Dominant - X-Men - Logan x Reader

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For KuroEngel_OG

"Why do ya have to always make things so difficult, (Y/n)." Logan grunted, as he tried to move.

"I don't make anything, difficult at all, Logan; it's not my fault I have this effect on you. I would have thought that if you didn't like it, you would know better by now than to come after me when dear Charles tells you that he needs me. Yet here you still are. I believe that you are just a glutton for punishment. That, or you like to be dominated by a strong woman." (Y/n) chuckled, as she made her way over to him. The big man growling as she lay her hand on his cheek.

Just like Erik Lehnsher, (Y/n) was capable of magnetism manipulation; Charles often sending for her whenever he believed that she may be of use. And each time someone was required to be sent out to bring her back to the school, Logan would volunteer. None of the others having to have the same abilities as the professor, to know that there was a little something more between the large feral and the woman that many believed would one day be as strong as Magneto himself, than Logan was admitting to. And that was why he was once again pinned down to the bed, unable to get his body to fight against the affect that the beautiful female mutant had on his adamantium covered skeleton.

"You know you can let me go.........That I would like to touch you too....."

"And where would be the fun in that? And I will happily let you touch me when I am done with you." (Y/n) taking a seat next to him on the bed. Her hand moving from his cheek to so that she could pop open the buttons on his shirt; causing Logan to let out another growl. But this one was for a very different reason.

From the first time that he had been sent to get the woman that most knew as Polarity, Logan would admit that he had wanted much more than to just to be friends. Well, that was after she had finally released him after sending him up through the air to find himself stuck up against the outside of a water tower as she floated up in front of him; it obvious that Charles had not informed her, that someone was to come and get her. It also obvious that she didn't take kindly to unknown mutants coming to call. And it also became clear quite quickly that she very much liked to be in control, in more ways than one.

"You know, there is very little more arousing that being able to control a man like you......." She continued, as she pulled apart his shirt and let her fingers caress the taut muscles that had been hidden by the dark material.

"Being able to make him do whatever I want.........."

"(Y/n).........." Logan groaning, as her fingers moved down from his chest to his stomach and then down to the large bulge that pushed at the inside of his jeans. The feral wanting so much to rub himself against her palm. To feel the friction that he so desperately desired; to grab her and flip her over onto the mattress, so that he could have his wicked way with her. So that he could bring to life all the things that he had been wanting to do to her, since the last time that they had seen one another; yet he was at her mercy.....always at her mercy.

"Patience, my handsome Wolverine. Patience.........I don't want this to be over with too quickly. We have all night; and before you get to do what you want to do; I get to tease.........." (Y/n) told him, as she got up from the bed. The magnetism manipulator allowing him to move his head, so that he could see what she was doing now. Logan, despite himself, despite still wanting to fight against her control, choosing to lay back and enjoy the show as she began to remove her clothes. The button on his jeans popping open of its own accord, before the zip moved down by her invisible force. A smile making its way onto (Y/n)'s lips, as she climbed on top of him. The feral moaning, as her bare breasts pushed up against his naked torso and her lips found his neck.

"You will be the death of me, woman............."

"Always so dramatic, Logan. Your death is the last thing that I wish for; I want to keep you very much alive. No one else would be this much fun to tease. And no one else could satisfy me, the way that you can........." She whispered, biting at the lobe of his ear, before her kisses trailed down from his neck, over his chest and to the stomach. Logan taking a sharp breath, as her hand moved inside his pants.

"See, I knew you liked it. Why do you keep pretending that you don't. Why do you protest when you know you love what I can do to you." (Y/n) continued, as she moved her hand. Chuckling to herself as her big feral whined at losing her touch, before she grabbed the waist band of his pants and pulled them down.

"Now, be a good feral, and lay back and enjoy. And when I get you to the point that you are begging me to let you cum, I will release you, and let you do exactly what it is you want to do to me.........." (Y/n) added. Logan taking a deep breath, as she moved from his line of sight, and he felt her warm, wet mouth take him in. A low throaty growl coming from deep inside of him, as he felt the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat, over and over again. The big mutant doing as he was told and just lying back and enjoying. Logan having to admit that just occasionally, not being the most dominant in the room, could be more than a little fun.    

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