A new kind of foe - The Witcher - Geralt x Reader

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Geralt geed on Roach; doing his best to ignore Jaskier who was trying to tune his lute. The sound setting the Witcher's teeth on edge, as the bard plucked at the strings. They had been travelling for some time, Geralt able to pick up work here and there from towns and villages that were being plagued by one monster: one beast or another. Yet the reason that he and Jaskier had continued on this particular path, was because he had heard tales; stories that said there was a new monster, a new creature out there that was causing nothing but havoc. Nothing but chaos and devastation. Rumours that the towns and villages of Black Hallow, Squall's End, Moonwell and Ironstow, had been found either completely deserted, or burnt to the ground; the bodies of those that had once called these places, home, discovered piled up in sickening mounds, after this new threat had made its way through.

At first, he had put it down to a Bruxa, or group of the vampires that took on the appearance of beautiful women. That perhaps a woman of fire had been conjured up, or maybe even a Striga. Yet the more stories that he heard; the more that those who claimed that they were survivors of this monsters attacks had come forward, the more that he had begun to rethink his previous assumptions. His mind going to the possibilities that the creature that seemed to unanimously be described as a woman of such beauty that all found themselves lost; all found themselves incapable of defending themselves against her, when she attacked, may be a witch that he had not previously heard of. One like the Crones or perhaps Gernichora; but still there were some things that suggested to him that she was not a witch either. Geralt feeling a need to find her, to see with his own eyes, this new monster. To defeat her, and hope that there were no more of her kind. Yet despite the chaos she left in her wake, the monster had proved frustratingly difficult to locate. But with the news that a village by the name Wolfden appeared to have been the latest victim of the new threat, the Witcher had decided that he should make his way there and discover things for himself. Geralt and Jaskier, after two days ride, finding themselves in a village that by all accounts had previously been quite a busy little place, yet was now little more than tumbled down buildings, and a pile of still smoldering bodies. The scene annoyingly giving the white wolf no more clues to the exact nature of this female; so, all he could do was follow in the direction that she seemed to be headed, and hope that he could get ahead of her. That he could stop her before she could destroy anything else.


"Do you see that..........?" Jaskier suddenly asked. Geralt shaking the thoughts from his mind at the sound of the bard's voice. The Witcher not realising until this moment that the sky had begun to darken.

"See what..........?"

"That......." Jaskier replied; pointing to a bright glow that appeared to come from the near distance. Geralt quickly tightening his hold in the reins and moving Roach into a gallop as the smell of smoke filled his senses. Not hearing the bard's calls for him, as he made his way towards the blaze, in hope that finally he would be able to lay his eye on his new foe.


Geralt couldn't help but cough as the thick, black smoke filled his lungs. Whatever this place had been, probably little more than a collection of a few buildings that were huddled together next to a slowly meandering, shallow river; now it was nothing more than a fire. The sounds of cracking wood and splintering beams the only sound that he could hear. The Witcher drawing his silver sword from its sheath on his back, as he did his best to see through the dense smoke that not only seemed to surround him, but cling to his flesh. The ash that fell from the dark sky, staining his pale hair with black spots.

"I was wondering what I would have to do to get your attention.........Witcher........." A voice called out. Geralt spinning on his heels, as the words were followed by a chuckle. The tone, just like the smoke, surrounding him, making it hard for even he to ascertain from which direction it actually came. The Witcher finding his heart begin to thump violently against the inside of his chest, as the voice came again.

"I have heard much of the infamous Butcher of Blaviken. I must confess that you are not quite what I had expected; though I cannot say that I am disappointed with what I see." A movement out of the corner of his eye, causing Geralt to raise his blade. Yet as a figure moved through the smoke that was making it more and more difficult for him to breath, he found that he could no longer move; his body refusing to do anything that he wanted. His eyes growing wide as a woman of unparallel beauty came to stand before him. Sparks spreading across his skin, as she placed her hand on his cheek.

"What.........what are you.........?" Geralt grunted out, as he tried to bring his sword down upon to; to end this madness before it got a chance to go any further. But despite his best efforts, he was still only able to stand there. His eyes closing as she moved her hand from his stubbled cheek, up into his ear.

"Oh, Geralt. If I were to tell you what I was, you would never believe me; so, all you need to know, is that I am a new kind of foe. A foe like you have never faced before. Though if you have to put something to this face, perhaps I will give you, my name; then, the next time we meet, you can call it out. Would you like that...........would you like to shout out my name...........Geralt......?" The Witcher, despite himself humming in agreement.

"(Y/n)..........." A large lump forming in his throat, as she leaned in and whispered that one word into his ear. His eyes flying open as he felt her hand move from his hair, her lips move away from his ear. A smile pulling at the corners of her mouth, as the sound of his name filled the air.

"Ah, it appears that your friend, Jaskier, has finally caught up; so perhaps I should take my leave. Though do rest assured that you and I will meet again Witcher. And when we do, I very much look forward to hearing my name come from those beautiful lips of yours." (Y/n) said, a soft chuckle leaving her, before she turned around and made her way back into the thick smoke. Geralt's knees suddenly giving way under him and sending him to the floor; his sword falling from his hand and landing next him. The Witcher only able to wonder as he looked up, if he really would see his new foe again; and if he did, what might happen.  

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