Storm - The Hobbit - Fili x Reader

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(Y/n) stood above the entrance to the Mountain, looking out over the view before her, as the once bright moonlit sky was covered by dark heavy clouds. She could smell the rain in the air, feel the coming storm as it prickled at her skin. The first distant, deep rumble of thunder, bringing a smile to her lips. The first real smile that had graced her features in what seemed to be a very long time.

When the dwarves had descended on her cousin Bilbo's house, she had been there having a nice quiet dinner with him. And being from the Took side of the family, when Gandalf had mentioned an adventure, (Y/n) had jumped at the opportunity, much to the displeasure of Thorin of course, as the notion of having one hobbit seemed to be enough of an affront to the king, never mind two and the other being a female. Yet she had never let his gruffness towards her and Bilbo get her down; never let his attitude affect her, and having a certain blonde-haired prince around, had most definitely helped to keep her spirits up.

Fili Durin. Even the thought of his name, made her heart beat that little bit quicker. Throughout the journey the two have them had grown closer; so close, that the night before the majority of the Company had set off for the Mountain, the older prince had asked if he could court her. The little hobbit not sure about his timing, but given that she was in love with him, she had been more than happy to say yes. Fili taking one of the beads from his own hair and braiding it into hers. Neither of them knowing what was to come; but that moment, that sweet soft first kiss that they had shared, would always be one of the best moments of her life. A moment that would soon be followed by one of the worst; (Y/n) not wanting to think about what may have happened if she hadn't followed Fili up the tower. Not wanting to contemplate the heartbreak she would have felt, if she hadn't been able to distract that vile white orc as she had. It bad enough that her prince had been badly injured; that all the sons of Durin had nearly died.

"I thought I would find you here........." A voice came. (Y/n) quickly rushing over to Fili, as he slowly made his way to her.

"Fili Durin, what are you doing out of bed? You are in no fit state to be wandering around." The female hobbit scolded, as she placed his arm over her shoulder and did her best to help him over to one of the larger stones so that he could sit down.

"Óin and the elven healers told you that you had to rest......that........" Fili suddenly pulling her onto his lap, before placing a kiss to her lips.

"I needed some air, amrâlimê. And if we are talking about rest, you should be resting too......" Fili told her, as he rested his forehead against hers. His fingers combing through her hair.

"I just don't want anything happening to you........."

"I know, and it won't. The Mountain is ours again, Thorin killed Azog and we have nothing more to worry about. When I have recovered, I want to marry you, (Y/n). I want us to make our home here and have lots and lots of children......."

"Lots and lots.........?" (Y/n) questioned with a soft chuckle. Fili merely smiling broadly at her, before pulling her in for another kiss.

"But for now, I thought I would join you and watch the storm." The prince continued. Both of them turning to look at the sky, as the rain began to fall, and the first crack up lightning, flashed in the sky.

(Y/n) had told Fili how much she had always loved a storm. That even though they did not get many in the Shire, when one did roll though, she would always watch it; she would go and dance in the rain, causing Bilbo to shout at her to come inside, from the safety of the house. To tell her it was too dangerous to be out; yet being a typical Took, she had never listened. (Y/n) just giggling, as she let herself get soaked to the bone, as she let the rain wash all the cares, concerns and troubles from her shoulders. And Fili knew that there had been a lot of concerns on her shoulders since they had got to the Mountain. It not enough that just like Bilbo, his uncle had wanted her thrown from the battlements after what the hobbits had done with the Arkenstone; it not enough that as with her cousin, she had had to leave the Mountain, to leave him, before the battle. But then she had been badly hurt too, when she had distracted Azog, as the pale orc had been about to kill him. Fili never imagining that his beautiful little hobbit could fight as she had, to save him. Never imagining that the sweet and curious female that he had fallen in love with, as soon as he had seen her the night that he and the rest of the Company had invaded Bilbo's house; could be just as much a warrior, as any he had seen. The prince never prouder, as she had taken her little sword and fought the orcs. So, when he had woken and she had not been in the chair by his bed, he had known where she would be; and he knew that he had to join her.

"We could go and stand in the rain......." Fili said, as a loud rumble of thunder filled the Mountain.

"What, and have you catch your death of cold? I can only imagine what Thorin would think about that. I would never hear the last of it. You are still the heir to the Mountain.........."

"And when I am king, you will be its queen. The most beautiful queen in the whole of Middle-Earth. Then together we will dance in every storm, and not care what anyone says." Fili interrupted, as he pulled her to him. The pair holding one another close, as more lightning flashed in the sky. The memories of what had happened, the thoughts of what was to come, pushed to one side. The two just happy that they were still alive and together; that they had this moment, this storm, and many more to come.   

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