Sweet treats - Gotham - Ed x Reader

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Harvey looked up, as the precinct was suddenly filled with the most wonderful of odours. It was warm and sweet, with just the faintest hint of cinnamon that drifted around him and held his senses in a loving hug. The scent meaning only one thing; that Ed hadn't been eating again, and (Y/n), his girl, had come to make sure that he did.

The detective had no idea how the forensic scientist had done it; how Ed had found such a girl, but he had, and it was more than obvious that (Y/n) certainly cared for the riddling man. Harvey and Jim had seen the quite beautiful, though apparently very shy woman, on a number of occasions. The lady making her way into the precinct, always armed with some freshly baked sweet treat when Ed had had to spend some time dealing with a case. The smells alone, that filled the air when she made her way up the stairs, making many of the cops, Harvey and Jim included, hope that the scientist would get caught up in work, so that she would have to come and call. All of them knowing that she would always make far too much for one person to consume; and the rest of the goodies, would finally make their way to them.

"Jim............" Harvey suddenly said, as he saw the very pretty lady make her way up onto the top step.

"Huh..........?" Jim replied, half taking notice of his partner.


"What!?..........Oh.............." Jim continued, finally taking his eyes from his huge pile of paperwork to see the nervous (Y/n) looking around.

"Ed mustn't have been eating..........." The younger detective added with a slight chuckle, as he closed the case file in front of him.

"And you know what they means, don't you.................?" Harvey said, as he got to his feet.

"It means that whatever she has in that basket that she's holding, we will be eating very soon.........." The big Irishman said cheerily, before making his way over to greet their visitor.


"Miss (Y/l/n). Can I help you..........?" A voice came. A blush coming to her cheeks, as (Y/n) turned to look up at the older man.

She had met Detectives Bullock and Gordon before, when she had come in with something for Ed on the other occasions that he had been too concerned with his work, to eat. They had seemed nice enough to her, and been quite pleasant; but all she wanted to do was see Ed. Her shyness always getting the better of her when she was around those that she didn't know too well. Ed, the only one that she felt that she could truly be herself with. Who made it possible for her to come out of her shell.

"Oh, hello Detective Bullock. I was..........I was just hoping that I could go and see Ed. I have something for him." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled back the cloth that covered the baked goods in the basket, just enough so that Harvey could spy the treats. His mouth beginning to water.

"Of course, you know the way, don't you..............?"

"Um......yes, thank you................" (Y/n) replied; giving Harvey an appreciative nod, before quickly scurrying off, in a way that reminded the detective of a startled little mouse, towards the labs.


"I have nearly finished. I am just waiting for this last test............." Ed called out, as he heard the door to the rooms open. Holding up a file and waving it in the air.

"Well, that's good, because that means you will have plenty of time then, to eat." A soft voice came, Ed quickly turning around in his chair, to see his girl smiling at him. The scientist positive that this was a much better sight than the one that he had been expecting. (Y/n) placing the basket down on the bench top, before making her way over to Ed and straddling his lap. Her lips connecting with his, before moving to his cheek and then his ear. The breath catching in his throat, as she wiggled just enough to get more comfortable.

He loved this; he loved every moment he and (Y/n) spent together. He had never experienced this kind of thing before, this kind of love. The only problem was, he still never knew where to put his hands when she did this kind of thing.

To other people, his girl was shy and quiet. The kind of girl that some would say, wouldn't say boo to a goose. But when they were alone, when it was just the two of them, she was just like this. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, her teeth gently nibbling on the lobe of his ear.

"I missed you this morning." (Y/n) cooed, as she finally pulled away. A soft giggle leaving her lips, as she took his awkward hands and placed them on her hips.

"I.........I know........I'm sorry, but I had to get here. I had all that work to go through." Ed explained, as he looked over at all the case files.

"But you still should have eaten something. So, as you didn't, I brought you something." (Y/n) explained with a smile, as she pointed to the basket.

"Now, make sure you eat; and tonight, when you get to my place, I'll have something else warm for you to enjoy." (Y/n) continued with a wiggle of her brows. Placing her lips to Ed's nose, as a pretty pink blush heated his cheeks. The scientist blissfully unaware that his face was now covered in loving lipstick marks. A soft groan coming from deep inside him, as his girl climbed off his lap and made her way back to the door.


"Yes, Ed.............?"

"I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just to one. What am I.................?"

"Oh, Ed...............I love you too. Now, eat, and I will see you tonight........" (Y/n) replied with a broad smile; giving him a wink before the door closed behind her. The scientist getting to his feet and moving over to the basket that she had left. A smile coming to his lips, as he saw what she had made for him. His mind though, wandering to the thought of the sweet treats that she would have in store for him, later that evening. Ed sure that he wouldn't get any work done for the rest of the day. 

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