I saw her first - LotR - Gimli x Reader

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I thought it was high time to give Gimli a little story of his own. Everyone does things for Aragorn and Legolas, and as I have not seen one yet, I thought that the third of our favourite trio deserved something.

Gimli gripped his axe, as he looked around for the next orc. There was no way that he was going to let Legolas beat him. And no matter what the elf might argue, that Mûmakil still only counted as one. The dwarf letting out a loud hearty laugh, as he used his weapon to remove the heads from both of the foul creatures in front of him.

"That's two more, laddie........." Gimli called out. Legolas just smiling at him, before notching another arrow and firing it. The projectile passing through the head of one orc, before logging in the one right behind it; the pair falling to the floor. The elf's smile getting even wider, as Gimli huffed and turned; yelling at the orcs to come and get him. The dwarf grumbling under his breath, as his eyes scanned the Pelennor Fields, and saw that the majority of Sauron's forces were being overrun by the Dead Men of Dunharrow. Not that he was about to be beaten by them either, Gimli sure that the Mirkwood prince, would somehow use it against him. So, with his grip tightening on his axe, he prepared himself to rush into the foray; yet as he did, something bumped into him. The son of Glóin spinning on his heels and raising his weapon, only to find something that he had never expected. A female dwarf glaring back at him.

"You......watch where ya goin........" She ordered, pointing her axe at him, before swinging it around and slicing an orc clean in half. Gimli only able to stand there for a moment, as she pulled the helmet from her head and threw it to one side. The dwarf taking in the full head of lush hair and rather splendid beard that had been revealed. Gimli finding himself lost in his thoughts, until the dwarrowdam's axe whizzed past his ear and lodged itself into the back of another orc.

"If ya just gonna stand there and gawp, would ya kindly get outta my way, I have orcs ta kill.......I'm tryin ta beat my own record......." She continued, before pushing passed him, putting her boot on the back of the dead orc, and pulling out her axe. Gimli finding a smile creeping across his lips, as he watched her then swing it around her head.

A female dwarf..........what was a female dwarf doing in Minas Tirith of all places; and not only was she in Gondor, she was fighting by the side of men against the forces of darkness. Gimli wondering if there were more.....more dwarves in the realm of men that he wasn't aware of. Yet Boromir had made no mention of it, and he had not seen any others of similar statute to his own, since he had jumped from one of the ships of the Corsairs of Umbar, with Aragorn and Legolas. But given that she had been able to come up on him without realising................

"46..........47.......48........." The dwarrowdam called out. Her voice getting louder and happier with each orc that she cut down.

"49..........50.........." She continued, before turning her attention back to him.

"By Mahal's beard, ya'd think ya'd never seen a woman before, tha way ya standin there like a stunned mullett. Tell me ya can use that thing fa more than just pickin at ya teeth, dwarf......." The dwarrowdam enquired, as she looked at the axe in Gimli's now very sweaty palms. The dwarf finally able to shake the shock and other kinds of thoughts from his mind as she came to stand in front of him. Gimli grumbling as he suddenly realised that he could hear Legolas counting himself, not far from where he was. The female dwarf letting out a loud laugh, as he turned around and raced off towards a group of orcs that were making their way to them.


A cheer went up, as the day was won. Aragorn having dismissed the Dead Men of Dunharrow, despite Gimli claiming that the dead army was handy to have around. But now, the dwarf had turned his mind to other things; Legolas coming to his side, his brows furrowed as he heard his friend mutter to himself.


"Dwarrowdam........what was a dwarrowdam doin here. A female by herself, unheard of.........but she could fight, I'll give tha lass that. Great form with an axe......Lovely movement........lovely beard..........very nice beard; one a dwarf could get lost in........No, I must have been seein things. A figment of my imagination........."

"Gimli..........?" Legolas queried again. This time placing his hand on the dwarf's shoulder to gain his attention.

"What is it..........?"

"Nothin, nothin. I thought I saw.......well....there was........but there can't have been......its impossible........." The dwarf's reply not making any sense.

"I hear you boys have a competition........counting how many orcs ya kill....." Another voice came. Gimli and Legolas turning to see the very striking female dwarf, that was covered in black blood. Her axe secured in its place on her back.

"(Y/n) Steelheart at your service........" She continued with a deep bow.

"Well, all I can say, is if ya can get anywhere near sixty-four, ya can come and join me fa a drink. Malah knows I need one........or ten............." (Y/n) smiled, before making her way passed the pair. The dwarf and the elf looking at one another, before focusing back on the quickly vanishing dwarrowdam.

"I think I like her..........and I counted fifty-nine, by the way." Legolas finally said, before he began to follow after the female. A smile firmly on his lips.

"Fifty-nine........? Rubbish. I told ya that Mûmakil was only worth one. And........." Gimli suddenly realising that the pretty elf was the one following after the dwarrowdam. The dwarf quickly running after Legolas.

"I saw her first, elf............."        

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