Assassin - 2011 The Three Musketeers - Athos x Reader

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For RavenCrystal22

Another normal day in Paris. An old man leading his donkey down the small lane, that cut between the houses. The sounds of the clinking wine bottles that were held in the baskets that fell on either side of the beast's back, filling the air, along with his soft whistle. Both sounds quickly stopping, as a figure dressed in dark clothes and hooded cape, suddenly appeared from one of the shadowy niches.

"Do you know of the musketeers, Athos, Aramis and Porthos........?" A husky voice enquired from under the cowl. The pale haired man gripping tighter to the simple halter around the grey donkey's head, as the mysterious figure, stepped a little closer.

"Yes.........yes sir. Not many that don't know of em........"

"And which one of these homes do they room in.........?" The figure continued. Producing a bright, shiny coin, when the man appeared to hesitate. Pulling back the payment, as his hand went to grab at the coin.

"Which house..........?"

"The street behind us. Second house on the left as ya come out of the lane." The man explained. Almost dropping the coin, as the dark clad person flipped it at him, before starting to move towards the street.

"Your wine.......Is it any good.............?"

"The best in Paris, sir............."

"I'll take two bottles..........." The figure grabbing for the bottles before pushing more coins into the old man's hands. The man's eyes growing wide, as he saw that he had just been paid enough for every bottle that he had with him. The figure not hearing a thing, as the man called out his thanks. The bottles being placed in a bag concealed underneath the person's cloak, as they blended in with the crowd that filled the rather busy street.


All day they had been watching the home. The person not moving, as Paris went about its day. Only when they saw three men make their way into the house, did a small smile come to their face. Yet they knew that they still had to wait. Wait until not only was the street as quiet as it could be, but for the men inside the house to settled down for the evening; hopefully hanging their sword up, far out of reach. The dark form pulling the cloak a little closer, as a sudden cool wind blew up from the river. Their eyes focusing on the darkening sky, glad to see that a heavy cloud would be covering the moon; it meaning that when they did move, there would be no light to give away their presence to those inside the house.


"Anything interesting.........?" Porthos asked, as he looked over to where Aramis sat next to the fire; his eyes moving over the words in the book, that he held in his hand.

"Yes........exceptionally. You should try it some time, Porthos. Reading would open up a whole new world for you........."

"I am fine with my world as it is, thank you. Though I like it even better when there is wine in it." The big man replied, as he raised his glass. Athos joining him in the salute before they both downed what was left of their wine.

"Planchet!" Porthos shouted, as he turned his now empty cup upside down, and the last drop fell onto the top of the table.

"Planchet!" Porthos getting to his feet and making his way to the door of the room, ready to give the servant a piece of his mind for there being no more wine. Yet as his hand reached for the handle, the doors to the balcony burst open and in the dimly lit opening, stood a figure with two muskets, pointed at him.

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