Dance - Peaky Blinders - Tommy x Reader

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He had been watching her all night; it not that he didn't trust her, it that he didn't trust anyone else. Not even his brothers, when it came to her. She had been sat with Polly, Ada and Esme the whole evening; the four women laughing, joking and singing as they enjoyed the party in London. Her eyes occasionally catching his, as he sat with his brothers, Michael and Isaiah. Tommy giving her a subtle wink when he found her staring. A wink that sent with it all the feelings and emotions that he had for her; feelings and emotions that sometimes he still felt that he was not good enough at voicing. Though he was always sure to express them in other ways, when they were alone.

Even from a distance, she was beautiful, breathtaking. Tommy sure that she was glowing; sure, that she emitted her own form of brilliance. The head of the family firm well aware that more than once he had thought of her as the only light in his otherwise dark life. The only joy. The calm in the maelstrom that was not only his life, but also his mind. Tommy hating to think how he might be, if she were not with him, if she were not by his side.

If he were to tell people of how they had met, some may say that it was sheer luck; other, that perhaps God had been looking down on the devil that day and sent him one of his angels to watch over him. But he knew that there was a different tale, that he had in fact been waiting for her for years; since before the war had begun, in fact. An old gypsy woman having looked at his palm and told him that there would be a woman. A woman that would save him; not only from himself, but others, as well. Tommy recalling how, during the war, he would often sit and look at his palm; his fingers slowly tracing every line, wondering if what the old woman's predictions were true, or she had just been rambling. The half empty bottle of gin by her side, suggesting that it may have been the latter; yet the notion of meeting the woman that would save him from himself, had got him through the war. It had meant that he had returned to Small Heath, relatively unscathed; if one did not take into account the demons that lived in his mind, like they did every other man that had lived though that hell. It only making things worse though, when he had begun to give up hope; when he had finally begun to believe that it had all been nothing more than foolishness. But then, when he was about end everything; there she had been, the woman that could save him from himself. And so, she had; Tommy never feeling more at peace than he did now. Things, the way forward, never making more sense than now she was by his side.

"Do ya think that this one stands a chance?" Isaiah chuckled, as he watched a group of men muttering to one another, as they looked at the group of women. One of them straightening himself, before making his way over to the table. This not the first man that evening that had tried his luck and hoped for a dance with one of the female members of the family.

"Which one d'ya think it'll be?" Isiash continued. The other men around the table quickly taking bets, as the man got closer to the women.

"Tommy?" Johnny asked, as he looked at his older brother. Tommy reaching into his waistcoat pocket and pulling out a few coins before throwing them on the table with the others.

"He's goin ta ask (Y/n)." Tommy simply said, as he took a cigarette from the silver case on the table and lit it. The whole table, apart from the former sergeant major, keeping their eyes on the man. Tommy not needing to, for he had seen that look in the bloke's eyes before. He would see it whenever he and (Y/n) would make their way down the street, whenever she was on his arm at a party. It was the same look that he knew that he would get, whenever he looked down at her, as his body lay between her legs; he sheathing himself slowly inside her, as her fingernails dug into the muscles of his back.


"Fucker........." The others complaining, as the man began to talk to (Y/n), before holding out his hand in hopes that she would take it. Tommy not blind to the daggers that the other woman sent the intruder, as he dared to speak to one of their own; but he knew they didn't need to be concerned for (Y/n). He knew that there was only man for her. Only one man that she would ever agree to dance with. The rest of the table laughing, as they watched Tommy's girl send the man scurrying back to his friends, in a way that only (Y/n) could.

"What ya doin?" Arthur asked, as Tommy butted out his cigarette and then got to his feet.

"I'm gonna show these blokes what it takes ta get a woman ta dance with ya." Tommy replied. Arthur just chuckling at his brother, as he made his way to the table. The oldest Shelby nudging John who in turn got the others to watch, as Tommy made his way over to the girls; the room seeming to go silent, as all the other partygoers set their eyes on Tommy. (Y/n) looking up, as she saw a familiar shadow loom over her; doing her best not to smile, as she saw the glint in his eyes. Her heart beating faster, as he bent over so that he could whisper into her ear.

"I hope ya saved this dance for me; cos after this, I'm takin ya back ta tha hotel." Tommy told her, before he stood up and held out his hand. (Y/n) slowly slipping her palm into his, before he helped her to her feet. A smile, a real smile making its way onto Tommy's face, as he walked past all the other men, with his girl on his arm. Happy in the knowledge that the only one that would ever get to dance with her, would be him.  

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