OUT! - Avengers - Tony x Reader

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Thank you to KuroEngel_OG for her dream inspiration

Tony groaned as (Y/n)'s lips kissed his neck, and her hand made its way under his shirt so her fingertips could graze over his stomach. They had been trying to get some alone time together for some time now, to, well, get down and dirty; but whenever they seemed to so much as look at one another, with a suggestive wink, someone would either come along and need something done, or some bad guy would decide that it was the perfect time to destroy something, or want to take over the world. Tony and (Y/n) having to put their plans on the back burner once again, so that they could help the others fix everything. But now, after weeks of the universe seeming to be against them, it was getting to the point that neither of them cared if any of the others came along and caught them both in the middle of them doing it.


"No, no talk, Stark. Just do. If you don't make love to me, right here, right now, I think that I am going to lose my mind........." She interrupted, before grabbing hold of the collar of his shirt and pulling him to her, so that she could crash her lips into his. Tony placing his hands on her backside and lifting her up, then leaning her back against one of the cars in the garage.

Okay, the garage wasn't exactly the most romantic place that they had ever been intimate. But desperation to feel one another, to touch one another; to immerse themselves in one another, had pushed them to this. Lust, need and pure want overriding their usual tender, loving nights together; nights that had frustratingly been denied to them.

They both knew that the rest of the team weren't doing it on purpose; that they didn't have some kind of twisted plan to keep the pair apart........well, they hoped they didn't. But as soon as they moved to one another, someone would bang on the door, or just come straight into the room. Bruce making his way into Tony's workshop, as soon as the billionaire had just placed his hand on (Y/n)'s knee, calling him away to deal with something that absolutely could only be dealt with by Tony. And even when he and (Y/n) had thought they were safe in the bedroom; Tony just having pulled her shirt over her head, Steve had come banging on the door, telling them both that Fury had just called an emergency meeting. (Y/n) quickly dressing again, as a long string of expletives, and a few threats to the wellbeing of both Fury and Steve, left Tony's lips.

"Oh, god, sweetheart.......I need you........." Tony growled, as he ground himself into her core. The billionaire moaning loudly, as (Y/n) dug her nails into the muscles of his back. Her head dropping back onto the car behind her, so that her lover could let his lips explore her throat and her chest. Her legs tightening around his waist, as he pushed her a little more against the car.

This had never been the plan for either of them when (Y/n) had first join the team. She had been more than aware of the billionaire's reputation with women before she had even moved into the compound; and even though she did enjoy the banter they shared. Even though they both took the sarcastic comments and remarks they made to and against one another, as some kind of game, (Y/n) had never planned on being another notch on Tony's bedpost. But when they had both been hurt in a mission, he more seriously than her; (Y/n) had realised that she had developed real feelings for the billionaire. Feelings that had kept her at his bedside, holding his hand until he had woken to find her there. Tony telling her, when he had finally been able to sit up and talk, that those feeling were not one sided; that the only thing that he had been able to think about was her, when he had heard that she was injured. Tony telling her that it wasn't just some one-night thing he wanted; that he wanted to do things right, to prove himself worthy of her. The relationship growing and blossoming with every passing day until not only the team, but the whole world knew that Iron Man was no longer on the market.

"I need you too Tony........" A gasp leaving her lips, as she felt his hand move between their bodies; as his calloused finger from years of working on his suits, pushed underneath her underwear, and then inside her. Both of them groaning loudly, as her arousal covered his hand.

"He has to be down here, we've looked everywhere else........" A voice suddenly came. Tony and (Y/n) stopping as they heard the familiar tone of Clint.

"That doesn't mean anything. This is Stark we are talking about. He could be anywhere doing anything." Another voice replied. The pair that were still in their intimate position, looking at one another as they recognised Sam's voice. The intruder's footsteps getting louder, until they stopped altogether; Clint and Sam staring, wide eyed as they finally saw the couple. (Y/n)'s body still pushed up against a car, with her legs wrapped around Tony's waist. Neither of them caring at that moment, what anyone thought.

"That's it!" Tony exclaimed as he glared at the stunned pair.

"OUT! OUT! OUT!..............In fact............." Tony shouted, as he pulled (Y/n) even closer to him.


"Yes boss...........?"

"I want everyone out of the compound. I don't care what you have to do, just get them all out and lock us down until I tell you." Tony informed the AI. The emergency evacuation alarm suddenly sounding out through the building.

"Well............? OUT!........." Tony told Clint and Sam again. The two looking at one another before quickly making their way out of the garage. Tony and (Y/n) able to hear the running footsteps and muffled voices of everyone else, as they made their way outside.

"We're locked down............" F.R.I.D.A.Y announced. Tony smiling as he tightened his grip under (Y/n)'s backside and carried her out of the garage.

"Now, we are going to do it right, and do it all night, sweetheart........" The billionaire chuckled, as he made his way to their room. The others looking up at the buildings and between one another as Clint and Sam explained what they had stumbled across. All of them having a feeling that they were going to locked out, for some time to come. 

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