The Celt - Gladiator - Commodus x Reader

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A fanfare of trumpets sounded throughout the colosseum.

"People of Rome, thanks to the generosity of his highness Lucius Aurelius Commodus, we are proud to present to you the one and only CELT!" The announcer called out receiving a deafening cheer and thunderous applause from the thousands of Romans who gathered in the arena.

The gates opened to the subterranean labyrinth that lay under the main stage where you had been waiting. The smell of blood and sand filled your senses, as you ascended the ramp putting on your helmet to cover your features. Finally stepping foot into the arena your heart began to pound, the sheer size of the arena was like nothing you'd ever seen before, the heat and noise were overwhelming, but you had no time to concern yourself with such things, you had to concentrate on the kill. No matter how many opponents they sent after you they must all fall by your sword. A little more money and you could buy your freedom, no more blood, no more death.

As you neared the centre of the arena to face the emperor's box, a chant of "CELT! CELT! CELT!" erupted from the masses. You dropped to a knee and prayed to your gods and ancestors that you would survive this fight. Rising to your feet you bowed to the emperor and saluted him.

Apprehensively you swung your gladius through the air loosening the muscles in preparation for what was to come. Another fanfare grabbed your attention as it rang out before the announcer introduced your opponents.

"And to take on the great Celt we present Atticus of Gaul, Severus of Hispania, Ursinus of Germanica, and Philo of Africa." Each man stepped into the arena as they were announced.

You watched the men, sizing up their abilities and weaknesses. The German and the African were large and looked slow, too well built for their own good. It would make them harder to kill but you could use their size against them; the more you made them work to kill you the quicker they would wear themselves out, and it would slow them down.

The Gaul would be quicker, he was taller and more slender than the other two; he seemed to be less experienced than the rest of them, there was a nervousness about him which would make him second guess himself, he would be the first to fall you told yourself.

The Hispanic was calmer than the others, less demonstrative. He was more like you, cool and relaxed despite the riot of noise and colour that surrounded you.

As the men came closer to you, you take note of their positions, and the announcer spoke again.

"The Celt will take on the four challengers to the death, whoever wins will be given their freedom by the emperor himself."

Freedom without having to buy it, this was your opportunity to be rid of this life.

The emperor waved to the crowd as another cheer went around the arena, "CELT! CELT! CELT!" You raised your gladius into the air and turned around slowly saluting the crowd before facing the emperor again.

'WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE SALUTE YOU!' The five of you in the arena spoke in unison.

'Blood for freedom! Blood for freedom! Blood for freedom!' The mantra went around and around in your head.

Then the fight was on, before the Gaul could move you crouched down and swung your leg out taking his legs out from under him causing him to fall backwards; you pounced, quickly thrusting your sword into the large muscles in his legs, causing him to scream out in pain; it didn't matter how agile he was if he couldn't use his legs.

The African rushed you, trying to knock you over, you dodged out of his way bringing your elbow to the back of his head causing him to stumble and fall heavily to the ground face first. Racing over to him you plunged your sword into his skull, you could feel the bone drag against your blade as you removed it, the open wound drenching you in blood; though you had no care, a little more blood and you would be free.

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