Better luck - Indiana Jones

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"Marcus........" Indiana called out, as his old friend made his way to the door of the classroom. The curator of the National Museum turning to look back at him, as Indy pushed the last of his books into his bag. The archaeologist glad that this had been the last day of school, and that by this time next week, he would be back in Egypt, surrounded by Sallah's kids, listening as the best digger in the whole of the country, belted out his rendition of a Gilbert and Sullivan classic. Yet there was one thing that he had to know before he left the States, and that was whether she might be there too.

"From what I have been able to find out, no one has seen her in a while. I spoke to an old colleague of mine who's at the British Museum, and he told me that she had been doing some work for them in Peru, up until about a year ago. But then........well, she seems to have disappeared." Marcus explained not needing the younger man to say any more, as he made his way back over to Indy's desk.

"But you know (Y/n), She has always had a tendency of just upping and leaving; before suddenly popping up again, when you least expect it......" The older man continued, Indy simply nodding in reply.

Marcus was right when he said that Indy knew her; if truth be told, he knew her better than most. Doctor (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n), the only woman to ever leave him; the only woman to have broken his heart. They had known one another since they had both started their studies, years before; and there had always been a rivalry between them. A rivalry, for the most part, that had been a friendly one; but when they had begun to start work for competing museums and institutions, it had become a little more; the two contending for the best artifacts, the same artifacts. Always vying to be the first there, the one to have the bragging rights over the other. And into that mix, there had come something more, a relationship; one that had kept them coming back to one another from wherever they might be in the world. Well, it had, until he had woken up one day, to find the other side of the bed was empty, the bedding, cold; nothing to show that when he had gone to sleep that night, he had had a beautiful, naked woman by his side, except for some wrinkled sheets and a note that had been left on the pillow.

Until that moment, he had thought that his marriage proposal had gone down well; or maybe it was the one......aright, three large drinks he had had to summon up the courage to say something; to finally tell her that he thought they should be man and wife, that had made it seem better than it was. Indy realising, as he looked down at the note, that she hadn't said anything when he had dropped to his knee; that what she had done instead, was distract him by leading him to bed. A diversionary tactic, that had always been guaranteed to work. The young archaeologist not realising how well she had truly known him before he had read her words, her note speaking of him not being ready; that he wasn't one to really be tied down, and that they both would only end up hurting one another if she had said yes. And as much as he had known she was right; it didn't mean that his heart hadn't broken. That he would never truly feel like he had recovered from that moment, and never would. And since then, they had only ever seen each other's wake; what was left if the other had got their first.

"Why don't you come to my office for a drink? I've just got my hands on a rather fine single malt." Marcus added, as he patted Indy on the arm. Indiana simply nodding again, before following his friend out of the classroom.


Indy couldn't help but feel a sense of ease, as he made his way through the busy streets of Cairo, doing his best to dodge the very forceful hawkers. He had found it strange that Sallah hadn't met him at the airport, especially as he had sent a telegram to inform him when he would be arriving; but given the children, he had to presume that perhaps one of them was sick, and Fayah had kept in the house. Indy hoping that she would let him out to help with his latest hunt, once he got to the house. And speaking of the house.......a smile coming to his lips as he looked at the familiar door, before raising his hand to knock.

"Indiana........?!" Sallah, jumping to his feet and looking rather furtive, as Fayah brought Indy up to the rooftop. Indy furrowing his brows, as his old friend looked over to something behind him.


"Henry Walton Jones.......Junior." A familiar voice said. Indy turning on his heels to see the woman that he had not properly lain eyes on in years. The male archaeologist, sure that she had gotten more beautiful since their last night in bed together.

"Fancy meeting you here." She chuckled, as she made her way over to the table, and picked up her bag from the back of one of the chairs. (Y/n) always finding it wonderful, when she left him lost for words.

"Though to be honest, I had a feeling that you might make your way here when there was mention of Amenhotep's scarab. I can only imagine that dear old Marcus would give his right arm to have that in the museum........" She continued, making her way over to Sallah and placing a kiss to his cheek.

"But I am afraid that, once again, just as with the God's eye ruby at Sigiriya, you are late." (Y/n) reaching her hand into her bag, and pulling out a rather ornate, large scarab beetle, that had been buried for the better part of three thousand years.

"The other artifacts are already on their way back to Europe; but I thought I should keep this for just a little longer. Didn't want you to miss out on seeing it, before I left." She chuckled, before placing the object back in the bag.

"Well, as wonderful as this little reunion was, I have a plane to catch." (Y/n) added, before making her way over to Indy and placing a kiss to his cheek.

"Though........if this little meeting was not enough for you; perhaps you might want to find yourself in London in two weeks' time. Suite 327 of the May Fair Hotel. We could talk about the old days, and maybe......about working together, instead of against one another. Yet until then......better luck next time, Indiana Jones." She whispered into his ear, her hand ghosting over his stubbled cheek, before she did what she did best, and disappeared. Though this time, as he watched her go, he found he couldn't help but smile; sure, that the next time they met, his luck really would change. 

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