Jealous - HotD - Daemon x Reader

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He watched, as his twin sister brushed her hand over the head of her dragon, Zūgagon. He had always been jealous of her for being able to call the great grey beast, hers. For as magnificent as Caraxes was, as formidable and mighty, his own dragon; Zūgagon had something that the blood worm didn't, and that.......well, that was dark fire. Fire that unlike any other dragon he had ever heard of, came out as black as night. Not a hint of the bright red, yellow and orange tones that were evident in any fire, let alone dragon's fire, to be seen. Those that did not know of his sister and her mount, unaware of what they faced, until the darkness had already surrounded them, and they could think no more. Yet it was not just the grey beast that had this uniqueness, that had this dark fire; for it was there in his twin too. A dangerous, lethal streak, that he could help but admire; couldn't help but love and find incredibly arousing. And as much as he wished that Zūgagon had been his, he had to admit that the two beings before him, were perfectly suited.

When he had awoken that morning to find that she was not in the bed next to him; he knew where his new wife would be. The place she would always be when someone couldn't find her. The dragon pits as much her home, as anywhere in the Keep.

"Still jealous, brother..........?" (Y/n) suddenly asked. As she continued to gently run her fingers across the scales on her dragon's head. Daemon taken aback for a moment; sure, that he had not made a noise when he had followed her into the dragon's pit. Yet he knew he should have known better. That his twin had always had a way of knowing when he was close. The prince putting it down to the fact that they been together since before they were even born. Yet their brother had once done his best to separate them. Viserys had been the one to organise Daemon's marriage to Rhea Royce, the detestable 'Iron bitch' as he had come to call her. But the rogue prince had always promised that despite everything, he was the only one that would have his twin. He was the only one that deserved to know her; for who better than he to truly appreciate everything about his exquisite twin. And when he had received word, that marriage had been spoken of for (Y/n), he had known that there was only one thing he could do, so that they could finally be together as they always should have been.

"Always......sister.........." He replied, as he moved out of the shadows and made his way over to her. Daemon reaching up his hand, and letting it run down the length of her white hair, until his palm lay comfortably on her backside.

"Yet even though I do not have Zūgagon, at least I have you........" The prince continued, as he slowly moved his hand around to her waist, before placing a soft kiss to her bare shoulder. The princess humming, as he pulled her back to his chest. (Y/n) chuckling, as the grey dragon suddenly raised his head. It obvious that he was not happy about what her brother was doing.

"It seems that you are not the only one that is jealous, Daemon. You are jealous that I have Zūgagon, and Zūgagon is jealous that you have me..........."

"And who says that I am not jealous of him too? Of the hours that you two spend together, when I could have you in our bed. Of the smile that only he seems to be able to bring to your lips, as you fly thorough the air. If I did not know better, I would say that you two were lovers. That he could please you more than I can.........." The younger son of Baelon interrupted, as he turned his gaze to Zūgagon. The pair seeming to share a look, which only caused the princess to laugh.

"And what did I do to deserve such love, such devotion from two of the most wonderful males in the whole world........?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned in her brother's arms. Placing a soft hand on his cheek. The rogue prince able to see in her eyes, the dark fire he loved so much, being illuminated by the torches that hung on the wall. Daemon wanting to take her right there and then, wishing that he had been awake to stop her from escaping their marital bed. That they were there right now, wrapped in each other's arms. Their sweat soaked bodies clinging to one another, as they moved as one; he sheathed inside her, feeling her warmth and the ecstasy that he had experienced the night before.

"By just being you, my dearest sister. By having that dark fire inside you, that could rival Zūgagon's own. How could we not love you.........?" Daemon replied, before pulling her into a kiss. The air around them suddenly turning dark, as the expanse was filled with Zūgagon's flames. Daemon smiling, as he continued to kiss his twin, his wife. The prince not about to let the beast have any more of her time. To share her with him any longer.

"You should not tease him, brother........."

"Then you should not tease me........." Daemon retorted, as he felt (Y/n) brush her hand over his hardening manhood. His reply making her laugh, as he nuzzled into her neck. His own hand reaching up under her skirts; another smile making its way onto his lips, as she let out a lewd moan. It obvious that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. A soft gasp coming from the princess, as her brother suddenly took her up into his arms and carried her from the pits; the prince shouting out that Zūgagon could have her, once he had finished, though that could be some time. (Y/n) just shaking her head, having a feeling that no matter what, the two most important beings in her life, would always be jealous of one another, when it came to her.   

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