an irate woman made her way inside. Though that didn't mean that they weren't enjoying the view; most of them having to admit that they couldn't understand how Oswald had managed to convince such a beautiful creature to marry him, never mind why he would neglect her like he had been doing. And given the fire in her eyes, it would appear that she had just about had enough of it. Victor smiling softly, as she came to stand in front of him.


"Where is he..............?"


"Please don't try and play dumb, Victor; it is beneath both of us. Now where is my husband...........?"

"He is in a meeting with........."

"Thank you, Victor." (Y/n) interrupted, not needing the assassin to say any more, before she turned and made her way to Oswald's office.


"OUT!" All those in the office looking at Oswald, as his wife stood in the doorway to the room; her arms crossed firmly over her chest.

"(Y/n), we.............."

"Don't! Now, I said out! All of you. Every last one of you, get out of this room." (Y/n) ordered. Not in the mood to listen to anything that her husband, or anyone else might have to say at the moment. Just wanting the room empty, so that she and Oswald, could be alone. All those present quickly getting to their feet and doing as they were told. No one foolish enough to argue with Penguin's wife, as they made their way passed her. The door being slammed closed, as the last man left.

"My dove. What............?" Oswald began, his eyes widening as (Y/n) allowed her long coat to fall to the floor. The dress she was wearing, sending his mind reeling; causing his heart to race, as she slowly made her way over to him.

"You forgot date night, Oswald. I sat in that restaurant and waited for you." She interrupted, as she took a seat on the edge of the desk, next to her husband's side. It obvious that from the look in his eyes, that he had really forgotten.

"My love. I................"

"Do you know how embarrassed I was. How much effort I have gone to, to make this a wonderful night. To try and get you to notice me, again.....?"

"(Y/n), I............." Oswald gulping back the words, as his bride pulled up the already short dress, so that he could see the tops of her stockings. His hands gripping at the arms of his chair, as (Y/n) let her shoe fall from her foot, before raising her leg, and slowly pushing the stocking down, until it dropped to the wooden floor, from the tips of her toes.

"I was sat at our usual table, watching as happy couples enjoyed their nights." She continued, as she repeated her last action with her second stocking, yet this one, she draped around Oswald's neck, before she got up and moved to stand on the other side of his desk.


"I was so looking forward to this evening because you promised me that you wouldn't forget. I even went out and bought this new dress........" Her hands making their way up her body until they reached the straps of her outfit. Moving her fingers underneath them, before drawing them down her arms, and taking the rest of the dress with them. Stepping out of the pooled material, before she continued.

"And new lingerie..........." Oswald suddenly standing up, as the strain against the front of his pants became too much. His hand moving over his crotch, as he took in every inch of her.

He hadn't meant to forget; he hadn't meant to neglect her. (Y/n) was his world, his dove, and he knew how lucky he was to call her, his. Oswald realising that it was not only her that he had let down, but himself. The sight of her, reminding him of what he had been missing out on.

"But maybe, it is all wasted on you. Maybe you don't want to be married to me any longer; maybe you don't love me any more.........." Oswald taken aback by her words. Not realising that she was so hurt by his lack of care.

"My darling, how could any man in their right mind, not love you; not want to be with you? You are my world..........I want you more than you can imagine........." Oswald told her, as he moved from behind his desk to stand before her. His hand rubbing firmly against his manhood, as her brassier joined the dress on the floor. His eyes closing and his body trembling, as she pressed herself up against him and placed her hand his cheek. Oswald feeling her lips kiss up his neck, until they were next to his ear.

"And I wanted a date night with my husband. But, until I get what I want; you don't get what you want, Cobblepot." She told him. Kissing him on the cheek, before moving away from him. His eyes flying open as (Y/n) turned and walked over to where she had dropped her coat, pulling the fur back around her shoulders before looking back at him.

"Goodnight, Oswald." She said, before walking across the corridor and making her way into their bedroom. Oswald standing there for a moment, just looking at the closed door. His mind still reeling, his heart still pounding and other parts of his body, still reacting to seeing his beautiful wife, almost naked in front of him. His feet suddenly carrying him as quickly as possible to the door of their room; Oswald ready to make every night date night. And this time, he really wouldn't forget. 

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