Stitches - Peaky Blinders - Tommy x Reader

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"May I suggest......." (Y/n) said, as John grumbled as the last stitch went in.

"If you don't like it; that you boys either avoid putting yourself in situations where you can get shot; or learn to dodge the bullets better." The doctor continued, as she snipped the catgut and reached for the bandages so that she could wrap the wound.

"Was it deep.........?" (Y/n) turning to look at Tommy, as she finished with the binding.

This was not the first time that she had been woken up in the middle of the night by one or more of the Shelby clan, needing to be fixed up after some kind of fight. It had been a shock the first time; she lived some ways out of town, pretty much keeping herself to herself. It quickly becoming obvious when she had moved to Birmingham, that the notion of having a female doctor, was still too much for some people to take; most wealthier people refusing to come and see her, because, in their opinion, it was not a job for a woman; or that she wouldn't be as good as others, because of her gender. Yet that didn't mean that she didn't still have a steady stream of sick people at the door of her little surgery. Her patients normally people that couldn't afford to pay for a doctor in the usual way; her time and services typically reimbursed with anything other than money. A nice fat goose for Christmas; some salmon from the local rivers, boxes of vegetables taken straight from the garden; and even once, a patchwork quilt. So, when there had been a heavy pounding on her door one night, and she had opened it to find a number of very well-dressed men, that were carrying another, who had obviously seen better days, (Y/n) couldn't help but be surprised. The doctor though quickly telling them to come inside, before seeing to the man's wounds. And since then, she had become the go-to doctor for the Shelbys, or any other of the Peaky Blinders, when something had happened. Tommy always making sure that she was paid well for her work, which in turn meant that she could keep taking care of all her other patients.

"Not too deep; but deep enough to leave a scar. He'll be fine. Just keep it dry and clean......" (Y/n) said, as she got to her feet and went over to the basin to wash her hands.

"I would ask what happened; but I know you won't tell me........" The doctor continued, as Tommy came to join her. Arthur moving to John's side, so that he could help him back on with his jacket.

"Its not worth mentioning..........."

"Your brother got grazed by a bullet, so I doubt that, Tommy. But I'm not here to quiz you, just to fix you up.........." (Y/n) countered. Nodding in thanks, as the head of the family firm, passed her the towel.

She had always been intrigued by Thomas. There something about him that she couldn't help but find fascinating. He the one that would always come and pay her for what she had done; and it was on one of those visits, that he had asked about her; about her other patients. Tommy seeming to approve of what she did; how she served her little community. The handsome Shelby, often taking it upon himself to make sure that she had enough supplies. Tommy never listening when she would protest; when she would say that it was not up to him to pay for things she might need. Tommy, in reply, simply pulling a cigarette out from the silver case in his jacket pocket, and then looking at her, until she just gave in. The doctor no longer saying anything, when deliveries turned up on her doorstep; not even to thank him, as he would brush it off as if it were nothing.

"I was thinkin.........." Tommy finally continued, as he looked over at Arthur. His older brother getting the message and signally for John to follow him back out to the car.

"That's dangerous..........." (Y/n) chuckled, as she turned her attention to him. The doctor feeling her heart flutter, as he smiled back at her. A usual reaction whenever Thomas was around.

"I was wonderin if ya would take something else as payment.........."

"Something else? What did you have in mind? I can't really see you turning up on the doorstep with a sac of home grown veg.........."

"I was thinkin more of a date. Dinner, maybe some dancing. We could even go down ta London..........."

"A date........? mean me and you.........?"

"Who else..........?" Tommy's smile actually getting broader, at (Y/n)'s shocked face.

For so long, he had done his best to not think of (Y/n) as anything but the doctor, she was. To keep their interactions on a professional footing. But he knew that he had been fighting a losing battle; she was beautiful, and any time that he came to see her, he couldn't ignore it. That, and when he found out what she did to help people, she had drawn him in more. And now it had got to the point, where he knew that he had to do something about the feelings that he realised that he had for her. He had to show her that he wanted something much more than just a professional relationship.

"Well........." (Y/n) feeling a heat spreading across her cheeks, as he reached up and brushed some of her hair away from her face.

"I think I could accept that kind of payment." She managed to continue. Tommy nodding, before leaning over and placing a kiss to her cheek.

"I'll pick you up Saturday afternoon and take ya down ta London. So don't make any other plans........." He told her, as he headed for the door. (Y/n) simply nodding as he left her stood there. The doctor smiling to herself, more than happy to not make any other plans, and that John had needed stitches.    

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