Don't go - LotR - Thranduil x Reader

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Marriage. An arranged marriage. It wasn't what (Y/n) or Thranduil had ever wanted but given that he was a prince and she a princess, it had always been something they knew that they might have to face. The way to bring two great elven kingdoms together. The way to continue both their lines. But that didn't mean that they had to like it, or each other for that matter.

(Y/n) had been sent to Greenwood by her parents in hopes that their beautiful child would catch to eye of the son of Oropher. That she would steal the heart of Thranduil. Yet neither (Y/n)'s parents, nor Thranduil's had realised how sheer bloody minded their offspring could be. The elven prince and princess seemingly choosing to instantly dislike one another, from the moment that they had met. Choosing to fight one another at every step. And today, today was proving to be no different.


Suddenly, (Y/n) stood up from the table. Her eyes boring holes into Thranduil, as the heir to Greenwood smirked smugly at her. Lately, this seemed to have become the prince's favourite sport. To tease the exquisite creature that sat across from him, until she left the room. And this evening had been just the same. (Y/n) finally turning her attention to Oropher and his queen, bowing respectfully before making her way out of the room.

"Must you do that?" Thranduil's mother enquired. The annoyance with her son evident in her tone. The smirk leaving the prince's lips, as he turned his attention from the closing door to his mother.

"Why must I do what, mother?" Thranduil retorted innocently, as he suddenly became very interested in the food on his plate.

"You know exactly what! You have been determined not to give (Y/n) a chance. Determined to not get to know her. If you would stop acting like a spoiled elfling, you might actually see that (Y/n) is the sweetest of elleths. That she and you have much in common........." The queen continued, before turning her attention to her husband.

"Perhaps this was a bad idea. Perhaps we should just have her return to her.............."

"No!" Thranduil suddenly exclaimed, jumping to his feet. His eyes wide as he looked at his shocked parents.

"No.......There is no need to send (Y/n) away. I...........I will go and find her and apologise." The prince added. Nodding respectfully to his father and mother before making his way out of the room. Thranduil quickly heading for the place that he knew that (Y/n) would be. The one place that the princess seemed to find solace. A small fountain that had been overrun by lush vines. The flowers that graced the ancient stone structure, only second in beauty to the princess herself. A princess that the son of Oropher would watch from the shadows, as she played with the sparkling water.

In truth, Thranduil was sure that he had never met another that was as perfect as the princess. Not met another that was even more beautiful than the trees that made up the kingdom of his father. Even more beautiful than the sun and moon. When they had first met, Thranduil had determined to dislike her. Had determined to have nothing to do with the princess that his parents wished him to marry. Had determined to have his parents send her home. Yet the longer that she had been in Greenwood, the more that he had realised, through all their arguments and spats, that he had begun to fall in love. That he would be more than happy to take (Y/n) as his bride. To one day have her as the queen of his people. To have her give him children that would continue their lines. Yet he now feared that all his cruel words and teasing might actually push her away. Might make her want to return to her parent's kingdom. To leave him alone. And he couldn't have that. Thranduil ignoring the confused looks from the other elves as he raced towards the fountain. Determined to tell (Y/n) how he truly felt. How despite everything that had happened between the two of them, he wanted to spend the rest of his days with her in his arms. Wanted to do nothing more than love her.


(Y/n) quickly made her way to the old fountain that felt like the only place that she belonged in Greenwood. The princess brushing away the crystal-like tears that slowly made their way down her cheeks, as she took a seat on the ancient stones. She knew that she shouldn't let Thranduil affect her like this. That she shouldn't cry because of the petulant prince, but since she had arrived in the forest kingdom, the pale haired ellon had done nothing but tease and be cruel to her.

In truth, she had said many a harsh word to him in return, the princess hating the idea of marrying someone that she had never met. Someone that she didn't know. (Y/n), on the journey to Greenwood, determined to dislike this prince Thranduil as much as she could. To have nothing whatsoever to do with the ellon. To have Oropher and his queen return her to her parents as soon as she could. Yet the longer that she had remained in the great elven king's realm, the more that she had come to care for the people. The more that she had come to care for Oropher and his lady. The more that she had come to care care Thranduil. And despite their fights and angry words, (Y/n) had in fact found herself falling in love with the prince. A prince, that to her, was more beautiful than any other that she had ever seen. More glorious than the stars in the sky. Than the great forest that surrounded her. And even the sun and moon. Yet after what had happened at dinner, she now believed that there could be nothing between her and the handsome prince but cruel words. (Y/n) reaching her hand into the cool, clear water, as she contemplated her life without him. As she contemplated not being able to be his. As she contemplated not being able to love him. The princess sure that Oropher would soon send her back to her parents.

"Why is it that even when you are crying, you still look beautiful?" A voice suddenly asked. (Y/n) turning to see Thranduil make his way out from the shadows.

"What do you want? Have you come to tell me more about how awful I am, and that I do not belong in Greenwood?" (Y/n) scoffed, as she turned her attention back to the fountain and the pond that surrounded it.

"I had actually come to apologise.........." The prince continued, as he slowly made his way over to the fountain and took a seat next to her.

"You? Apologise? I didn't know you knew how..........."

"(Y/n). Please. My parents were talking about sending you away............."

"What? No! I...........I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you. I want to stay here. Thranduil, don't let them send me away............"

"You don't want to leave me?" The prince interrupted, as he inched a little closer.

"Of course I don't...........I..........I love you, Thranduil. I know that you don't feel the same for me, but..............."

"And who said that I don't feel the same........?" Thranduil asked softly, as he placed his own hand in the cool water. His fingers intertwining with (Y/n)'s.

"I don't want you to go, (Y/n). I won't let you go. There is no place that you belong other than Greenwood. No one that could love you more than I do. Marry me, (Y/n). Be with me until our days end." The prince continued, as he gently placed his hand on her cheek. Carefully brushing away the new tears that had begun to fall. Tears that were now from joy rather than sorrow.

"Until the end of our days, my love." (Y/n) agreed, before the lips of her beautiful prince, met hers. Both determined too never be without one another. To never let the other go. 

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