Twin - Vikings - Halfdan x Reader

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Halfdan had watched, licking his lip, as the beautiful young woman walked towards the great hall in Kattegat, surrounded by three young boys, who either held her hand or gripped onto her clothing, while a fourth sat on her hip. He and his brother had only just arrived in the realm of Ragnar Lothbrok, but even before he had stepped foot from the ship, Halfdan had found her in the crowd. The younger son of Halfdan the Elder, finding a smile coming to his lips, as his eyes had met hers.

"You are good with them........" He called out as he caught up with her, and the children. All of them turning to look at him. The oldest two of the boys, coming to stand in front of her.

"How else should I be with my brothers?" She retorted. Her voice sounding as smooth to the man from Tamdrup, as warm honey. Sudden visions of her naked beneath him, calling out his name; of her tightening around him as he brought her to climax, making him lick his lips once again.

"(Y/n)........." The youngest boy sat on her hip suddenly whined. The sound of his voice shaking the lust filled thoughts from his mind; making Halfdan want to growl at the boy.

"It's alright, Ivar. Lets get you inside to your mother........" She continued. Giving Halfdan a small nod, before turning back towards the hall. The two older boys glaring at him for a moment, before quickly catching up.

"If you want to keep your cock, brother; I would suggest you keep it in your pants, around that one." Harald chuckled, as he came to his brother's side. Harald draping his arm over Halfdan's shoulder, as the pair watched her and the boys making their way through the doors of the Hall.


"Because that is (Y/n) Ragnarsdóttir. The daughter of Lagertha, and twin sister of Björn. And if your dick is found to be anywhere near her, then the next place you will find it, is at the bottom of the fjord." Harald laughed. Halfdan smiling, as he looked at his brother.

"Then I will not let them find me, brother." Halfdan retorted. Harald letting out a loud laugh, before slapping his brother on the shoulder.


Björn glared at Halfdan, as Halfdan kept his eyes on his twin sister. It had been obvious, as the celebrations had progress, that neither Ragnar, nor his oldest son, liked the fact that the visitor, had been doing his best to speak to the beautiful daughter of the King and his former wife, all night. Though Ragnar had not been making it as obvious than Björn was.

"(Y/n)........" Halfdan called out. The entire table turning to look at him. Only Aslaug, Ubbe and Hvitserk seeming to either not notice, or in the queen's case, not care about all of Halfdan's focus being on (Y/n), other than it meant that all attention was not on her. The two sons of Halfdan the Elder doing their best not to laugh, as Björn gripped onto his cup a little tighter.

"Will you be joining us on the raid of Paris...........?"

"Oh, (Y/n) is quite the little shieldmaiden, just like her mother. I am sure that she is more than ready to prove that she is better than any other woman in Kattegat......" Aslaug scoffed. The queen not liking the fact that no one seemed to have been listening, as the attention of everyone else at the table, was focused on (Y/n) and the man with hair covering half his face.

"Of course. My father and brother need someone to stop them from getting themselves killed. I have been saving my brothers ass, since we were little, so it only seems right." (Y/n) replied. Rollo, Flóki, Harald and Ragnar laughing at the comment. Ragnar slapping his son on the back, as Björn shook his head at his twin's comment. Halfdan just smiling behind the lip of his cup, as she pushed some meat into her mouth, and licked he lips.

"Ubbe, Hvitserk, it is time that you go to bed." Aslaug suddenly announced loudly. The two boys looking to their father, hoping that he would say that they could stay. Ragnar looking to his wife, doing his best not to roll his eyes at her.

"I'll take them. I should get some rest, myself." (Y/n) said, as she got up from her seat and smiled at her younger brothers, offering them her hands. She had never liked Aslaug. As far as (Y/n) was concerned, she had stolen her father away from her mother, and broken her family; but she loved her younger brothers, just as much as she loved Björn, and was not about to let them be used in Aslaug's latest attempt to prove that she had some power. (Y/n) kissing her brother and father on the cheeks before taking Ubbe and Hvitserk's hands and leading them to the room where Sigurd and Ivar were already sleeping. The attention of everyone still at the table going back to the festivities, only the eyes of Halfdan watching the young woman as she left, and her twins, watching him.


(Y/n) let out a sigh, as she finally managed to leave the room where her brothers slept together. She had done her best to stop herself from laughing, as Ubbe and Hvitserk had complained about having to go to bed; stating that they were not babies like Sigurd and Ivar. Then that they wanted to go to Paris too, so that they could protect her, while she watched over their father and older brother. (Y/n) sure that her heart would melt, at them wanting to do that for her. The daughter of Ragnar sure that when they were old enough to go to battle, she would proudly have them stood with her. Proudly have all of her brothers by her side.

"I thought they were never going to let you go." A voice came. (Y/n) turning to see Halfdan stood before her.

"I like spending time with my brothers. Aslaug........well, she........doesnt.....they all need a mother's attention, not just Ivar." (Y/n) replied, as she pushed passed Halfdan to get to the room across from that of her brothers.

"Anyway, what are you doing here? How did you get away from Björn? He hasn't taken his eyes off you all night......just as you haven't taken your eyes off me.............."

"What can I say, he must fancy me, just like I fancy you........" Halfdan interrupted, as he placed his arms on either side of the doorway, caging her in. His brows furrowing, as she laughed.

"I have already been warned about you, Halfdan Halfdansson; told that I am to stay away from you. That you are crazy, rough.........."

"Is that right..........?" Halfdan enquired, as he leaned in a little closer.

"Yes. But the thing is, I have a habit of not doing what I am told. That, and I have a thing for rough men." (Y/n) replied, as she reached up and brushed the hair away from his eye.

"You do..........?"

"Oh, yes............" (Y/n) leaning in so that she could whisper into Halfdan's ear.

"And the rougher the better.........." Her lips, ghosting over his cheek, as she moved back. A beautiful smile making its way onto her face, as she looked at him. Her eyes dark with lust, as he leaned in to kiss her. To show her just how rough he could be for her.

"(Y/n)........." A soft sleepy voice pulling her and Halfdan apart. The pair looking to see Ubbe standing with a teary-eyed Sigurd in front of him.

"Ubbe, Sigurd..........?"

"Sigurd had a bad dream and woke up Ivar. Can you come and sleep with us.......?" Ubbe asked. The oldest son of Aslaug looking up at her with hope, as Sigurd rushed to her, and grabbed hold of her leg.

"Of course." She replied, before bending down and picking up Sigurd. Letting out a sigh as she smiled at Halfdan.

"We will have to do this another time, Halfdan Halfdansson.........Good night........" (Y/n) told him, as she made her way over to her brother's room, gently pushing Ubbe back inside. Sigurd poking his tongue out at Halfdan, before the door to the room closed behind them. Halfdan unable to stop himself from smiling, sure that this trip had just got a lot more interesting. And that a good fight, wasn't the only thing that he was going to get. 

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