Best gift ever - The Expendables - Christmas x Reader

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New Orleans and the rest of the team seemed a long way away at this moment. (Y/n) hadn't wanted to leave the old city, but Drummer seemed to have said something to Barney, and the next thing she knew, she was in New York keeping an eye on this strange guy and reporting back to the former Major on his movements. She had no idea why she had been stuck with this particular mission. Not sure why this was a CIA thing in the first place. But she had done what she had been asked, and now, as the female mercenary made her way down the snow filled sidewalk after just watching the man being "escorted" into a waiting black car, she realised that for the first time, in a long time, she would be on her own for the festive season. Her flight back to New Orleans not leaving until after the big day. So, the nearly twenty-hour drive back to the Big Easy, was beginning to look tempting.

The rest of the Expendables were the only family that she had really had. Apart from her time in the service, she had only ever been on her own, having no blood family that she knew of. And despite everything, no matter where they were, or what they were doing, the whole team would come together to celebrate Christmas Day. Swapping gifts, getting drunk and eating far more than they should. And now having Doc and Galgo on the crew just seemed to add something extra. (Y/n) even hoping that Yin Yang would make an appearance this year. But even if he did, she wouldn't get to see him. The ex-soldier feeling as though she might as well be on the moon.

"Miss (Y/l/n)................" A voice suddenly came. (Y/n) turning to see two black suit clad men open the door of another dark car so that Drummer could climb out. The Major wrapping his large overcoat a little tighter around himself, as he made his way over to her.

"Drummer." (Y/n) replied with a sniff. Fighting back the need to blow her nose for the hundredth time that day, sure that she and the cold just didn't mix.

"You did a good job......................"

"Well, that would be nice if I actually knew what the damn job had been in the first place. But, at least I did a good job. And, if you felt like rewarding me, getting me back to New Orleans before tomorrow, would be appreciated." (Y/n) interrupted. Not really in the mood for the CIA agent's shit. Drummer actually the last person that she wanted to see.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, but I have left something for you in your hotel room. I think that you might just like it. It might make you just forget about home..............." Drummer replied. (Y/n) not liking the look on the operative's face, nor the idea of his little gift. But she had to think that something was better than nothing. And at least she would be able to call the others later.

"Well, if you will excuse me.............." Drummer continued, as he turned and made his way back to the car. His goons opening the door.

"Oh, and do enjoy you Christmas." He added, before slowly climbing inside the vehicle. The suit clad morons looking her up and down, before following after their boss. The mercenary watching, as the car moved off.

"Afraid that won't be possible. Left something for you in your hotel room. Enjoy your Christmas............." (Y/n) mocked, as she wrapped her scarf back around her neck, and continued down the street. Hoping to get back to her hotel, before one of her appendages froze.

It wasn't that she hated New York. It was a great place to stay for a while. A great place to do the whole tourist thing, if you hadn't seen it before. She loved the delis and diners; the night life and looking out over the city from the top of the Empire State building. But this time around, she hadn't been able to do any of that, and now it was probably to late to do anything or go anywhere. (Y/n) having a feeling that the night, and the next day, would be spent on her own.

Slowly, she pulled her cell phone from her pocket. A large smile spreading across her lips, as she saw the image that looked back at her. The picture of her and Lee. The older man having his arms wrapped around her and his chin resting on her shoulder, looking like the biggest goofball ever. As much as she was missing the others. As much as she missed Barney. As much as she missed Caesar's jokes and Gunnar's grumpiness. As much as she missed Toll with his head stuck in one of his many self-help books and had missed out on her lasted tattoo from Tool; most of all, she missed Lee.

Even though they had known one another for a while, this would be their first Christmas together, really together. Lee having asked her if she would be his girl, after they had shared a kiss for New Year. And who was she to say no? Lee was handsome, funny and she had found that handling knives for all those years, had made him very good at handling over things. Lee's fingers surprisingly nimble. The female mercenary completely sure that Lacey must have been out of her damn mind for cheating on him. But she was glad that she had, because now he was hers, and she wasn't about to let him go.

As she made her way back into her hotel's lobby, (Y/n) quickly moved her finger over the screen. The cell phone calling Lee's phone. Her brows furrowing as he didn't answer. Normally he would; normally, he would answer her straight away. His English accent filling her ears and making her heart skip a beat. But this time........this time there was nothing, and she couldn't help but worry, sure that if the others had gone off on a separate mission, Drummer would have said something. So, all she could do, was tell herself that Lee and the rest of the boys were at Randy's; that music was blasting from the jukebox, and he couldn't hear the call.

As she got to her door, she pulled out the key card from her pocket, letting out a sigh before she placed it into the lock and pushed on the door as the light shone green. The mercenary pulling her coat from her shoulders.

Suddenly, the lights in the room went on. Multiple voices shouting, "Merry Christmas". (Y/n) quickly pulling out her gun and pointing at the rather festive intruders.

"Hey, hey................Its us................." A voice said urgently. (Y/n) dropping her weapon to her side, as she realised what was going on. Her shock replaced by happiness, as she saw the rest of her team. All of them sitting around the room. Even Yin Yang making himself comfortable on the bed.

"What...........what are you guy doing here................?"

"We're ya Christmas present......................." A voice interrupted. (Y/n) turning to see Lee stood behind her. The Englishman making his way over to her and taking her into his arms. The pair ignoring the groans of the others as they kissed.


"Drummer said that you wouldn't be able to get home. Said we should come up to New York. And we couldn't let ya spend Christmas without us, darlin............." Barney explained, as he chewed on the end of a fresh cigar. (Y/n) smiling back at him. Smiling at all of them as Lee moved her further into the room. His arm never leaving her waist. The ex-sergeant telling herself that the next time that she saw Drummer, she would have to thank him for the best gift ever. 

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